Utah vs Florida

What's that dance?

Kuithe just did it and Frierson did it for us - I assume it's in a rap / TikTok video somewhere?
No team walks into the swamp, forces a turnover, and scores a TD in the first 4 minutes of a night game!
What's that dance?

Kuithe just did it and Frierson did it for us - I assume it's in a rap / TikTok video somewhere?
Antonio brown did it, then some nfl guy did in a preseason score and it's exploded since then
Utah plays disciplined. UF has better athletes. But give me the better coached, disciplined team over a team of athletes any day.

This is a really tough, fundamentally sound Utah team though. I was hugely impressed with them against Oregon last year.
Oh I'm with you, which is why I think Utah has the mental fortitude to bully them. They did have big losses with Lloyd and the little white receiver though
Couldn't see one, so let's gooooooo.
Look harder.

Thread 'Utah vs Florida'

@RVACane or @JD08

I don’t see first round pick. Dude passes up a wide open cross to run for a first down in which he was lucky not to be sacked and then under throws a wide open receiver that should’ve been a TD.