Who would we realistically get as hc

Honestly, I'd hire Leavitt. We desperately need an SOB to knock heads and treat this mess as a Day 1 rebuild.

However, until James and his assistants are fired, it's a waste of time. The basketball team and the baseball program suffering similar fates.

I don’t think so anymore with Baseball. I used to but the ball team showed tremendous improvement...just need to be able to consistently field. Was Dimare a crony hire? Yes but for now it looks like it’s working.
I'd say Bill Clark of UAB would be worth a look.
Again, where is this abundance of head coaches lining up to take over this program? Time for people to accept this gig isn't as desirable as our fans think it is.

Schiano didn't want it in 2007, when Shannon fell upwards into the role—and when Golden took it, guys like Edsall and Trestman were the other names thrown around.

Post-Golden, Richt signed on as an alum as he was up for one last go-around when Georgia parted ways with him—but again, no one else was interested in the job.

Outside of Mike Leach's name tossed around years back—a quirky outlier who's offense works with a next-level quarterback (Minshew) and doesn't without, while he has never given two ***** about defense—again, minimal interest from any for the Miami job.

Look at Florida State; a state school with a big budget and boosters who write checks. Had to settle on Willie Taggart and despite firing the man weeks ago, absolutely striking out in their coaching search. Also the same reason aTm paid Jimbo Fisher a mint and poached him from FSU; because there aren't a slew of proven coaches out there ready to make moves.

Same to be said for a lot of these second tier guys at smaller schools that seem ready to go next-level—a Matt Campbell, or others like him. Staying put until the right gig comes up; a la Tom Herman leaving Houston for Texas.

Most of these guys coach college ball as they love the collegiate experience—which Miami doesn't offer; a pro sports town mentality, ready to run off a first-year guy before season one is even in the books—taking no consideration of the state of the program he took over. Hardly a ringing endorsement for UM if they can Diaz after 12 games—as no quality guy is going to uproot his life for nine months to fix a program.

Matt Rhule went 1-11 and 7-6 at Baylor before turning things around year three—having taken over a program that was 11-2, 11-2 and 10-3 the year before he took over.

I'm not saying Diaz is the next Rhule. Manny may very well be a bust, but you don't figure that out year one. Even if you lack confidence in him, a guy is going to at least get a second year—and most a third.

Florida State pulled the trigger on Willie late in year two; and is now on the hook to pay out the *** for him, with a cash-poor athletic department now begging boosters for money to help with a new hire .... while getting turned down but the likes of Bob Stoops and no quality candidates in the pipeline. (Won't be shocked if FSU winds up promoting Briles from within if they strike out elsewhere, instead of the HCIW title they want to give him when bringing in someone else to restore order.)

A lot of parity and competition on today's game. College football head coaching hirings have become a game of opposite musical chairs; not a ton of guys out there ready to make the leap and a lot of empty seats.
I stopped reading after the first paragraph.

We don't know which coaches wanted to take over this program because we didn't conduct a fvckng coaching search.

It's not like we're Tennessee and got publicly turned down by a half dozen coaches. We didn't even try to bring in a qualified, proven head coach.
In addition to gutting the coaching staff, the culture has to change as well. Gut the entire athletic dept as many have suggested. Until the winning culture comes back, doesn't matter who we hire as HC.
I personally think that Fleck would absolutely kill it here. Dynamic personality (not the fake bravado bull**** that Manny totes), and think he would be a dynamic recruiter. He's also has a track record of actually being a head coach and getting results.

Think it would be a James-Frank-to-PSU type of hire.
I want a new hc now but who would we actually get? I don’t trust James/Strawley to get someone.

You can guarantee that James/Strawley will conduct the laziest search in history and completely fvuck it up. Get ready for coach banda.
I personally think that Fleck would absolutely kill it here. Dynamic personality (not the fake bravado bull**** that Manny totes), and think he would be a dynamic recruiter. He's also has a track record of actually being a head coach and getting results.

Think it would be a James-Frank-to-PSU type of hire.
people like to clown on PJ but he lives what he says.
It is a race to the bottom on CI. Porster after porster after porster making porst after porst after porst.

Again, since it isn’t clear yet, if you’re suggesting coaches or firing them, you don’t understand where the actual problems are with the program. All your attention should be towards the admin, BOT, Blake James and getting rid of the chit that makes up our athletic department.
Les Miles

He believes in spread offenses now. Is a monster recruiter. Need a championship winning coach with credibility.
I want a new hc now but who would we actually get? I don’t trust James/Strawley to get someone.
It just depends how much money we want to throw at it (assuming Manny goes, and Manny isnt going unless there is a new AD).

We could get almost anyone with money.

Mario would probably be Miami's 1st pick, he kind of fits their M.O.

My 1st pick of "realistic" coaches would be Mike Gundy.

We could get various up and coming coaches without a doubt.

Manny probably isnt leaving, imo the real question is what OC can we get. I like Mark Helfrich.