Va Tech

I don't know, I used to believe such drivel about how a good FSU team inspired higher levels of play, they're like our little brother, blah, blah blah......I don't believe that anymore in today's game. I think it has become more of a zero sum game in this state....if FSU is good, it makes it that much harder for us to be good. It'd be better for Miami if FSU and UF lost every single game.
I don't know, I used to believe such drivel about how a good FSU team inspired higher levels of play, they're like our little brother, blah, blah blah......I don't believe that anymore in today's game. I think it has become more of a zero sum game in this state....if FSU is good, it makes it that much harder for us to be good. It'd be better for Miami if FSU and UF lost every single game.

Agreed. Imagine if we had our pick of the litter for the most part amonsgst recruits that sign with the big 3?

And I laugh when people say I want to beat them when they are at their best. **** that. I want to beat them by 100.
I don't know, I used to believe such drivel about how a good FSU team inspired higher levels of play, they're like our little brother, blah, blah blah......I don't believe that anymore in today's game. I think it has become more of a zero sum game in this state....if FSU is good, it makes it that much harder for us to be good. It'd be better for Miami if FSU and UF lost every single game.

This is it EXACTLY.

Anything that’s bad for FSU and UF is good for Miami. That includes losses, recruiting failures, scandals, what have you.

There is no more of this “respectful rivalry” nonsense, or “it only helps us if they’re good, too” mythology. That’s all bullshlt.

It’s a cutthroat rivalry. It’s dog eat dog. Sure you’re going to get the coachspeak press conference nonsense. These guys were taught to speak that diplomatic code talk, but what do you think is actually being said during recruiting season in parent’s living rooms when a 5 star recruit is wavering and on the line? The sharp knives are coming out.

It’s a winner take all, zero sum game.

I wish nothing but winless seasons and never ending misery for both UF and FSU.

I can’t make it any clearer than that.

Alabama, Georgia, and Clemson, are not far behind either.
This is it EXACTLY.

Anything that’s bad for FSU and UF is good for Miami. That includes losses, recruiting failures, scandals, what have you.

There is no more of this “respectful rivalry” nonsense, or “it only helps us if they’re good, too” mythology. That’s all bullshlt.

It’s a cutthroat rivalry. It’s dog eat dog. Sure you’re going to get the coachspeak press conference nonsense. These guys were taught to speak that diplomatic code talk, but what do you think is actually being said during recruiting season in parent’s living rooms when a 5 star recruit is wavering and on the line? The sharp knives are coming out.

It’s a winner take all, zero sum game.

I wish nothing but winless seasons and never ending misery for both UF and FSU.

I can’t make it any clearer than that.

Alabama, Georgia, and Clemson, are not far behind either.

Thank you. This is the one correct answer. The less in state rivals we have to take recruits the better. Morons like @Tetragrammaton Cane can't seem to figure that out.

UF and FSU just had two of the worst seasons they could possibly have and even though BOTH their respective coaches abandoned their teams they still finished in the top-15 for recruits (UM, #8; FSU, #11; UF, #14). It ain’t going to ever get worse so wishing for 0-12 seasons ... fruitless BS. Talent is way too high in the state for all teams to not get their share of wins (see: Coker, L; Shannon, R; Golden, A). And Florida has way too much talent for “zero sum gains”. So it’s not really dog eat dog; it’s more of choosing on a playground where you get one pick and then the next team gets the next pick. It is what it is. It’s childish to expect/assume otherwise.

Also, I never said it ONLY helps us if they’re good; I said it’s best when that rivalry is strongest. Difference. Distinction. Denying them from NC’s is much more satisfying, to me, than them losing to everyone else - even the sucky teams. We’ll have to agree to disagree on whether AL, GA and Clemson are a bigger nemesis.

