What specifically is wrong with our D

Manny’s problems are multi factored.

Let’s discuss the sack numbers and TFLs which are his calling card. Manny runs a system that charitably could be described as a river boat gambler system. He either instructs or permits his DTs to focus exclusively on disruptive penetration and his DEs generally crash the pocket without a focus on contain.

Why is this a riverboat gambler mentality? Well the DL will either make a big play or put the rest of the defense in Jeopardy. The best example of this was Gerald Willis. He regularly made disruptive plays but he also failed to hold his gap responsibilities which meant runs at his gap often resulted in situations where he ran himself out of a play and the linebackers had unblocked OL meeting them at hole. Similarly, our DEs get so far up field that counters, delays, and sometimes simple off tackle runs find them out of position. IMO when we had NFL ends and tackles this type of D could have big success against lesser talents and make big plays occasionally against better teams but isn’t reliable. We have seen this play out when he get double digit sacks vs bums then worked by offenses that aren’t retarded like Wisky and OK State.

His coverage shells also have big problems but he’s historically had less talent there so it’s less obvious how bad the schemes are.
Manny seems like a guy who watched Buddy Ryan's Ds in the '80s but didn't understand them at all. The Bears had two really good safeties in Fencik and Duerson. Mike Singletary, Wilbur Marshall and Otis Wilson at LB, and Richard Dent, Dan Hampton and the Fridge on DL. And for all that, their CBs played tight. And you could stick, bump, grab and hit back then. And teams ran a lot, and that D, for all the pressure, maintained integrity. The blitzes were also down and distance dependent.

Manny watches that and thinks it's just about 'send eeryone.' Grad assistants should know more about D than Manny appears to based on his scheme. No idea what he's thinking. And it's not like he explains himself. He's more interested in headlines, beer parties, turnover chains and talk than in fundamentals, it seems.

Everytime I question how we line up on defense.
You're just highlighting everyone else's point.

You can't rely on takeaways - they're inherently random. That's how Big 12 defences operate - it's like watching a basketball game with offences marching up and down the field on each other with the occasional takeaway to break the flow / allow the better overall team to pull away.

As others have stated the two problems are that are fundamentals are atrocious and the scheme is severely flawed as it's predicated on having a dominant DL and excellent S to clean up the mess. We have neither.
We will see when A. Williams suspension ends. From everything written or talked about miamis spring practice it sounds like A. Williams could be our best safety since Brandon Meriweather who for whatever reason is not often highlighted when dbu top safeties over the years are talked about. Dude was a first rounder and had a good nfl career.
Its poorly coached because the defensive coordinator and most of the defensive staff stink as coaches.

The scheme stinks, too, and I've been trying to tell you this for years, but yall look at TFL and our one year getting lucky with a monster turnover margin and think Manny is the goods. He is absolutely not and this is what happens to his defense on the opposite side of the spectrum of the Turnover Chain season.

Can't tackle...charmin soft (watch Zach McCloud get dragged into the endzone by Taulapapa)...just bad football.
After Doritos, Diaz was a godsend but without elite edge rushers and not starting Taylor it can’t work. For such an aggressive d blitzing most downs you would think he would play man coverage and using our corners size to jam wr’s at the line
Talent in the edges..and missed opportunities to cause TOS in each game. Dropped picks..missed sacks..missed tackles
LMAO at people saying Manny's defense works if we have enough talent.

What kind of talent does that require?

Look at UNC killing us last year. We had talent on the edges most teams can only dream about. They were creating holes you could drive a Golf Cart through. They schemed around it.

Do we need '01 talent? Bama Talent? What? The defense is garbage and guess what, all the teams have figured it out. What would any sane or rational coach do? They would adjust.

Sure, talent helps everything. It doesn't fix a thing though when that talent isn't put into a position to succeed.
LMAO at people saying Manny's defense works if we have enough talent.

What kind of talent does that require?

Look at UNC killing us last year. We had talent on the edges most teams can only dream about. They were creating holes you could drive a Golf Cart through. They schemed around it.

Do we need '01 talent? Bama Talent? What? The defense is garbage and guess what, all the teams have figured it out. What would any sane or rational coach do? They would adjust.

Sure, talent helps everything. It doesn't fix a thing though when that talent isn't put into a position to succeed.
2-5 in our last 7 games doesn't lie....
2-5 in our last 7 games doesn't lie....

It sure isn't 2-5 talent that's the problem.

We aren't national title run levels of talent, but we sure are better than the record under this guy, the guy before him, etc.

AppState played us even and was one of those two wins. That isn't a talent problem, that's a coaching problem.
No backside contain, give up everything in the flat, and still have communication issues on the backend.
This is what's wrong with he defense. The coach says dumb **** like this every week, this is his mentality (i laugh at it now at least knowing he'll be fired this year):

Diaz on the play against Tyler Van Dyke: “It really, truly was his first real start. Bronco Mendenhall is going to make things hard on a young quarterback. It is just what he does.
Paging Lance, Macho, Roman and any other X&Os folks

What defense should we be running with this personnel currently on the roster?
An aptitude deficient HC/DC. Listen to Manny talk and you can easily decipher he's not a cerebral, think on his feet, learn and adapt from his mistakes type of person. He's not intuitive and keeps doing the same things because he's reached the peak of his limited mental capacities.
LMAO at people saying Manny's defense works if we have enough talent.

What kind of talent does that require?

Look at UNC killing us last year. We had talent on the edges most teams can only dream about. They were creating holes you could drive a Golf Cart through. They schemed around it.

Do we need '01 talent? Bama Talent? What? The defense is garbage and guess what, all the teams have figured it out. What would any sane or rational coach do? They would adjust.

Sure, talent helps everything. It doesn't fix a thing though when that talent isn't put into a position to succeed.
Please, you need to say this again for the people in the back.

Better DBs, LBs or DLs are not going to make his scheme any better. Throwing talent at poor coaching and poor schemes will not help anything long-term.

People keep saying....We should not need 2001 talent to beat UVA., FIU, OSU, etc., etc. Teams all over the country with 2–3-star talent execute better, are more disciplined and are tougher than Manny's team. Manny could bring in a top 10 recruiting class and all we would do is win a couple more games a season with the same problems overall.

Poor coaching results in poor fundamentals. Poor fundamentals result in everything we are seeing (drops, penalties, out of position, discipline, etc.) Add the lack of development and the softest team in the country and it just comes down to one thing.

The coach needs to go.
It sure isn't 2-5 talent that's the problem.

We aren't national title run levels of talent, but we sure are better than the record under this guy, the guy before him, etc.

AppState played us even and was one of those two wins. That isn't a talent problem, that's a coaching problem.
I was agreeing with what you said... that was just adding to it....
After Doritos, Diaz was a godsend but without elite edge rushers and not starting Taylor it can’t work. For such an aggressive d blitzing most downs you would think he would play man coverage and using our corners size to jam wr’s at the line

But even with two excellent pass rushers last year the d regressed.

We don’t get enough havoc from the under tackle.

Regardless, this defense gets worse over time. Coordinators have caught on and are all over our linebackers.