Coaching Staff 12/27 PM Update: Rumph, others

Stefan Adams
1 min read
Earlier today, the expectation was that Mike Rumph would not be retained. I was told by at least one player and a staffer that Rumph had informed his players he did not expect to be back next season.

As of tonight, though, I’m told there has been a reversal of course and that same staffer is saying that the expectation is that Rumph will now be kept.

On other coaches, I’m hearing the rest of the defense is safe. The discussion is ongoing for the offense though, and the names that are being discussed on the chopping block are Butch Barry and Taylor Stubblefield. Some in the program feel the pair is likely gone, but I’ve heard nothing strong enough to say for sure.

Comments (485)

Next staff will have 1-2 CB on the entire roster by the time we get rid of Rumph.

Barry and Stubbs should’ve already been gone regardless of what the next OC has to say. Both are awful recruiters and neither are a good enough coach to make a case to stay.