"You're a Miami fan... did you go to Miami?"

I was raised in three homes all within crowd noise of the Orange Bowl. I saw my first game in 1948 as a boy and have seen most games since the early sixties until I left the SF area in 1998. I actually went to Fl for two years and finished my education well into my adult years. Not a UM graduate but have sent them plenty of money. I actually wish I had attended the U but it never worked out financially. My family would tell you that if there is a more devoted fan then me they would like to meet him or her.
When I went to the FSU game in Tally this year, people kept using the "you don't even go there" line on me.... The only issue is that I am actually a student and they had no basis on their statement. It's just their way to try and make our fanbase appear to be comprised of a bunch of losers but that really isn't the case. As a student, I love whenever I can talk to fellow canes fans regardless of whether or not they are students. Especially considering UM is a private school and not many people can afford to go there.
Born and raised in Miami. Raised in a low middle-class household; UM was too expensive to attend. FIU it was.
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Cane fan my whole life went to Fire academy and paramedic school then FAU for nursing
I always gotta laugh.

I am from way up north and I run into people and I am usually rocking something U. They will ask "did you go to Miami?"

I say "yeah ************, I just had to get out of South Beach and move up to the ******* snowbelt"

The **** outta here.
been blessed with some scholarship and went to UM undergrad

now at UM grad school.
I went to USF and graduated in 2010. Born and raised in Lauderdale and my father took me to my first Canes game at the OB when I was 2 years old. My Pops moved from Chicago to Miami and was down there during the race riots. Its in my blood to be a Canes fan and you could find me at the USF home games in the student section in straight orange when Miami comes into town. My fam couldn't really afford to send me to a private school and my grades weren't the greatest either.
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I'm from Miami and I graduated from UM in 2012. I've never heard this argument between Canes fans. Just because you didn't go to the school doesn't mean that you aren't a fan. I like the Dolphins but I never played for them.

The whole Shalala ruining the football program is ignorant and just plain lazy. She has heightened the profile of the university and pretty soon its going to be a top 30 academic school in the country.
Went to FAU.

When I get asked that question I just reply that I've been a huge Canes fan since I was 6 years old. Then I ask them if not being old enough to attend UM (or any college for that matter) between the ages of 6-18 should have disqualified me from being able to choose a favorite CFB team to root for during that time.

Usually they reply 'No" to which I then reply:

"So you just expect me to just abruptly stop rooting for the team that I've been following fanatically since I was 6 years old and instead start rooting harder for FAU's piece of crap football team (who I do follow and root for, just not with anywhere near the passion I do for UM), instead?"

I then ask, "So, you just expect me to throw away almost 30 years of loyally following my favorite CFB team, close to 30 years of countless memories, because FAU finally got their **** together and started up a football program 2 years after I graduated? ....Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?"

After I respond in this manner and the person asking me actually sits there and thinks about it like this they usually back off..
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I never went to school at Miami of Florida, but of Ohio for awhile. I don't understand why people act like this. All the OSU fans didn't attend Ohio State but people don't ask them if they attended there. I actually graduated from ohio universitty.
Never went to UM but visited the campus when I played football and was recruited by them in the late 90's while playing HS ball in Cali before I completely broke my rib cage before my Jr year had ended. However, waaaaaay before then, I was a Cane fan, like a true fanatic. Miami was the very first college football team I ever watched in 1986. I was hooked on them and my passion for them rivals any UM alums. I've engulfed myself in their culture and history and I passionately follow both the football and baseball program. I respect UM alums, and anyone who's ever attended UM as a grad and undergrad student; but, to turn their nose up to those who are fans of the program even though they never attended the school is utterly irresponsible. Most college fan bases never attended the school they root for; they either live in the neighborhood, or like me, became a fan b/c they were the first school they saw; so that argument or point is moot.
@ angry Ibis I tailgate w/non alums I see the eye rolls and headshakes w/get from gameday staff or being told to "quiet dwn" on 3rd dwn by a random elder alum. It's gotten dumb. Baseball games have a sterile atmosphere too.

