Why we will be relevant very soon


Dec 6, 2012
Look at some of the juniors for next year and sophomores that have shown flashes. Kids will start to associate again with talented players. We have Duke Johnson, Tracy Howard, Denzel Perryman, Ereck Flowers, Stacy Coley, Stan Dobard etc. it's one thing to just be the U but when you actually have ballers out there making the brand look even better kids gravitate to that. When Duke Johnson is on sportscenter every week running sick TD's in our new slick unis there's gonna be kids wanting to be that. I remember thinking Sean Taylor and Willis Mcgahee were the most badass looking players in the country with their play and just they way they looked.

This year will be nice to see new uniforms and caliber of players. Can't Wait!
I agree, I think we have done all we can do by recruiting without substance right now. Only thing left to do now, is start WINNING! Winning some of these national TV games will not only get the fan base back into the team, but start bringing us back to being talked about on ESPN, and etc. New uniforms this year def helps as well. Look Good, Play Good!
It's true what you say, just not sure to what extent yet.

I want to be optimistic, but at this point it would be simply hope.
Oh no a positive thread..... Trolls are gonna neg you to death. I agree with you, the future is very bright! Scrubs are out and the talent is so much better. Our twos and threes are ten fold better than 4 to 6 years ago........ Sh*t our third string safeties are better than those two guys, I refuse to mention their names or numbers, from last year!
Elite players at the RB, LB, CB, and WR position. It's been quite some time since we've had studs at multiple positions. F*ck I'm excited about some of our talent.

However, as much as I want to give in and just believe that we can make a BCS bowl, I have learned from my past mistakes. There are still too many gaping holes *pause* and I fear we will be witness to another average season.

I will set my expectations low with the hope I am wrong.

You know what, naaaaaa, f*ck it. 12-0. LEGGO.
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Duke and Coley combo has the chance of being the best ever.
I shudder to think the devastation a more experienced Coley and healthy Duke will cause to opposing defenses.
OL has to give our young QB time and everything will fall into place.
Just imagine for a moment that Butch Davis was head coach, he were able to select his own offensive and defensive coordinators, and then his position coaches. You like getting talent? That's what Butch does.

And with those years coaching here and there, you know good and well he knows some coaching talent as well.

You want to be relevant? It's just one small step away.
every year we always have guys that have shown flashes of brilliance. problem is, those guys weren't developed and continued show flashes but never consistency.
Just imagine for a moment that Butch Davis was head coach, he were able to select his own offensive and defensive coordinators, and then his position coaches. You like getting talent? That's what Butch does.

And with those years coaching here and there, you know good and well he knows some coaching talent as well.

You want to be relevant? It's just one small step away.

