Venables takes shot at Miami, forgets his own history.


Venables is on fire

Makes sense as he kinda looks like Fire Marshall Bill.

bill GIF
I still can't believe Venables said this the same year he lost 49-0 to a much worse Texas team.
They play UCF at home on Oct 21. How great would it be to throw that loss in their faces?
They won 11 games in 2021. Venebles managed to squander a Jeff Lebby offense with a perceived top 10 QB in Gabriel and cut that win total in half, with a 50 point loss to their rival in three quarters.

Go mope somewhere else.

But…. USC was only good because their coach took all the good players from OU… 👀

**** Venables and being upset about him…

Vennables having his own problems right now,

Jeff Lebby brought his Art Briles / Baylor rape baggage with him and twitter / OU fanbase is melting down

Television Popcorn GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
I missing a lot of context on this. Care to help break it down in a few sentences?
art briles is Jeff Lebby's father in law

jeff lebby was at baylor (in a small capacity) during all the rape stuff and was a huge proponent of supporting briles through that whole investigation.

some people didn't want lebby to get the job at Oklahoma due to all of this, and yesterday art briles was on the field and wearing Oklahoma stuff - which has their fanbase and media up in arms.

then to be petty, lebby updated his photos on Instagram and facebook to include art briles

personally, if you're gonna hire lebby, then you've already accepted this stuff months ago as an administration and fanbase. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal at this moment, although optics do look bad.
art briles is Jeff Lebby's father in law

jeff lebby was at baylor (in a small capacity) during all the rape stuff and was a huge proponent of supporting briles through that whole investigation.

some people didn't want lebby to get the job at Oklahoma due to all of this, and yesterday art briles was on the field and wearing Oklahoma stuff - which has their fanbase and media up in arms.

then to be petty, lebby updated his photos on Instagram and facebook to include art briles

personally, if you're gonna hire lebby, then you've already accepted this stuff months ago as an administration and fanbase. not sure why it's such a big deal at this moment, although optics do look bad
Appreciate it brother.

In my opinion, I'm not sure why you would try to ruffle feathers by updating your profile pic as you're just asking for more **** to be thrown at you but people feel the need to die on the smallest most insignificant hills 🤷‍♂️