Welcome to CanesInSight 2.0

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When I add a new prospect it gives me an error and the prospect is not added.

Testing pics
Where can I find my posts. In the old format you had my posts listed under my name above the toolbar and replies to my posts under Notification. I like the new clean look, btw, but functionality is a priority for me and many others.
Not sure if mentioned, but in the reply box, when you try to highlight text to delete or format, the highlight is invisible so you don't know what you're deleting/editing.

Also, what's the rationale for not having reputation points? Liking and disliking posts is fun and helps, but it'd be nice to know when I'm reading something from a known idiot -- hard to keep everybody straight.
Not sure if mentioned, but in the reply box, when you try to highlight text to delete or format, the highlight is invisible so you don't know what you're deleting/editing.

Also, what's the rationale for not having reputation points? Liking and disliking posts is fun and helps, but it'd be nice to know when I'm reading something from a known idiot -- hard to keep everybody straight.

We will be adding reactions, I just need to replace the default options with better ones. We will have it up this weekend.
Where can I find my posts. In the old format you had my posts listed under my name above the toolbar and replies to my posts under Notification. I like the new clean look, btw, but functionality is a priority for me and many others.

I've added it to the sub menu at the top