Off-Topic What Happens To Ds If Rs Take Back House?

I know it's schtick but this guy insufferable.
It's all perspective... most liberals think the Colbert and Kimmel are funny, but everyone else thinks they suck ballz. Gutfeld having better late night ratings and being on cable TV also tell a story

But sure... if you aren't libertarian or conservative leaning... you won't find him as funny
Actually they have a very united message if you’ve been paying attention the last few days.

This comes from the very top: Biden, Clyburn, democratic party leaders, and their most well-known politicians. And you know what that united message is?

That if you vote Republican you are voting for the end of the world, a fascist takeover, you are literally voting against democracy if you vote Republican.

Have you not been paying attention?

And please don’t tell me that’s just “politics“. Those are actual warring words, they’re basically a call to arms. Speech like that results in violence. They may just reap what they sow if they keep up that kind of rhetoric.

Au contraire mon frere, Bernie and Pocahontas havent been quiet, and there has been a lot of support for Caveman, Barnes, et al.

The only saving grace for R's is that despite having deeply flawed candidates, the D's nominated just as flawed, maybe even more flawed candidates. I am thinking of Caveman, Barnes, Hobbs, Abrams, et al.

The one "progressive" that has gone quiet is Newsom, because he has presidency aspirations.

Guess I haven't been paying attention since Tim Ryan really has been on his own here in OH with no support from Dems. Moderates or Progressives. One would think if Ryan was really Progressive as Vance portrayed him to be, he'd have full support.
I am going to respectfully disagree. Of the members I am familiar with, none are going to moderate, they would lose their "street cred" in the blue states at least.

Certainly not (move to the center) if you represent a district in the Bronx like AOC does, but many Dems in Blue States can move between the Center of the Party and its fringes and back with relative ease.

Chair of the DCCC, Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) may lose his seat (thought to be ultra-safe) in the Hudson Valley tonight because of trying to get/keep the lefty "street cred" you cite. If he squeaks by somehow, I suspect he will have had the the type of "come to Jesus" moment I'm talking about. And, he'll hardly be alone in that among incumbents who survive.
My point is politicians change positions pretty easily. As you say, GOP pols in this instance had their policy position dictated by weather vane pollsters.

Trump was once a Pro-Choice Democrat, Reagan, Rubio a host of Rs wanted amnesty for illegals and more, after the Kansas debacle all sorts of GOP candidates took down their strict anti-abortion stuff, McCarthy led debt limit battles against Obama and now Biden yet did nothing of the kind when Trump was in office, Bolduc was an election denier until he won the GOP nomination , etc etc.
I’m not saying your overall point is wrong, but it is about immigration. Trump brought so much attention to it, that it made the GOP listen to their voters about it. They can no longer just listen to party insiders and major donors, without at least getting primaried. That’s how big the issue has become.

And I wouldn’t say those guys have changed their stance on it, they just keep their mouths shut and do what their constituents want them to do. Not what “moderates” or the media or anyone else wants. They are in most cases, being held accountable. Which is what our system was designed to do.
That Chef Boyardee pizza kit isn’t bad. So all hope isn’t lost!
no man GIF
It's all perspective... most liberals think the Colbert and Kimmel are funny, but everyone else thinks they suck ballz. Gutfeld having better late night ratings and being on cable TV also tell a story

But sure... if you aren't libertarian or conservative leaning... you won't find him as funny

I dunno, I never liked Colbert and was never really a Kimmel fan and I've found guys like Anderson to be insufferable as well. But that Fox panel was just too much for me.
I know it's schtick but this guy insufferable.

Do you know who else is insufferable? All the so-called “entertainers” on every network, literally on every show, such as Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, et al, that shove progressive politics constantly down the audiences throat. Unwatchable.

Funny that you’re watching someone who you say is “insufferable”.
Does Schiff rise to be House Minority Leader because Pelosi presides over not one, but two Speakership losses in her career?

I'm guessing the Jayapal tribe are going to get their knives out for Nancy starting tomorrow morning...

IF Rs take Senate, does this embolden AOC to challenge Chucky more and more, eventually leading to his ouster 6 years from now?
Do you know who else is insufferable? All the so-called “entertainers” on every network, literally on every show, such as Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, et al, that shove progressive politics constantly down the audiences throat. Unwatchable.

Funny that you’re watching someone who you say is “insufferable”.

Is that a gotcha moment? I replied to the video on this thread.

Yeah, I know there are many insufferable ones (I listed them out) but there are certainly ones that are more insufferable than others.
Do you know who else is insufferable? All the so-called “entertainers” on every network, literally on every show, such as Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, et al, that shove progressive politics constantly down the audiences throat. Unwatchable.

Funny that you’re watching someone who you say is “insufferable”.
YouTube is killing them. The future generation is more interested in YouTube as well so networks, cable, and streaming are in a lot of trouble.
I dunno, I never liked Colbert and was never really a Kimmel fan and I've found guys like Anderson to be insufferable as well. But that Fox panel was just too much for me.
I gotcha... I think that was from "The Five" ... which is 1 liberal and 4 conservatives/libertarians. That show isn't as good as Gutfeld's late night show... so I get what you are saying. Also, I know people probably don't find Gutfeld that funny either... but he is quick thinking and witty... so he holds his own. When he was first going to do a late night show, I thought it was gonna bomb TBH. The reason he did so well is he has a lot of funny comedians on his writing staff

But SNL used to be funny too when it had good writers (and cast)... edit... and wasn't so political is it is today


Carville said more people heading to the polls believe Democrats will defund the police then people who believe Republicans will "shut down the government" and cut Social Security and Medicare.

Carville said more people heading to the polls believe Democrats will defund the police then people who believe Republicans will "shut down the government" and cut Social Security and Medicare.
Master of the obvious! At least he admits it though.

The Ds have already defunded the police (reimagined, etc) in many liberal areas (including in my small liberal city)... where Rs have never cut social security or medicare! I mean... when one side has already done it and peeps in the Squad still double-down on it... and the other side has barely even mentioned it, it's a no brainer!

Carville said more people heading to the polls believe Democrats will defund the police then people who believe Republicans will "shut down the government" and cut Social Security and Medicare.
Somebody here mentioned cutting SS and Medicare a while back. On a work call yesterday, somebody brought up the ACA and the challenges that those reforms have been over the last 10 years. It turns out that there were $700 billion in cuts to Medicare in the ACA.
Is that a gotcha moment? I replied to the video on this thread.

Yeah, I know there are many insufferable ones (I listed them out) but there are certainly ones that are more insufferable than others.

I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch any of them, just see different clips that people post, maybe you can fill me in on the insufferability quotient of each one.
YouTube is killing them. The future generation is more interested in YouTube as well so networks, cable, and streaming are in a lot of trouble.

That might be, but if they’re still on the air, that means they are making money (through advertising), and as long as they do they’ll still stay on the air.
Somebody here mentioned cutting SS and Medicare a while back. On a work call yesterday, somebody brought up the ACA and the challenges that those reforms have been over the last 10 years. It turns out that there were $700 billion in cuts to Medicare in the ACA.

Cuts in benefits, or to reimbursements?