Even after the clarification you are still wrong. FSU had 1 bad year. 1 after very many good years. It will take a lot more than 1 bad season for the wheels to fall off, but if Taggart doesn't clean it up and they keep having bad seasons you will see us land more and more 5 stars and FSU will be getting our left overs. The same thing will happen in Gainesville, except even quicker because they already have been on a steady decline. I would much rather compete with Alabama, UGA, and Clemson for So Fla recruits than UF and FSU(especially if they where to start making it to the playoffs). If FSU and/or UF ever became perennial playoff teams like Bama or Clemson it would be a nightmare for Miami.
You are naive.

Either coach will be gone with another coach promising success if the Taggart/Mullen can’t get the job done. It’s stupid to believe that they’ll ever fall to the level of a Rice. Just dumb.

So, Miami only lands 5*’s when UF and FSU are down? Uh...ok. Which seasons are you watching? If Miami can’t win NC’s, Miami won’t be in the running for 5*’s unless Miami can prove to Florida 5*’s that they can beat UGA, AL, Clemson. FSU and UF be damned.

Only cowards believe that if UF and FSU make the playoffs WITH Miami that it would be a nightmare.

Are you retarded or just playing dumb? When did I say they would fall to the level of Rice. If they can just fall to the level of Shannon/Golden era we would be set. Only cowards? More like anyone with half a brain. Why would you want extra competition. No in state competition works very well for Ohio State and UGA. Miami does land 5*s even when they are not in the playoffs. As does FSU. Let me see if I can break this down to a level that even a simpleton like you can understand. So if UF continues playing how they have been for the past 5 years(which I fully expect them to under Mullet) and FSU performs slightly better under Taggart. There will be TONS of High 4*s and even 1-2 5*s per class that just want to stay home and play in Florida. This happens every single year. If we have our pick of these kids instead of having to split them between the big 3 we would eventually be able to beat Clemson. Once we beat Clemson it would be even easier to keep these kids home since Bama and UGA would not have the playoff advantage over us. Besides the kids taking bags, most kids would rather stay at home and try to win a NC than going to the middle of nowhere to try and win a NC.
You know, plus I just fūcking hate them both anyway.

It’s really not that complicated.

It’s like some of these tards don’t get this whole rivalry thing, especially when we compete for resources, like recruits.
This assclown is confusing hatred with fear. We don’t fear them. We hate them. We wish them the fūcking worst. But pussies like you don’t get it.

You’re one of the worst posters here.

Between being a fake track and field expert, caping for UFåg and their academics at every opportunity, and now looking for excuses so you can root for our rivals, you take the prize for fake *** “fair” fan.

Congrats, here’s your participation trophy, you’re always a winner, Tetratard
Please don't get him started about track. I don't want to have to sift through page after page of misinformation and self praise. This is the type of guy that cracks open his D2 year book at every family gathering to brag about the time he almost placed in an event.

LOL - yea, remember the time I almost broke 12 in the 100 .. I can hear this fool now
Wow, so emotionally invested in this discussion that you typed the same 2 paragraphs twice. You got owned, take the “L”.

You don’t seem to realize that all of your posts just reveal someone with a MASSIVE inferiority complex. It’s no surprise you’re a coward, it would be a surprise if you were anything else. Being on the internet allows you, in your mind, to be the man you can’t be in life.

That’s why you cling to the same “tactics”:
- diacritic-laden profanity (because you’re so clever to beat the filters)
- I go to games (by the way you post you’ve been there alone)
- I give to the school (the school thanks you for that)
- I went to Miami (all that education and you can’t expand your vocabulary or better your arguments)

That’s you. Or, more accurately, that’s the window into your inadequacy. You’ve written it no less than 100 times and it’s always when you get destroyed on the boards.

You’re not a fan because you love Miami football, you’re a fan because you need something to feel superior about; something to enhance your obvious weaknesses. Something you can claim for yourself...which is the actual definition of arrogance. You need something to distinguish yourself; brag about, feel more than - because you know you’re less. Sad. Little. Coward.

LOL - did not read