CB Michael Jackson leaning towards entering the draft

CB Michael Jackson leaning towards entering the draft

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (267)

I have seen it posted him and the coaches have issues. Maybe that is what is pushing him.
Bull$h1t. 100% crap.

So in a Facebook group this has been posted by someone I trust in what they say. So until you have something more than saying byllschit kindly go ***** yourself.

Rumor has it him Banda and Diaz dont see eye to eye. Maybe thats why hes leaving

You are incorrect. If you can't handle people correcting you misinformation without turning into a butt-hurt little faqquit, then don't post information you get 57th hand.
Your Facebook group sucks--Category 6 or whatever it is, has gone full ******. MJ has done everything asked of him by his coaches and had a very good seasons. The nonsense about Banda and Diaz couldn't be more incorrect either. Banda doesn't even coach MJ's position moron, that's Rumph. So again, your information is putrid.
I'll agree that a lot of our fans tend to way overvalue our players' abilities when it comes to the draft. Some of these dues think every guy with a U on the side of his helmet is a lock for the first three rounds and then come draft day, they're all crying about how so and so got ignored. The only early entry on this roster I can 100% get behind is Walton. Everybody else stands to improve their stock. Maybe, some of these guys will actually listen to the advisory board when they tell them "you're a day three pick at best" and they stay in school.
Another thing about our fans is that we are the only fanbase who thinks our players have maxed out as underclassmen when they are actually not. I cant tell you how many times on this board I have heard "He should go. He wont help himself by staying. He is pretty much maxed out. It will only hurt his stock by sticking around another year"...

It was said about Streeter (because he had graduated), Forston, Yearby, Kaaya and is now being said about Jaquan, Norton, McIntosh and now MJ..Do fans just have zero faith in our coaching staff to make these kids that much better if they stay around another year? People talk about "Players from Bama and LSU and OSU leave early all the time" but I cant remember the last time a Bama or OSU player left early just to be a 2nd round pick. Thats how UM use to be and I hope we get back to that.
Lol at people saying he will be a first rounder if he comes back. If he declares, he is a late round guy. If he comes back, maybe play his way into the middle rounds.

And I’m a Jackson fan.

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I am interested to know your thoughts behind you thinking MJ has completely maxed out or that he can't drastically improve his draft stock by staying another year..

I said neither of the two. I said (i) no way is he a 1st rounder if he comes back, (ii) he is a late round guy this year, and (iii) he can play his way up to the middle rounds next year (indicating, contrary to what you said I said, that I do think he can drastically improve his draft status next year; to me, jumping from 6th/7th to 3-5 is a big improvement). From what I read in the Barry Jackson thread, I don't think this is too far off.


I may have literally been the first person to recognize MJ's improved play and credit him. See the linked thread. I think Jackson had a solid year, and as I said in the linked thread from 10/29/17, he did a nice job in man coverage and locating the ball downfield - but it's not like he had to guard Julio Jones this year.

He has good measurables. He was one of our better CBs in run support, but that is a tallest midget in the room situation. He could improve on his ability to shed blocks with another year here, getting stronger and learning more technique.

He didnt start over Delaney until the 4th game. I need to see another year of production at this level before I take a chance on him as anything but a late round pick this year.

You said if he comes back he will play his way into the mid rounds. So he would go from late rounds to mid rounds. Thats not much improvement considering he is a 6'1 200lb cornerback with long arms, ball skills and good speed. Sorry I didnt quote you exactly but dont make it seem like you are expecting this quantum leap from him either.

You are basically saying you dont see him as a top 3 round pick and my point in all this is that he can definitely play his way into those rounds easily with another year of development and film work. And to boot he will be a known player with tons of hype coming into next year. We all know how far hype can take you. (Derwin James)

I think he is about 6’2”, 205, which is ideal size. I saw 4.4 in a heard article or something. even if that is correct, I don’t think he plays that fast. But, just from the eye ball test, he just doesn’t have that smooth, flip the hips look that the top CBs do.

A quick look at the 2017 draft shows 10 CBs taken in first 2 rounds. Can MJ be a top 10 CB in the nation? I suppose. But if his production mirrored this years, I still think he is a mid round guy. And with only 1 year or real film/PT, I think he is a late round guy this year.

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Lol at people saying he will be a first rounder if he comes back. If he declares, he is a late round guy. If he comes back, maybe play his way into the middle rounds.

And I’m a Jackson fan.

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I am interested to know your thoughts behind you thinking MJ has completely maxed out or that he can't drastically improve his draft stock by staying another year..

I said neither of the two. I said (i) no way is he a 1st rounder if he comes back, (ii) he is a late round guy this year, and (iii) he can play his way up to the middle rounds next year (indicating, contrary to what you said I said, that I do think he can drastically improve his draft status next year; to me, jumping from 6th/7th to 3-5 is a big improvement). From what I read in the Barry Jackson thread, I don't think this is too far off.


I may have literally been the first person to recognize MJ's improved play and credit him. See the linked thread. I think Jackson had a solid year, and as I said in the linked thread from 10/29/17, he did a nice job in man coverage and locating the ball downfield - but it's not like he had to guard Julio Jones this year.

He has good measurables. He was one of our better CBs in run support, but that is a tallest midget in the room situation. He could improve on his ability to shed blocks with another year here, getting stronger and learning more technique.

He didnt start over Delaney until the 4th game. I need to see another year of production at this level before I take a chance on him as anything but a late round pick this year.

You said if he comes back he will play his way into the mid rounds. So he would go from late rounds to mid rounds. Thats not much improvement considering he is a 6'1 200lb cornerback with long arms, ball skills and good speed. Sorry I didnt quote you exactly but dont make it seem like you are expecting this quantum leap from him either.