I can only speak fo myself, but I prefer spending my time with a certain group of people for games.

During the season, I asked about a watch location in Orlando --- with the underlying question being -- who will I find there? --- more old pain in the *** white hairs that know the answer to every trivia question about the school or more camo wearing tatted up ********. I was told a mix of both, but I prefer the latter.

As an alum, I want the school to improve and the team to excel. I was not always a Hurricane fan, but I always respected Miami. When I went there, the choice was clear and the line was drawn. That being said, I am more likely to be the one getting the looks with you at the tailgate than giving them to someone else.

To the question at hand --- Was at an FSU/UM game at the OB, when I was literally in the middle of this bull**** debate.

FSU fan behind me starts busting the Miami fan in front of me with the "you don't even know where the business school is" "where on campus is this, where on campus is that"

Miami fans turns around and explains that each grew up in central Florida and had 3 choices of in state teams to root for, and growing up they liked Miami, and had been big fans ever since. When it came time to go to college each had choices to make --- for one Miami, being a private school, was too expensive for him at the time, so he chose to go elsewhere because it made more economical sense; for the other one, he said he really wanted to go to Miami, but Miami did not have his major at the time, so he too went elsewhere.

FSU fans were stunned. It was like a teacher teaching a little child. A mindless little child.

And then Miami won.
I was born in Miami and my father took me to the OB for Canes and Dolphins football all the way back into the 70's. He was a season ticket holder for both and for baseball over at Mark Light. We ended up moving to Tallahassee where I went to High School and some college before I said **** that and moved back to Miami. I've been to two NC games on my own, and get to see them when they come up here to play Duke and North Carolina. I almost got arrested at the first wide right, I was sitting in the FSU booster section front row right behind the bench and the cop told me if I didn't shut up he'd throw me in jail. Both my brother and my sister graduated from Free Seafood University. My father asks me all the time why I didn't switch.. because **** that. I didn't attend the U, but it's all I've known.
I was born in Coral Gables. Was a Miami fan from young age, although there was not much to be excited about. Still, I was in the OB for the gator flop. Later, I went to THE U for Law school but not undergrad. Remained Cane fan throughout. I have kids who went to Ufelon and even OSU, but were, are and remain Cane fans. So I am not sure what makes a Cane fan. I think you are a full fledged Cane fan when you smile and nod you head when you hear "THE U" on Sunday or "It's a Cane thing and you wouldn't understand." Oh, and you must hate the gator.

One more thing, you do not HAVE to believe that Donna has destroyed the football program to be a Cane fan. BUT she has and that is a simple fact. She sucks and must go and be replaced by someone not like her or Foote, who sucked too. Before the Donna supporters jump on me, please explain how the almost solitary and best piece of evidence the ncca had was a picture of her holding the check? The one piece of undeniable evidence was her greedy smile on film. Still, you can like her and defend her without losing your status as a Cane fan. I mean, it is not like she is a gator.

So you ask that someone explain about the check, yet you've brought it up multiple times in the past, and I've responded to that stupid allegation at least twice, at which point you didn't even bother to try refuting it. That picture is not evidence of anything other than a university president being surprised by, and accepting a check from, a donor at a fundraising event. If that's damning evidence, every university president in the nation is guilty.
Just what we need a thread dividing a small fan base. Who cares.

This type of post pops up every now and then. I'm from Copperas Cove, Texas. My senior year of high school i got a letter from Miami saying they would like for me to apply and it was a surprise to me that I got accepted. I was only able to stay for the 96-97 school year because of money and had to transfer to a school back in Texas. So, to everyone who was born in Miami/Coral Gables, and graduated from UM, do i qualify as a fan, or am i kicked out of the club?
TLDR version...

If you went to a small expensive private school you're a better fan, if not give us money.
If it's a douche that doesn't seem like a real fan of their team (I do this every time in the case of a woman saying it)…I just ask them to name the starting defense of the team they love so much. 9/10 they can't do it. Game over.