USC and UCLA to B1G

He's also running with the narrative that originated solely with Pete Thamel that UNC is some superrrrrr attractive program. These guys are that intellectually lazy. They all just feed off of each other's assertions and pure opinions.

Sure, UNC is a "nice" program but it ain't moving any national needles. Not to mention you'd be dealing with their previous (unearned) sense of entitlement and all sorts of hoops issues with rivalries they'll be hard pressed to want to turn into meaningless home-and-home tilts at best.

I think UNC carries weight because of a few things. First, NC as a state is booming, and there is nothing in Charlotte that aces out the upstate schools. My youngest brother lives in Charlotte now, UNC is very well-liked there. Second, UNC is a fairly solid national brand due to Jordan and hoops. Also, don't underestimate the SEC's desire to fill in the Confederate gaps by rounding out the footprint with NC and VA.

Are there still intellectual/entitlement issues? Absolutely. And that's why I've said not to rule out NC State. NC State might be the 2022 version of Texas A&M, the little brother who now wants to make his own name.
I think people are underestimating how much that new money is gonna play a factor for the B1G. They are going to want the Florida market and we are their opening. I don’t see a way we don’t end up there

I see no factual errors here. Miami may not be #1 on either conference's list, but we are in the Top 2 to 4 with BOTH conferences, which gives us some comfort and some choices.
Where are they at now as the amount of money going back to schools that have made that investment is pure insanity? That it realistically could be like $100 mil PER YEAR PER SCHOOL very soon.

But but but, we could get to half that number by the end of our Grant of Rights term...

Yeah, we gotta split. Pronto.
I think UNC carries weight because of a few things. First, NC as a state is booming, and there is nothing in Charlotte that aces out the upstate schools. My youngest brother lives in Charlotte now, UNC is very well-liked there. Second, UNC is a fairly solid national brand due to Jordan and hoops.

Are there still intellectual/entitlement issues? Absolutely. And that's why I've said not to rule out NC State. NC State might be the 2022 version of Texas A&M, the little brother who now wants to make his own name.
Oh, I don't disagree. They'll be an attractive school and market(s). I just disagreed with the level that Thamel was running propaganda on their behalf as almost essentially them being the most attractive school in the conference. He didn't cross the final line and say they'd be more attractive than Clemson because he knew Finebawlllm would push back on that if he went that far...but he came **** near close.

They're definitely going to be a coveted school but this is also a football driven situation and they simply don't have the history or current relevance to bring a ton of national allure- at least not to the level that Thamel and now others are doing.
Oh, I don't disagree. They'll be an attractive school and market(s). I just disagreed with the level that Thamel was running propaganda on their behalf as almost essentially them being the most attractive school in the conference. He didn't cross the final line and say they'd be more attractive than Clemson because he knew Finebawlllm would push back on that if he went that far...but he came **** near close.

They're definitely going to be a coveted school but this is also a football driven situation and they simply don't have the history or current relevance to bring a ton of national allure- at least not to the level that Thamel and now others are doing.


I would put UM and UNC (and POSSSSSIBLY UVa) into the "top possibilities desired by both Big 10 and SEC" group. Maybe even Clemson, surprisingly (on the academic side, when it comes to Big 10 consideration).

Georgia Tech really doesn't change the equation in GA, the two schools are pretty close together (the distance between UF and UM allows UM to have its own sphere of influence), that's why I see GaTech as more of a Big 10 play than an SEC play.

And F$U...well, while they are a HISTORICALLY strong argument (in the past), they also are fairly near Florida and I don't know that F$U brings as much to the SEC (or Big 10) than what UiF and/or UM would bring.
Why would Nunez pass on the Miami AD job?
It was reported by multiple folks in the media and some Miami “ insiders“ , I acfually started a thread crapping on the rumor.
