Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

C'mon McMurphy...

Jesus Christ, what an embarrassement. This is such an Ohio State thing to do. Tressel got fired for much less.
lol Gene Smith is a scapegoat. U think he had the power to fire Urban Meyer or even act like he can tell Meyer how to run his program??
LOL @ at any recruit out there that commits to this satanic **** faced saban wannabe

guy probably has an ouija table in his attic
Urban Meyer is a lying piece of shxt... talking bout if he knew more he would’ve taken action much quicker?? You did fkn know back at Florida when Zach was just a grad assistant slapping up his wife.... Why else would a grown *** man need to “seek counsel” for another grown *** man?? Gtfoh
So in summation.

He KNEW about the 2009 DV against his pregnant wife while on his staff at UF.

He KNEW about the 2015 DV and the Investigation found he did NOT properly report it.

He lied directly to the media when questioned about it.

....only 3 game suspension for PROTECTING a POS Women beater. Guess we know what osu stands for.

Oh and that POS was cheating on his wife IN THE OFFICE, and got a DUI that somehow Urban never even knew about, pretty incompetent imo.
Unbelievable and incredible all at the same time. I had a feeling this cesspool of a scumbag wouldn’t get fired or do any real hard time relative to suspension. And they even didn’t fire the AD! Just goes to show you that every other program can lie, steal, drug, and pedo little boys but if the U sneezes wrongly we would get the death penalty. Hopefully McMurphy has more dirt he can sling at Urbie Liar!!!
Why is everyone acting surprised? There was little doubt OSU was going to hand down a token slap on the wrist. Once they announced it was being handled by an internal committee, it was pretty clear.
What's really sad is what happens to these players when they do something trivial. They can be kicked off the team for marijuana. but Urban Meyer gets 3 game suspension? That **** ain't right
Urban Meyer is an elite corch who brings in lots of da money for Ohio State. He not going anywhere. GuYsMs, amateur athletics, and college football in particular, is all about da money.

Canedog knew Meyer would not get fired. Follow da money.
Holy ****, in the last answer he literally lied to the media again saying he didn't know about the text messages between Shelley (his wife) and Courney Smith. Are you ******* serious. Shelley received texts showing pictures of her friend bruised up, and didn't tell her husband that one of his coaches was beating his wife AGAIN!! lol gtfoh. Secondly Shelley is a teacher at tOSU, and a mandatory reporter. She should be fired to.

This is ridiculous
Oh wow, he isn't even suspended for all 3 games really. He's fully suspended week1. But He gets to coach the team for weeks 2-3, but just isn't able to coach the games.