What's More Important - Manny failing in 2020 or the Hurricanes succeeding in 2020?

Certainly should be. But who in their right mind looked at this schedule or last years and didnt feel exactly the same. We havent played a real schedule in atleast 5 years. Richts one good year was the only competitive one I can think of in a minute off the top of my head.

Al Golden forced the admin to water down the non-con schedules, and neither Richt nor Diaz have asked for the schedules to be toughened back up.

2016 was a real scedule, but that was mostly because the ACC was having a strong year. Although App State was a good G5 team.
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It’s too early to tell on Manny Diaz it was his rookie season, I expected him to be bad (not 6-7 bad though). He is learning in the job, something a university of Miami’s HC should NOT be doing. We should have hired someone more established.
I'll always root for Miami to win but manny aint the guy and he never will be. Lash may help him win some more games next year but I bet it'll still be painfully obvious that Manny isn't gonna get the Canes to be who we want. Baga will prove that real soon. The problem is, manny will probably get extended before that for posting an improvement against a laughably bad schedule and corstal.
It's not a matter of improving. It would be hard not to. However it's more than vital the entirety of the staff. He is virtually clueless from top to bottom about anything except defense and his defense needs improvement in staff and scheme as well. Firing enos is the equivalent of cauterizing a wound that needs amputation. Personally I don't see him improving and I dont see us ever being relevant under him. **** do just enough to appease people and nothing to shine. You doubt that yet he didnt fire his buddies did he? He essentially blamed everything on enos and that's nonsense. Enos was who he was. The problems we have HE helped create. NOT ENOS. Enos problem was hes a prick so everyone including the team made it real easy to blame him.

Exactly... I read the OP and the whole time I was thinking that if Diaz wants to win, he needs to wake up, take off the loyalty glasses and start the firing squad. He has at least a couple more to fire on O and probably should be replacing 3 or 4 on defense (special teams) as well. Since it seems like Penos and maybe Barry are the only ones going... dude seems like he isn’t investing in winning. That’s on him and will be his downfall. If he doesn’t win 10 next year with this schedule, it’s another failed year... plain and simple. He doesn’t deserve Year 3 without 10 wins min.

I definitely want to win and stop humiliating the U like Diaz did with those last 3 games... but without more staff changes... **** ain’t gonna happen unless we luck out in games like in 2017 (i.e.: FSU, GT, UNC)
The problems with this program is beyond Manny, the institution has gotten fat and rich cashing ACC checks / welfare/ handouts from the conference. Win 12, or lose 12 makes no difference currently.
Blake James and Julio Frenk being fired should be the most desired outcome for this program. This is much more than Manny Diaz.
Winning 11 games would be great and usually I would not care under whose name it occurs.

But the whole point of a good program is to have SUSTAINABILITY. I don’t want an 11 win season and then 7 wins the next two years.

That being said, this is why I’m rooting for Manny to be fired. Even with double digit wins, it doesn’t change how he’s blind to the weaknesses of his scheme, how he thinks his staff on D is good enough, or how late he can react to situations.

Fixing those things that Manny chooses to ignore will create a sustainable winning program. And while I’m happy he made the easy choice to fix the offense, the real test was fixing the D and he failed.

As someone who was high on him when he was hired, and as someone who would love an 11 win season, Manny has shown he is not the guy and I eagerly await the day he (and Blake) are replaced.
Winning 11 games would be great and usually I would not care under whose name it occurs.

But the whole point of a good program is to have SUSTAINABILITY. I don’t want an 11 win season and then 7 wins the next two years.

That being said, this is why I’m rooting for Manny to be fired. Even with double digit wins, it doesn’t change how he’s blind to the weaknesses of his scheme, how he thinks his staff on D is good enough, or how late he can react to situations.

Fixing those things that Manny chooses to ignore will create a sustainable winning program. And while I’m happy he made the easy choice to fix the offense, the real test was fixing the D and he failed.

As someone who was high on him when he was hired, and as someone who would love an 11 win season, Manny has shown he is not the guy and I eagerly await the day he (and Blake) are replaced.
Based off his first season being a HC ever? You do realize coaches can learn and improve right?
Manny Manure has delusions of grandeur if he thinks his D is good enough! For one he lacks premium DTs, his linebackers will be suspect next year including McCloud, and his play calling sucks in giving up the big plays in critical situations! He needs to fire Baker and move on!!!
Can hope all you want but he will not succeed here. If you've been paying attention before, during and after the season, you know that there is zero chance he will improve. Of course, unless 8 win mediocrity is your definition of improvement.
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If the losses weren't enough to convince you that he's a big time failure, look no further than the lack of firing on the defensive side. He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and that his defense is perfect. No accountability and protecting his buddies that would never coach at another P5 program. Placed the blame all on Enos when he's responsible for the worsening of the culture.
Based off his first season being a HC ever? You do realize coaches can learn and improve right?
Yes I do. In fact, he has a huge opportunity right now to show he has.

You’re lying to yourself if you think this staff on defense is good enough. No one except for maybe Stroud is cutting it on D. The issue is that except for Rumph, they’re all Manny’s boys, and he couldn’t even muster up the courage to let Rumph go.

I actually have confidence Manny’s gameday coaching skills will improve. But I have 0 confidence in his ability to make upgrades wherever needed. He’s already showing nepotism just like the last 2 guys who proved that was their end. Our depth at LB and CB is scary thin, and Manny sees no problem with those areas.

Even if the offense performs well, the defense is what scares me in the near future, and that is Manny’s domain.
It's been discussed since he was first hired. That's what this is. Hes probably gonna do just well enough to compete in the coastal and that will appease the administration

I like many did not like the hire. I hoped though he would instill a more disciplined team, one that also showed up at game time and played through the entire game. That did not happen, and it shows he is not a leader. Same with CMR when we ripped off 10 wins, we were still a bad team, playing bad teams and luck was on our side except maybe the ND game when we showed out.

I fear the same as you and the others, if we win nine game and especially a bowl game Manny will be here throughout his contract and knowing Blake may get an extension. We need someone to administer the football program and to call BS when needed, this is our only hope of reaching the expectations we should hit for now. If not, smoke, mirrors and playing for the Coastal is our sweet spot.