write off Mark Antony Richards

"raved about the Gators after his visit there, noting that coach Dan Mullen”knows how to win."
A sharp jab at somebody for sure. Hard and too the point. I also personally believe now he will not come here.
How is anything Mullen did this year better than Richt's first two years? Explosive offense? They beat LSU, i'll give them that. There is not one more good win in that schedule.
he already said hes going to go where his favorite player went, his brother is his favorite player so.. hes probably going to somewhere else then who has a competent oc
Thanks for the education on how college football eligibility works.

Have you ever seen Miami without elite RBs? I have not.

2020 recruiting we have a great shot at 2 elite RBs Don Chaney and Henry Parrish
2021 recruiting we have a commit from Thad Franklin who is a stud

I think we can survive over the next 2 seasons with Lo Cam and DJ.

Opinion is that McIntosh is overrated and Richards is ok at RB. If I had a choice in 2019 I would want DJ Williams.
I agree with you. I find it laughable that we have a kid we want and will lose him to App St.
The kid is not coming to miami I'm sure his hole family got a bad taste in there mouth about us. If AR would of went to Bama he would be a top 10 pick in this years draft. I know that same injury could of happend at Bama but that's not how there thinking.
The kid is not coming to miami I'm sure his hole family got a bad taste in there mouth about us. If AR would of went to Bama he would be a top 10 pick in this years draft. I know that same injury could of happend at Bama but that's not how there thinking.

Yeah seems like you've had this very conversation with them, so you know 100% how they are thinking....smh clowns
I think there is a bunch of folks in here that need some recruiting seasons under their belt. MAR said NOTHING that would indicate that he is gone. Many of you are letting your hatred for Mark Richt and crew get the best of you.
The kid is not coming to miami I'm sure his hole family got a bad taste in there mouth about us. If AR would of went to Bama he would be a top 10 pick in this years draft. I know that same injury could of happend at Bama but that's not how there thinking.

Trust you live in a place with padded walls, cause this is crazy ****. Go to Bama and you don't get hurt, yeah right? Think about this, Miami might be in a good place with the family cause their medical staff discovered a condition or injury that if undetected could potentially have paralyzed the kid. Just maybe Miami, Richt and staff have handled a horrible situation with class. Just a thought.
I think there is a bunch of folks in here that need some recruiting seasons under their belt. MAR said NOTHING that would indicate that he is gone. Many of you are letting your hatred for Mark Richt and crew get the best of you.
Right?! I read his quotes a few times to try to figure out what I missed. I must not have been able to decode the "fck UM" part because thats not what I read at all.
Right?! I read his quotes a few times to try to figure out what I missed. I must not have been able to decode the "fck UM" part because thats not what I read at all.

Well, when you have an agenda to push you can make all kinds of extrapolations to get the job done. Whether or not it makes sense is besides the point.
True, but I'm not sure if he truly believes it. I could be reading too much into it, but after his AU visit he specifically mentioned that Auburn had a plan for how they wanted to use him and that them having a plan really stuck out to him. Just made me feel like he was taking a shot at us.

Well we don't have a plan on offense regardless of player so I can understand his concern.
The kid is not coming to miami I'm sure his hole family got a bad taste in there mouth about us. If AR would of went to Bama he would be a top 10 pick in this years draft. I know that same injury could of happend at Bama but that's not how there thinking.

Lmao. Is this a real post?
How is anything Mullen did this year better than Richt's first two years? Explosive offense? They beat LSU, i'll give them that. There is not one more good win in that schedule.

I wouldn't say he's done anything better but it's the perception of improvement and it's his first year. Richt had momentum last year until we **** the bed at the end of the season and then continued to **** the bed this season.
Not expecting him but dude doesn’t sign till Feb so no need to jump off bridge yet

Kinda embarrassing though for Rick to lose this kid when Miami has bent over backwards to take care of his brother post-injury.

My guess is he thinks that the garbage offense isn't going to improve since Rick wont make changes.
Kinda embarrassing though for Rick to lose this kid when Miami has bent over backwards to take care of his brother post-injury.

My guess is he thinks that the garbage offense isn't going to improve since Rick wont make changes.

My guess is he’s butt hurt we wanted him as a DB, and he’s close with Obviously his brother (who is all UM) and Cager (who may not be around). Just think he knows everything going on and probably getting bad vibes. OC might suck but any RB not confident in Mark Richt developing you and getting you to the league is an idiot. It’s our Passing game that needs help
Everybody comes back raving about visits. Doesn't mean they go there. Of course, it might indicate that they go there.

How many times have people said visits to UM are off the charts great and than a week later they commit somewhere else?

This guy at the Herald is not necessarily so accurate. He misidentified Mitchell's school, calling it Rockland or something like that when it is Rockville.

Not saying we get MAR. Sounds like we got a fight on our hands. It would be interesting to know what AR really thinks of Richt and Company.

Richt's got a lot of stuff to fix if he wants to compete at the highest level. I'm not sure he realizes it or will be willing to do it. He does seem kind of rigid.

Just don't think recruiting to UM was always easy. Many of our best coaches had some very disappointing years. JJ experienced it his first couple of years...but even his last two years, which were good years, brought a bunch of disappointments. Sometimes those disappointments turned out to be not as good as we thought. (One example would be Sterling Palmer who was rather ordinary at FSU.)

Doesn't mean they go there. Of course, it might indicate that they go there.

You're really getting the hang of this recruiting update thing ;)