Yahoo Federal documents detailing potential ncaa-violations involving high profile players/schools

Let’s all rest at ease knowing the fbi is spending our money chasing down an agent making bad loans to adults instead of following up on someone who is threatening to shoot up a school
Can’t help but to feel nothing is going to come of this for any of the “good ole boy” type of institutions
Is any of this stuff actually illegal, or just an NCAA violation? If it's not illegal, no agent is going to stop. The NCAA can't punish them.

Wire fraud, tax evasion, etc.

Coach K is headed to Federal Pound Me In The *** Prison. (One can dream that glorious dream).
Can’t help but to feel nothing is going to come of this for any of the “good ole boy” type of institutions

That’s BC unless the school traded funds w the agent, it’s a player issue. Maybe boosters, buy one or two guys over a decade is nothing.

"Coach Miller, we're here to ask you about the wiretaps"
Its a shame that people like this keep running rampant and tarnish the industry for people that do it the right way. I would never consider offering money to a potential client or try to recruit a kid that is expecting a hand out. Having a moral high ground might prevent me from having success in this industry, I don't know yet. But I think it can speak volumes to the player who wants quick cash from a slimy agent that's never played the game and sees them as a dollar sign vs. someone that fought in the trenches with them and can appreciate the work that they put in to get to where they are now.
Don't ever lose that integrity even if it makes it tough to compete with the scumbags. Take the long view. Always.
Is any of this stuff actually illegal, or just an NCAA violation? If it's not illegal, no agent is going to stop. The NCAA can't punish them.
Correct. The authorities didn't get involved because of any NCAA violations. They don't give a fck about that.

They got involved because there were actual laws being broken that had nothing to do with the NCAA bylaws. It just spilled over and now makes it easier for the NCAA to piggyback on their investigation.
Are you one of the Dook fans that posts here?[/QUOTE

I'm a fan of excellence in the classroom and on the court/field, so yes I'd have to say I am a fan. This is about as close to perfection as it gets. BTW, I see snippets of people using the Coach K "Brotherhood" terminology. It don't matter, just don't bite it.
I’d rather fail knowing I did it the right way than do well pulling the same tactics some of these agents are doing. It takes just a second for your whole reputation to be tarnished.

As Buffet says, "it takes twenty years to build a reputation and 20 seconds to destroy it." If you do things the right way you may lose out on a guy here and there but over the long run you'll be known as the guy who can be trusted and that will end up grossing you more cash than the guys you would have sold out for.
He'll be cutting down those glorious nets either this year or next so....STFU and eat **** pal

Nothing worse than a Dooktard.

As for Corch Ratface, as long as it all ends in shame and scandal then I'm cool. Whatever happens in the interim is just more to be tarnished.
The interesting part is going to be if this spills over into football. At the very least, you have to think that the $EC is nervous.