Wesley injured in car crash?

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I blame the Fast and Furious movie franchise

Are you telling me that you are criticizing the F$U porster who was screenshotted on the "Let the speculation begin" thread vaguely citing a "Miami board" for saying that Bissainthe was out for the year, and then CIS porsters for believing that nonsense without verification?

That criticism would undermine the very foundation of what the Interwebz was built on...gossip, hearsay, and flat-out lies...

Thats why I came out and posted sometimes half the rumor can actually be true. Meaning yes he was in a bad wreck but no hes not hurt badly. Imo injuries is one place that’s definitely out of bounds. It’s the player or the schools place to discuss results.
Thats why I came out and posted sometimes half the rumor can actually be true. Meaning yes he was in a bad wreck but no hes not hurt badly. Imo injuries is one place that’s definitely out of bounds. It’s the player or the schools place to discuss results.
Not to go on a rant here but it’s how fans over-analyze every tweet these kids make

Not everything is about football for them, even if it is for the fans

It’s like watching things like the Yankees/Guardians game the other day, fans just gotta be better
Not to go on a rant here but it’s how fans over-analyze every tweet these kids make

Not everything is about football for them, even if it is for the fans

It’s like watching things like the Yankees/Guardians game the other day, fans just gotta be better
lets call it what it is , we live in a times with an alarming amount of unhinged people with no grip on reality.
lets call it what it is , we live in a times with an alarming amount of unhinged people with no grip on reality.
It’s a cliche’ to say but the things people are willing to say through text that they wouldn’t verbally never ceases to amaze me

It’s definitely created a veil between reality and role playing
Not to mention that you can cause a lot of pain for parents, family members, and friends no matter what the players injuries were.

We’re talking about serious consequences here, loss of life and limb.

Either way you guys handled it right.

Porsters are going to porst nonsense, but it’s good to see that the leaders in this site did the right thing.
Never ceases to amaze that many people say things or make decisions without considering the consequences - short or long term.
We kinda broached the topic in another thread a couple weeks ago but just give me self-driving cars sooner rather than later.

Even aside from the immediate tragic consequences of these accidents, I know a few people (as I'm sure many of you do) that have been involved in horrific car accidents at some point and those things can really affect your mental health forever.

Sad to see. Driver never had a chance to survive in a collision like getting t-boned.

Won’t speculate on this accident but I know here in Nashville kids race all the time on regular streets and running red lights is common. I drive so **** cautiously these days cause it’s wild out there on the streets.
I drive around nashville all the time. Terrible roads. I was involved in a bad crash on i24. That highway is the worst
Going downhill with a tailwind.

A bunch of us went to lunch at work and one of the guys had a 95 Wrangler. We made the mistake of letting him pull out first. That was the longest mile ever.

I just bought a wrangler and yeah they don’t really go fast especially if you have modified tire/rim combo like mine. I’m ok with it cause I’m getting too old to be speeding in and out of traffic
"must sensor content...must sensor content...."
You know what that's a great idea. Build something like this a sensor that posts content for you.
hand mac GIF

Program 3-5 different phrases so every time you walk by your computer it posts something deeply profound. "Focus on find potato." "**** Forfeit State." "Billy likes to be gaped by his Gaytors."

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