What specifically is wrong with our D

Very interesting post , your experience is illuminated here.
Glaringly on point, I’ll try to add but it will be tough.

We need a Wilfork to clog and protect second level .

You post it so good this is about it.

My compliments

Our linebackers have no sense of the flow of the play. They overcommit and take themselves out play after play.
Just say we lack talent in key areas and overall on defense. That’s the main reason. With good talent, Manny’s defense works. Don’t know how good it can be with elite taleint, he hasn’t had that here. Recruiting misses, mis evaluations, and injuries.
With good talent it gets exposed against good offenses. A good coordinator adjusts quickly. Never seen a team that is consistently outplayed in the first quarter game after game. How many first time starters at quarterback rip his defenses apart? He sucks. G5 DC.
If you watched Manny’s defenses at Texas and Miss State, it was the same nonsense. Ask Mack Brown 😂. It is a high school scheme that is predicated on getting upfield and blitzing, regardless of how the offense is set. It is a “ play fast not smart defense.”
Several of us have said this from day one. His scheme is very effective when tackles are made.

Miss them and its gash after gash.
This is wrong with our D. In two weeks....
North Carolina Football GIF by UNC Tar Heels
4th in the country in TFLs in 2020 and 2019

4th in the country in sacks in 2019. 31st in 2020.

Numbers much worse this year of any since No D was here.
Manny’s problems are multi factored.

Let’s discuss the sack numbers and TFLs which are his calling card. Manny runs a system that charitably could be described as a river boat gambler system. He either instructs or permits his DTs to focus exclusively on disruptive penetration and his DEs generally crash the pocket without a focus on contain.

Why is this a riverboat gambler mentality? Well the DL will either make a big play or put the rest of the defense in Jeopardy. The best example of this was Gerald Willis. He regularly made disruptive plays but he also failed to hold his gap responsibilities which meant runs at his gap often resulted in situations where he ran himself out of a play and the linebackers had unblocked OL meeting them at hole. Similarly, our DEs get so far up field that counters, delays, and sometimes simple off tackle runs find them out of position. IMO when we had NFL ends and tackles this type of D could have big success against lesser talents and make big plays occasionally against better teams but isn’t reliable. We have seen this play out when he get double digit sacks vs bums then worked by offenses that aren’t retarded like Wisky and OK State.

His coverage shells also have big problems but he’s historically had less talent there so it’s less obvious how bad the schemes are.
One thing I've noticed I'd the D will play great at times on 1st and 2nd down. Then Manny subs in 7 guys and takes out our best pass rushers and we give up 3rd and long everytime... I've never understood that logic
The scheme is fundamentally flawed. The desire to blitz with soft zone coverage behind it is baffling. We ask our DE's to get upfield which opens up running lanes time and again. And oh yeah, we can't tackle for ****.
Manny’s defense is predicated on havoc. When you have a very disruptive defensive line, it can work well because it creates a lot of negative plays. That’s his whole scheme. Get you behind the chains a couple times in a drive and I can get a stop or a turnover. It’s not bend but don’t break, it’s more I’ll break you once and then hold. He believes that if you’re in 2nd and 13 or 3rd and 9 all day, he’ll win more often than not.

The problem this year is there are no difference makers on the DL, especially on the edges. All of us who talked season outlook all summer probably underestimated the impact the lack of edge pass rush would make. We all said “DE factory” and “if we can somewhat replace Phillips and Roche..”. Well, we haven’t. We’re 68th in sacks and 15th in TFLs. Those numbers are way down from 2016-2018. We were 3rd in the country in TFLs in 2017 and #1 in 2018. We led the country in sacks in 2017. #9 in 2018.

That’s the biggest difference for me. DL and safeties have to be great in this scheme. Nobody is even close to Quan on the back end, and we have no disruptive defensive linemen.

Not ALL of us. I predicted 6 or 7 wins max this summer. I said our defense would take a step back with losing our edge rushers and I’ve called this an ill-prepared poor tackling team now for years, and have pointed out that it’s been getting worse every year manny has been here.

This season is going exactly as I expected and predicted publicly over the summer…but I’m on another level than most in the brains department. Glad others are now coming around and seeing what has been obvious to me for a long time
Not ALL of us. I predicted 6 or 7 wins max this summer. I said our defense would take a step back with losing our edge rushers and I’ve called this an ill-prepared poor tackling team now for years, and have pointed out that it’s been getting worse every year manny has been here.

This season is going exactly as I expected and predicted publicly over the summer…but I’m on another level than most in the brains department. Glad others are now coming around and seeing what has been obvious to me for a long time

But I’m on another level than most in the brains department 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
How much time you got OP.

We can’t tackle. Everhthing we do is not executed well. Linebackers suck and aren’t coached well. DL gets no pressure. No gap integrity. I see other teams run delayed safety blitzes and they’re a thing of beauty. Remember playing lsu in 2018 seeing aranda and those corner blitzes. Those were creative, well timed, and well executed.

Our defense and offense for that matter are gimmicks that only work when we have more talent.
Look at the highlights for Armstrong. Two of the highlights are picks not made and they leave out Kinchens in the endzone.

Scheme. Play calls. Whatever. They didn’t make the plays.

The huge juggle catch TD should have been an INT. We just dropped it. Kinchens had a pick, if he catches it, it is likely a 100 yard pick 6 unless he gets caught from behind, Williams misses a pick early in the game by behing a tad late.

Every thought that maybe our guys drop picks on purpose so they don’t have to wear that stupid joke the turnover chain ?
Manny's defensive scheme reminds me of some old Bevis and Butthead episode. 'Pressure. Heh heh. h h h h heh heh heh heh. Pressure.' Bevis's response was generally 'this sucks ... change it.' Manny changes everything other than his bad scheme and implementation.

Everyone's said it already re fundamentals. Tackling. Maintaining an edge. Reading cues and not going for the head fake every time.

It's gotten worse since Richt left because for all his shortcomings, and he had many, he could at least manage a DC. Manny needed to be managed. Promoting him was a fail. Letting him be his own DC was a double fail.

His fundamental schematic premise is simplistic and I'm very surprised he hasn't added anything interesting to it. He's gotta be very lost and confused. It doesn't take a lot of IQ to realize it's not working. It's like Manny hasn't noticed that the teams he goes against can watch our game tape and are ready for his approach.

Ultimately, football schemes need to be about fundamentals first, confusion second, disruption third. If you can't actually execute a base D reasonably well, sending your DL upfield doesn't help -- it just makes you easier to pick apart. Confusion means disguise your coverages and blitzes. Keep the offense guessing. When everyone watching knows what our D will do most every time, it's obvious that the opposing OC knows, too.

The soft coverage is just a gimp leg result of the undisciplined DL upfield approach. He knows if he sends the DL and jams WRs near the line then he's going to have some breakdowns and long scores against. But that's not a reason for crap coverage. It's a reason to maintain gap integrity, set an edge, disguise pressure and recruit some P5 LBs. Do that and you can play real coverages.
McCloud played linebacker for five years. Poorly. Plays DE for one game and one spring is then the starter in fall camp
Paging Lance, Macho, Roman and any other X&Os folks

What defense should we be running with this personnel currently on the roster?
Man coverage but won’t matter unless manny starts the best players no matter the age, like Taylor and James Williams and stops starting McLoud scheme change won’t matter