Who starts at QB vs Pitt?

People get all worked up over Brown's athletic ability, and for good reason, but if he can't complete passes, it's not worth it. He missed a wide open TD against Clemson that was a dagger to the team. We can't recover from misses, because opportunities like that don't happen often. Had he hit that, it changes the game. If he hits those shots consistently, he's a very dangerous QB. As it stands, he's an athletic freak that can't lead an offense because he can't hit wide open players. I love his potential, but he is not ready to be a QB that has to actually complete passes to keep the O moving.

The Clemson game played out exactly like I thought. They'd realize he can't complete passes, so they tee off. All that rushing ability got us what, exactly? Nothing. If not for Jordan Miller understanding the importance of picking up a fumble and running towards the endzone, we go yet another game without a TD. Brown is not the answer. Not yet, at least.

My problem with this O is that it will make all of our QBs look worse than they are. It's just not a good O to run with this talent. ****, I am not sure how much talent we'd need to make it work. Even if we had all the talent to make it work, another O would STILL be better.
Point taken but even if X catches that and scores, that doesn’t change the game. Only thing it does is force Clemson to fix coverage busts. They were going to dominate that game regardless of a fluke score.
Point taken but even if X catches that and scores, that doesn’t change the game. Only thing it does is force Clemson to fix coverage busts. They were going to dominate that game regardless of a fluke score.

I agree, Clemson was more than likely going to walk away with the game anyway. Having a QB that can't hit what is commonly known as a forward pass made it impossible to compete. Hitting one pass might not have made a huge difference. However, you need to hit one before talking about hitting 2, 3 or 10. When we can't hit ONE, that's ballgame right there.
Assuming TVD is not healthy enough to play?

11 can not throw well enough to sustain drives. Pitt has a solid DL and will sell out to stop 11 from running and force him to throw.

13 throws ok but can’t run. He also has no pocket presence and never feels the rush.

In my opinion you go 2 qb system next week and if one gets hot roll with them. We have to make Pitt think defensively.

Assuming TVD is not healthy enough to play?

11 can not throw well enough to sustain drives. Pitt has a solid DL and will sell out to stop 11 from running and force him to throw.

13 throws ok but can’t run. He also has no pocket presence and never feels the rush.

In my opinion you go 2 qb system next week and if one gets hot roll with them. We have to make Pitt think defensively.
Single wing with Hedley at the helm.
Narduzzi willl play 1 on 1 outside and put 8 in the box..... count on it
TVD has taken his last snap here unless CMC radically changes his offensive philosophy
sit CMC down and let him watch BAMA, OSU,USC TCU etc. being bad in a rebuild is ok but Boring
no wonder Duck fans were not shedding tears went CMC hit the bricks
There was a ton of tears shed, what revisionist history are you doing. There was a thread on it on this very board
Would we honestly care if he did? At this point, I say go for it. Wait, is he actually still on the roster?

Honestly, if the dude has a good brain, I say play him. Steve Walsh didn't have the best arm on the planet, but he understood where to go with the ball, and good things happened.
Walsh did not have NFL starter velocity, but he was pretty darn accurate. Still good enough to play in 80 NFL games and start 38 of them.
I'd say it doesn't matter but Corch Dooz is a bum and we somehow have mostly had Pitt's number even when we blow- which has been most of the time.

I'd probably alternate between Matocha and Jayden George and then run a little Wildcat with Restrepo taking snaps.
Wanna be the new OC? :)
If not for TVD I think the canes made a statement by starting Brown against Clemson. Nobody wants to go bowling this year anyway.
What exactly has 11 shown you he can do well enough to beat a good team? He misses wide open players. One or two nice runs a game will not keep drives going. He'd need a few of those runs each drive to sustain them, and that aint happening. Garcia is a better passer, but his decisions are a problem. Man, did this staff ever ***** up a potentially great QB room.

I think Brown can be amazing, but he needs more time, and better coaching. Garcia can be as well, with the same. Same with TVD. The thing they all have in common is this. They need better coaching, and an O that suits their abilities. None of them fit with this O. Brown can at least improvise with his legs, but that's not going to win us any games against teams with a pulse.
Bottom line. No QB is going to make this O look great, but this O sure can make three talented guys look bad in one way or another.
13s game against UVA and 11 Vs GTech is my reasoning. One looked competent the other looked like he didn’t belong. Now I’ll ask u why do u think 13 should play over 11? Bc 11 struggled against Clemson ? That’s every qb we’ve had for 10 years
Captain Jack will get you high tonight
If Captain Jack had any eligibility left, he’d start in a heartbeat. Why are we so cursed with QBs? Kirby, Marve, Kyle, Jarren, Kosi, Tate, Garcia, Olsen, Allison. And I am not even counting the FedEx kid or the midget from Kansas. All 4 to 5 stars out of HS. All awful. The Crudup Curse.
13s game against UVA and 11 Vs GTech is my reasoning. One looked competent the other looked like he didn’t belong. Now I’ll ask u why do u think 13 should play over 11? Bc 11 struggled against Clemson ? That’s every qb we’ve had for 10 years
Neither shines in this O, period. There is no good way of saying this. It's a bad situation. One QB throws it to the other team too much, and the other can't throw it to his own teammates. IS there a right answer?
Neither shines in this O, period. There is no good way of saying this. It's a bad situation. One QB throws it to the other team too much, and the other can't throw it to his own teammates. IS there a right answer?

One is a true freshman who struggled throwing to his own teammates vs #9 on the road. Not sure how you can say it’s something he cant do. Did he not complete any forward passes vs FSU, Clemson or GT? Give me a big time athlete throwing 60%, no turnovers and can break off 40 yards running at any time as opposed to a guy who throws it right to the other team and fumbles often and can barely run.
If Captain Jack had any eligibility left, he’d start in a heartbeat. Why are we so cursed with QBs? Kirby, Marve, Kyle, Jarren, Kosi, Tate, Garcia, Olsen, Allison. And I am not even counting the FedEx kid or the midget from Kansas. All 4 to 5 stars out of HS. All awful. The Crudup Curse.
Excuse me, but “the FedEx kid” had one of the absolute greatest names for a QB ever. CANNON Smith.

But, yeah, as an actual QB he was probably worse than Spencer Whipple.