You are basically saying you dont see him as a top 3 round pick and my point in all this is that he can definitely play his way into those rounds easily with another year of development and film work. And to boot he will be a known player with tons of hype coming into next year. We all know how far hype can take you. (Derwin James)

I think he is about 6’2”, 205, which is ideal size. I saw 4.4 in a heard article or something. even if that is correct, I don’t think he plays that fast. But, just from the eye ball test, he just doesn’t have that smooth, flip the hips look that the top CBs do.

A quick look at the 2017 draft shows 10 CBs taken in first 2 rounds. Can MJ be a top 10 CB in the nation? I suppose. But if his production mirrored this years, I still think he is a mid round guy. And with only 1 year or real film/PT, I think he is a late round guy this year.

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I’d be curious to see his shuttle time. When he made noticeable plays it was usually down field, where his straight line speed would be helpful. I’d wager his shuttle is below other top CB prospects.

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They're putting dummy juice in the water in Coral Gables. That NFL-U **** is a double-edged sword, and I think we need to get away from that sort of branding.

These dopes are in a hurry to leave to get drafted in the 6th round. Hopefully, some of these dummies are open-minded enough to at least listen to Rick and the NFL draft advisory committee.

I said the same thing regarding NFLU. Tough to build a consistent contender when even your decent guys are looking to bolt early. It makes recruiting even more important also. You can't miss a year on a position the way guys high tail it out of Coral Gables. Right now, we're bemoaning our sophomore linebackers because for the most part none took the next step, yet imo we aren't recruiting the numbers that we need to be recruiting. Watch what happens next year. We're going to have people saying there's no way so and so should leave early while he revs the engine blazing out of town.

Look first at the DT position. We can replace a guy like Mike Jackson. But the DTs are always at their best in their 4th year in the program.

We have 2 guys poised to be absolute beasts after they had decent junior years. Instead of coming back and winning a NC and being first round picks, they are going to bolt for the NFL for shorter money. That DL position, if you can't keep veterans, will cripple you.

You'd think that facing off with an elite team like Clemson and getting your teeth kicked in, like all of our underclass draft-eligible players did (Norton, McIntosh, etc.) would be a "Come to Jesus" moment. Nope. Not here. These dudes got overwhelmed in that game and got worked and pushed around.

Look at Wilkins from Clemson and then look at McIntosh and Norton. Wilkins is an immediate impact high-pick NFL guy. He jumped off the screen at you in that game. Our guys faded into the woodwork.

So true. **** what's even more concerning is apparently our DT's were talking about leaving early before the season. Stuff like that has to stop.
I'm not sure if we have dumber players than anybody in the country or dumber fans after reading this thread
I have seen it posted him and the coaches have issues. Maybe that is what is pushing him.
Bull$h1t. 100% crap.

So in a Facebook group this has been posted by someone I trust in what they say. So until you have something more than saying byllschit kindly go ***** yourself.

Rumor has it him Banda and Diaz dont see eye to eye. Maybe thats why hes leaving

You are incorrect. If you can't handle people correcting you misinformation without turning into a butt-hurt little faqquit, then don't post information you get 57th hand.
Your Facebook group sucks--Category 6 or whatever it is, has gone full ******. MJ has done everything asked of him by his coaches and had a very good seasons. The nonsense about Banda and Diaz couldn't be more incorrect either. Banda doesn't even coach MJ's position moron, that's Rumph. So again, your information is putrid.

Cat 6 is full of idiots such as yourself. This is a private group and just because you aren't someones position coach doesn't mean you can't have an issue with a player. Again this person has been correct on 85+% of his info so again I'll take his over whatever you think you may know.
You guys are sleeping on this one. His stock isn't getting any higher as he likely is a mid round pick. We have studs coming in too. He can gamble on improving his draft status, but then he has to compete against against high four star freshman. This is the right decision. He wasn't a 5 star and would need an extraordinary season to jump into the first round. It's more likely he drops.

It sucks for Miami, but I can't knock the kid. I don't make decisions based on what's best for the company I'm employed at the time. I make decisions that are best for me. Good luck MJ!!!
Not to be a **** but that first part just doesn’t compute.

I don’t care what he does either way, it’s his decision. But to talk about leaving for the NFL and making a roster is a better decision than competing for playing time with a bunch of high school kids makes no sense.

He can’t beat out incoming freshmen but he should go try and make an NFL roster?

Thats because none of the people arguing for any of these kids leaving early has a leg to stand on. Mind you, they arent defending the decision of all americans, or even all conference players. Not even kids in the top 10 in their position group. But since none of them watch a snap of football beside miami they think they are awesome, and that despite multiple sources saying they are no better than a mid round pick, the posters are smarter.
Rosenhaus needs to die in a gaAy nightclub fire.
Him leaving early is almost as funny as Jaquan leaving early.
The people mentioning Rosenhaus, is he even representing any player we have that left early to flop and not even make a roster? I have not kept up with who he represents but the guy has to have a lot of money and no time for these kind of guys. He probably doesn't even know they exist.
Apparently (from his mom) he only asked for a draft grade. That doesn't sound like leaning to me
How fast is Mike? Didn't he run in the 4.3s during our testing? If he's a sub 4.4 guy he'll shoot up some boards. But its still a huge gamble.

I’d be surprised...shocked, really - if Michael Jackson was a combine sub-4.60.

He's one of the fastest guys on the team. In the 4.45-4.49 range at the worst
4.45-4.49? At the combine? Semi-automatic? I don’t think so, but if he is, he is. No stake in being right/wrong.
For the guys ****ting on Norton and McIntosh about the Clemson game...I dunno....Clemson could not run the ball at all and those 2 were responsible for it. They might not have caused havoc in the pass rush but Clemson could not MOVE them.

The AFC Executive is from the Phins and no one alive should take any stock into what he says..