Why is Lawrence Cager a fan favorite?

Fringe fans with no connection to UM are always looking for reasons to stir up **** on our players. UM fans like Cager because he’s a good player who loves UM and is a great ambassador for the program.
I think he’s pretty quick for a guy his size, he’s a true cane, and with his size he flashes top flight ability. He has some mental stuff to work on, he needs to play 6’5” ALL the time and he needs to catch with his hands more consistently. He’s not perfect but he’s a cane! I’ll take it!
Bc he just battles, has heart, wears his heart for this school on his sleeve, admits his ***** up, over comes them, reps the U & loves this U.

What’s not to like?
This. The only drop that was really on him was the one that hit him in the gut near the goal line. The others were well-contested with the DB's hand knocking it down. Perry needs to learn to get that ball higher in the air for Cager. Use his height. A few times last week and this week Perry threw the ball low enough for the shorter defender to get his hand in there. 6 inches higher and only Cager would have had a shot at it.

Stop it. The drops were on HIM as each ball was placed EXACTLY where they needed to be.
Fringe fans with no connection to UM are always looking for reasons to stir up **** on our players. UM fans like Cager because he’s a good player who loves UM and is a great ambassador for the program.

Same type of dudes that leave without singing the alma mater with the team after the game.
This. The only drop that was really on him was the one that hit him in the gut near the goal line. The others were well-contested with the DB's hand knocking it down. Perry needs to learn to get that ball higher in the air for Cager. Use his height. A few times last week and this week Perry threw the ball low enough for the shorter defender to get his hand in there. 6 inches higher and only Cager would have had a shot at it.
Absolutely. Malik Rosier got raked over the coals, and deservedly so, for not getting those passes high enough for only Cager to be able to make a play. It’s not as easy as it looks on TV.
Its because his hands are tiny. Not even for his size. They are small for a 5'11 guy. Maria Taylors hands dwarf his.
I believe it’s mental and emotional as well as physical. He lacks some confidence, he isn’t as swaggy as he puts on. Deejay Dallas is the real deal where true belief, confidence and preparation are concerned aka swagger. He exudes it, so no need for theatrics. Maria Taylor’s hands were bigger than his, I saw that.
Cager had an awful game yesterday. Dropped at least two touchdown passes, including what should have been the dagger. He's not a strong receiver in traffic, and that's a problem when your entire reason for being is your size. You can't be a big receiver that struggles to make catches in traffic. Cager isn't going to get away from many defenders, he has to be able to secure catches with people around.

The jugs machine should be his buddy for a very long time, especially if he wants to have a future in the game.

Awful game?. He still had 2 tds. Cager can get away from many defenders hes likely a legit 4.5 40 kid at 6'5 220.
I do agree with everything else..i think its mental for him with the drops. I think in the off season he should find an nfl guy to work with extensively
Same type of dudes that leave without singing the alma mater with the team after the game.
Lots of these buttsniffers go to the apple orchard with their girlfriend on Saturdays. Then they watch a 10 minute highlight video the next day and make faqqy comments looking for cool points from their nerd buddies from the gator lounge that D$ used to run.
Kid is inconsistent as ****. His hands are smaller than Maria Taylor's and can't high point the ball at all. He tries to catch way too many balls with his body instead of reaching out with his hands. Kid was suppose to be a high jumper in HS, haven't seen that ability his whole career. Moreover when he doesn't reach out to grab the ball it takes away all of his height and supposed leaping ability.

Him and Langham have no business being on the field at the same time, only one true deep threat in those lineups. But for some reason Richt runs this team like he is coaching youth league soccer were everyone gets to play.

Why do people talk so much **** and don’t recall facts?!?

As long as we win... dropped balls can be overlooked. If we loss a game… not so much.
I wouldn't go so far as to say he had an awful game but if he planned on being drafted then that opportunity is gone. You guys are making way too many excuses. he shouldve caught every ball that hit his hands. simple as that. i dont hate the kid but im extremely upset with him and the staff for not pulling him. you shouldnt be rewarded for bad play.
All I know #18 has 6 TD’s already for the season. Watch him clear 10 for the season. All he does is ball game after game. He’s the Berrios of the WR group this year, all heart and plays hard. Catches too much in his chest and not his hands but you can’t fault the kid for his heart and his energy for the team. I’d take a dozen Cagers to help balance out my WR corps
Lots of these buttsniffers go to the apple orchard with their girlfriend on Saturdays. Then they watch a 10 minute highlight video the next day and make faqqy comments looking for cool points from their nerd buddies from the gator lounge that D$ used to run.
Hey man.
Nothing wrong with apple orchards.
I didn't know Cager was considered a "fan favorite" as most didn't even think he would be starting here this year. He had a great game against Wisconsin, and also had that amazing 4th down grab against ND. He had a few drops yesterday but also had 2 4th down TD's that completely changed the game. Not sure why our fans need to dog every player after every mistake.
I love it when people say he doesn't high point the ball when talking about yesterday's game. There's a reason for that, he wasn't given a chance to do so. Perry needed to get the ball up higher, a good foot or foot and a half. Where he threw it, it gave Samuals a chance.

Yes, he missed another he should've caught and he would be the first to tell you that. It's football, ninety-nine percent of players aren't as perfect as our posters are, so whatever.