Va Tech



Not that he was that good of a QB, but all the talk last season was about how he was a smart coach's kid who had a good head on his shoulders.

This is crazy.
He started off strong last year and we humbled him, big blow from them
I would hammer that FSU line right now. Apparently Josh Jackson has been suspended indefinitely for an academic investigation. They are going to be really really bad.

Jackson Suspended
Except FSU is a total unknown quantity right now.

And VagTech has a more stable coaching situation imo so who knows

I hear ya. I would just think totally looking at it from an objective stance. FSU home and more talented roster, particularly skill positions. I would lean on that as the degenerate gambler that I am. Trying to talk myself into stuff haha.
I hear ya. I would just think totally looking at it from an objective stance. FSU home and more talented roster, particularly skill positions. I would lean on that as the degenerate gambler that I am. Trying to talk myself into stuff haha.

Yea, rooster star wise there is no question. FSU is superior. VAGTech always maxes out talent of 3 stars. It’s not even an argument.

And I’m not a gambler, so I’m not anybody who’s advice you’d want to follow. I’m just spitballing, thinking out loud.

It just seems to me in these situations, maybe, just maybe, it’s about what coaching staff you trust. Because FSU really is such an unknown and we have no idea if Willie has a handle on that team or not. He’s good at the window dressing, just don’t know what’s underneath.. Might be good. Might not be.
You two ***aloons need to get a room. Preferably a jacuzzi suite.

Fill that bad boy with lime jello and settle your differences Greek style, like men.
OPer… did Vtech recruit QB's from around here? If they did then the chickens are working.