Venables takes shot at Miami, forgets his own history.

Well, he could have said Roseanne Barr. Just sayin’
Uggghhh the choices get even more putrid
I "ran to a mod"? How? Because I responded to an @RVACane comment and I treat him with respect?

You're the one who has defensively spent multiple pages doubling-down on a terrible take because several people mocked you. If you "didn't care" (as you always falsely claim), you'd just walk away.
At this point, who gives a **** Miami lost to Middle Tennessee? Water over the bridge. Schnelly lost to FAMU. Saban lost to Louisiana-Monroe. Irrelevant right now.

Two days ago 2/3 of this board was ****ting all over themselves regarding recruiting.

It was horrendous in 1997. Fortunately, the internet was in its infancy. Imagine that today.

I also love the great takes like "just win." Well, no **** Sherlock.
you inserted yourself into a joke conversation we were having to comment to a mod about my posts. Had nothing to do with you. Like always you follow me around my my **** cures whatever problem you have.

Im the one that cares...... you're a funny little guy!
Not jumping into the substance here but in all fairness, he and I are friends and text and @ each other.

Ok carry on with the bickering.
Seems he also took a shot at Deion on a different radio broadcast:

“You know, I gave guys 12 months of grace. I was unlike Deion (Sanders). I gave guys 12 months of grace to figure it out. Here’s the three. You know, go to class. You know, live right off the field. And when you show up, man, you show up with respect and appreciation for your opportunity. And if you go 0-3 for 12 months, you need a fresh start.”
Seems he also took a shot at Deion on a different radio broadcast:

“You know, I gave guys 12 months of grace. I was unlike Deion (Sanders). I gave guys 12 months of grace to figure it out. Here’s the three. You know, go to class. You know, live right off the field. And when you show up, man, you show up with respect and appreciation for your opportunity. And if you go 0-3 for 12 months, you need a fresh start.”
I'm not sure whether he's taking a shot at Deion there or wishing he had approached it in the same manner as Deion - get the guys who don't fit in your plans out of there as soon as possible.

In any case, he needs to worry about his own program because I'm not sure he's still in OK next year if they finish 6-7 again. If not, he'll have plenty of time to talk about Mario, Deion, or any other coach when he's a studio analyst on ESPN.
I'm not sure whether he's taking a shot at Deion there or wishing he had approached it in the same manner as Deion - get the guys who don't fit in your plans out of there as soon as possible.

In any case, he needs to worry about his own program because I'm not sure he's still in OK next year if they finish 6-7 again. If not, he'll have plenty of time to talk about Mario, Deion, or any other coach when he's a studio analyst on ESPN.

I'd take him as DC
The irony of Oklahoma’s season last year is that they hired, who most can agree on, a guy who was considered one of the best DC’s in college football the entire time he was at Clemson. That being said, they were HORRENDOUS on D last season...maybe even worse than when Riley was at the helm. Last year, OU’s D gave up 450 yards and 30 pts. per game, so maybe he should stop worrying about Miami and hit the film room so he can try to fix that god-awful defense he’s got.
The irony of Oklahoma’s season last year is that they hired, who most can agree on, a guy who was considered one of the best DC’s in college football the entire time he was at Clemson. That being said, they were HORRENDOUS on D last season...maybe even worse than when Riley was at the helm. Last year, OU’s D gave up 450 yards and 30 pts. per game, so maybe he should stop worrying about Miami and hit the film room so he can try to fix that god-awful defense he’s got.
They also had atrocious attrition after he was hired, which ultimately let the clips that I showed from the Texas game. The question is, has he restocked on offense? And what is his scheme? Because if he cannot field an offense - and that 2022 offense against UT made us look like 1989 Houston in comparison - it doesn’t matter how many DL types he signs.
What a loser mentality. With that first year record the LAST thing i would be doing is talking ish about another program. First Mario and now Deion. If you gonna do it, have some balls, pop ish about Lincoln Riley.
Saw Deion came back and said Brent was handed the keys to the Ferrari and now it's crashed and smoking.

Was that legit or not?
In my experience when a coach starts calling out his colleagues left and right it’s because he’s ****ting in his pants, or else he’s just not very bright.
Saw Deion came back and said Brent was handed the keys to the Ferrari and now it's crashed and smoking.

Was that legit or not?
supposedly fake, saw that too
Venables : Oklahoma :: Eddie Griffin : Ferrari Enzo