UVA Job Is Open


sounds like he wants a West coast job or at least has his eye on a job by his usage of the term "re-enter"

that and maybe his marriage is on the rocks
Yet Manny still has a job.
Seth Meyers Time GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Pretty much all the same candidates for the VA Tech job will be the same guys for the UVA job, minus the Frank Beamer connection...

But if I’m UVA, my top 3 choices would be Tyson Helton, Blake Anderson or Eric Morris.

They don't have the same priorities as VT did for this cycle (Focus on VA recruiting, program ties etc) so I don't really think the same guys will be in play. I don't think Anderson would leave after 1 year at USU when he will probably be a top candidate for next years cycle.

UVA's last two HC's were picked from BYU and Richmond. They care about coaches that work with different standards for admissions and will want to stay at program for the long term. Who that is I have no clue this cycle.
Bronco’s team played dirty at BYU. I mean real dirty.

My line of thinking was well motherfücker just come do your thing, let’s see what happens. But it never happened.

I thought he was going to be bringing the same shtick here to the ACC, but his teams didn’t seem to be that kind of physical, compared to what he had before. It’s a real head scratcher for me.
It’s a different brand of football & different caliber of athlete he was dealing with at UVA than at BYU.

People like to really oversell how bad the ACC is & don’t get me wrong, it is a bad conference in comparison to the SEC in that way, but people really sleep on actually how good the ACC is in terms of talent. I think conference has suffered from not having good coaches, but there’s a good amount of talent team for team in the ACC.

Mendehall also is subpar recruiter, recruiting at BYU is a completely different animal than recruiting at a place like UVA, you’re mainly going after kids who socially, religiously & culturally are already bought into the kind of program you have so there’s very little selling you have to do at BYU, you’re basically recruiting kids who already wanna sign there anyway. Plus the only comp is basically Utah & Utah St, and sometimes when Pac-12 schools like Oregon & Wash don’t get a top tier Samoan kid they might dip into the same pool of recruits as BYU, but for the most part BYU has their own section of kids they recruit that are separate from the rest of the West Coast powerhouses.

The region of Virginia as a recruiting ground has been completely commandeered by Bama, UGA, OH St & Penn St, plus the Carolina schools will reach up & take a few of their top kids as well, but VA is tough job to recruit at, which means you can get by off talent alone, you have to have a schematic advantage to level the playing field & Menedhall being a primarily Defensive minded HC from the Rocky Long tree, he never figured out the offensive side of the ball until it was too late.

He stuck with his guy Robert Anae for too long & it cost him.
Has to be personal or exhaustion.
Much like Mark Richt in 2018. Bronco never appeared to be enjoying himself this season. 4 years as a DC, 15 as a Head Coach can wear you down and certainly steals your life away, as it required 75+ hours a week to be successful.
I heard he’s wanted to upgrade facilities since he got there and was finally told yes this year. Now they don’t wanna keep that promise. Don’t blame him if that’s the case.