We have a signal

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You have horrible logic and this isn’t a one time instance. You frequently make terrible, simplistic brutish arguments which literally dumb me down if I don’t move on from contemplating your vapid opinions.
Hahaha 🤣 Yeah man, because I’m serious. This board really needs to lighten up.
I mean he can afford to be a silver spooner pocketing off his name while his peers are out there showing what they’ve got. Give me the top ranked kids who still go and compete - every time.
This There are plenty of kids out there who are busting their *** to learn more and improve. There are also plenty of kids competing who have just as much football knowledge as Arch and are similarly talented. They don't have anything to prove, but they love the competition and the game.

Whether it's true or not, Arch is giving the impression that because of his name he's above it all and couldn't be bothered. Not a huge knock on him, but I'm judging him ever so slightly.
He doesn’t suck, that’s actually hate for the sake of it. But I’m not rooting for him. I’d like him if he competed at camps regardless of his name - trying to go out there on his own merit. And it’s personal for me as it relates to how I’ve lived my own life regardless of name and familial relationships.
i‘m not rooting or cheering for him lol. But if I’m betting If he’ll be a stud or a bum I’d wager a good amount on stud. He was born and bred for this position while having the physical advantages. On top of the physical advantages and DNA / pedigree he’s working with a doctorate level smarts of playing the position. His whole life has been prepping for playing qb.

He could very well be a bum but after the last 60 years of evidence I won’t bet against a Manning qb lol.
i‘m not rooting or cheering for him lol. But if I’m betting If he’ll be a stud or a bum I’d wager a good amount on stud. He was born and bred for this position while having the physical advantages. On top of the physical advantages and DNA / pedigree he’s working with a doctorate level smarts of playing the position. His whole life has been prepping for playing qb.

He could very well be a bum but after the last 60 years of evidence I won’t bet against a Manning qb lol.
I wouldn’t bet against him having talent. He should compete like the regular kids he’s supposed to lead on the field.
A wealthy person handing their kid a Porsche at 16 and not encouraging their kid to try to earn it and to try to make their own way in life is hurting their kid down the road on levels money and privilege can’t fix.
So now he’s a rich kid who’s been given a Porsche without earning it ? All the Friday nights of football games , 4 days week of practice , thousands of hours of film , taking snaps and perfecting his craft is a spoiled rich kid? All because he didn’t play in camps? I think my point is being made.
i‘m not rooting or cheering for him lol. But if I’m betting If he’ll be a stud or a bum I’d wager a good amount on stud. He was born and bred for this position while having the physical advantages. On top of the physical advantages and DNA / pedigree he’s working with a doctorate level smarts of playing the position. His whole life has been prepping for playing qb.

He could very well be a bum but after the last 60 years of evidence I won’t bet against a Manning qb lol.
Arch Manning does not have any physical advantages compared to the top guys. His tape is full of underthrown footballs and him scrambling vs teams, where the defensive tackle is smaller than Manning himself.

Its just the name that makes him ranked where he is. His prep is the best that any HS QB can possibly have, but at the end of the day, he has to execute and nothing suggests to me that he will at this current point when I look at his competition.
So now he’s a rich kid who’s been given a Porsche without earning it ? All the Friday nights of football games , 4 days week of practice , thousands of hours of film , taking snaps and perfecting his craft is a spoiled rich kid? All because he didn’t play in camps? I think my point is being made.
No. But the principle is the same. Just because you come from privilege doesn’t mean you should rest on it.
You have horrible logic and this isn’t a one time instance. You frequently make terrible, simplistic brutish arguments which literally dumb me down if I don’t move on from contemplating your vapid opinions.
Also, how do you get a 16k reaction score & stick around here 8 years if your takes are terrible, simplistic, & brutish? I’ll hang up & listen.
But I dont even get why this is a conversation, at the current stage Manning is a HS prospect, which means he could become pretty much anything from the next Peyton to the next Jarren Williams.

Saying he will most likely become this or that is like trying to hit the perfect number in the lottery.
i‘m not rooting or cheering for him lol. But if I’m betting If he’ll be a stud or a bum I’d wager a good amount on stud. He was born and bred for this position while having the physical advantages. On top of the physical advantages and DNA / pedigree he’s working with a doctorate level smarts of playing the position. His whole life has been prepping for playing qb.

He could very well be a bum but after the last 60 years of evidence I won’t bet against a Manning qb lol.
Agreed.... Smart money goes on him being very very good...
No. But the principle is the same. Just because you come from privilege doesn’t mean you should rest on it.
You're not wrong but when it comes to "generational" talents the rules are just different.... It doesn't make it right but it is what it is....
? It shows you’re not trolling is what I meant.
You can still have a ****load of pretty ****** takes with 11k messages.

My reaction score is 15k with less than half of your posts and while my GIF game is okay, I try to reason for the most part.

What is this discussion anyways, who gives a **** about a ******* reaction score, lets go back to the signals and celebrate..
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