USC and UCLA to B1G

Pate is a guy that will occasionally **** you off but he does solid work and at least you know he's intellectually honest and not a narrative/water carrier.

The fact that he hasn't been offered a bigger job yet shows you what's wrong with the CFB media landscape.
He’s one of the better ones — very knowledgeable. I agree with you, though: he needs to be hired by ESPN or Fox.
He’s one of the better ones — very knowledgeable. I agree with you, though: he needs to be hired by ESPN or Fox.
Yup. I don't always agree with his conclusions (would be kind of boring if I did) but you can tell he's at least trying to reach them from a base of knowledge and actual independent thought. Plus the guy is fairly personable and good on TV so there's really no reason a bigger outlet hasn't come calling.

I know some of these guys have the former player "cred" going but contrast all that I just said with the David Pollack types. You see that dude appear on screen and you know exactly what he's going to say and what positions he's going to take before he even starts to speak.
Yup. I don't always agree with his conclusions (would be kind of boring if I did) but you can tell he's at least trying to reach them from a base of knowledge and actual independent thought. Plus the guy is fairly personable and good on TV so there's really no reason a bigger outlet hasn't come calling.

I know some of these guys have the former player "cred" going but contrast all that I just said with the David Pollack types. You see that dude appear on screen and you know exactly what he's going to say and what positions he's going to take before he even starts to speak.
Guys like Pollack and Galloway are insufferable. Howard and Herbie are decent, in my opinion.
I think it’s also important for people to understand this is going to take time. Thank god we finally have real leadership. No Blake James to sit back and do nothing.
Ya, definitely not going to happen overnight. I’d also assume everyone is waiting on ND to make a decision before all **** breaks loose.
My hope is that the SEC takes us (and FSU to a lesser extent) in an effort to keep the Big Ten from getting a strong player in the state of Florida. Like maybe more for the purpose of blocking the Big Ten.
SEC seems like it would be way better for the travel aspect. I know this isn’t about say baseball but…. Imagine 3 game weekend road series on the road in the Big Ten???
Oh, I don't disagree. They'll be an attractive school and market(s). I just disagreed with the level that Thamel was running propaganda on their behalf as almost essentially them being the most attractive school in the conference. He didn't cross the final line and say they'd be more attractive than Clemson because he knew Finebawlllm would push back on that if he went that far...but he came **** near close.

They're definitely going to be a coveted school but this is also a football driven situation and they simply don't have the history or current relevance to bring a ton of national allure- at least not to the level that Thamel and now others are doing.
I'd very much like to go to a different conference than UNC. Insufferable fanbase / team.
I prefer the SEC. I think we’d see more full stadiums also. Don’t see Miami vs UGA being 38K in attendance.