Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

Urban hired and retained a repeat abuser while preaching zero tolerance to his players. He only fired the guy once the media caught on.

Urban should be fired, and if he’s not Ohio State has lost any remaining credibility.
Urban hired and retained a repeat abuser while preaching zero tolerance to his players. He only fired the guy once the media caught on.

Urban should be fired, and if he’s not Ohio State has lost any remaining credibility.

I think Ohio State is slowly coming to the realization that, once they announce their pre-determined decision to keep Urban Meyer, this isn't just going to go away, and next time something like this comes up, more of their heads are going to have to roll, should they keep him around. The MD incident and Urban's connection to DJ have to be concerning to them, as must the Project Veritas video of former UF players talking about how Urban treats his players like a childish little bully.

I personally think the odds of him losing his job at OSU are slowly going back up. It would be nice if the media holding UMD people accountable for a culture of abuse would shine that same light on Urban, as the same sort of ethos clearly is shared by both "men".
so dramatic, man. urban didn't beat anyone. these are grown-*** adults who need to be accountable for their own actions. sign of the times is blaming everyone else for people's own issues and problems.

Urban has so much blood on his hands, just from UF, that it’s sickening.

I live in Gainesville and know how out of control that program was. It’s amazing it took as long as it did for just “ some of the “issues” to come out

He has no morals or soul , he’s a trash human being . Then moves a guy to Osu from UF knowing dude beat his wife. He buried that ( like everything else ). Then it happened a couple more times , it just got exposed is because an out of work independent writer outed him. Luckily mcmurphy was in a position to not give an F.

I in know way would want that guy representing UM or mentoring the kids that pass through. And any parent worth their salt shouldn’t either.
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Urban has so much blood on his hands, just from UF, that it’s sickening.

I live in Gainesville and know how out of control that program was. It’s amazing it took as long as it did for just “ some of the “issues” to come out

He has no morals or soul , he’s a trash human being . Then moves a guy to Osu from UF knowing dude best his wife. He buried that ( like everything else ). Then it happened a couple more times , it just got exposed is because an out of work independent writer outed him. Luckily mcmurphy was in a position to not give an F.

I in know way would want that guy representing UM or mentoring the kids that pass through. And any parent worth their salt shouldn’t either.

i mean, okay, he's a soulless monster. i wont argue that point.

personally, it doesnt bother me at all that he's at ohio state. i prefer him there and coaching. guy's a beast when it comes to winning college football games, and myself also being a soulless monster.. thats mostly all i care about.

people know what he's about. its all out there. if they still want to go play for him, that's on them. but i want him at OSU, and i want to crush him in the playoffs. over and over. simple as that. i want richt and miami to play and beat the best of our era: urban, saban, dabo. and leave no doubt.
Urban hired and retained a repeat abuser while preaching zero tolerance to his players. He only fired the guy once the media caught on.

Urban should be fired, and if he’s not Ohio State has lost any remaining credibility.

I absolutely agree with you.. But there is no way he goes. I mean.. What repercussions would they actually face by keeping him?

Media backlash? Their fans are behind him 100%. I've seen their boards and fan tweets. Its cult like. Attacking any writer or reporter who so much as posts a story about it. I listened to that rivals podcast with Adam Gorney and Mike Farrell talking about it. Gorney said their podcast was "being picked apart word for word by people defending a certain person". Their fans held a rally for him AFTER news of this broke. OSU doesn't care how the media portrays them because it won't affect them. They'll still sellout their home games because their fans do not care. If the media turns on them, their fans will go after the media.

Credibility? Same problem. They'll lose credibility with who, you know? Every fan base and writer in America could hate their guts and write story after story about it. But as long as their fans are happy and supportive, they won't care.

Recruiting and kids parents? Battle, who lives over 1000 miles away from there, has said his commitment depends on them keeping liar. There won't be many kids who actually say.. hmm.. he kept a wife beater on his staff. Better not talk to them. Keeping Schiano didn't matter after the stuff with Tennessee put him back in the spotlight about what he knew concerning Penn St. And even if a few parents are turned off by it, liar will emphasize that its their decision, not their parents.

Then there's this story from the front page of CBSsports: Candid Coaches: Which college football coach runs the cleanest program? These coaches do everything completely above board, according to their peers.

Candid Coaches: Which college football coach runs the cleanest program?

Guess who had his name listed among those receiving votes. This came after he brought Schiano back (a guy with too much baggage even for the SEC) and after he was placed on administrative leave for the stuff going on now. But other coaches are calling him clean? What kind of coach says.. you know.. that Meyer.. he's a clean guy. lol

There is no way they fire him. I will gladly come back here to celebrate if they do. But there's no way they fire him man.
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I absolutely agree with you.. But there is no way he goes. I mean.. What repercussions would they actually face by keeping him?

Media backlash? Their fans are behind him 100%. I've seen their boards and fan tweets. Its cult like. Attacking any writer or reporter who so much as posts a story about it. I listened to that rivals podcast with Adam Gorney and Mike Farrell talking about it. Gorney said their podcast was "being picked apart word for word by people defending a certain person". Their fans held a rally for him AFTER news of this broke. OSU doesn't care how the media portrays them because it won't affect them. They'll still sellout their home games because their fans do not care. If the media turns on them, their fans will go after the media.

Credibility? Same problem. They'll lose credibility with who, you know? Every fan base and writer in America could hate their guts and write story after story about it. But as long as their fans are happy and supportive, they won't care.

Recruiting and kids parents? Battle, who literally lives over 1000 miles away from there, has said his commitment depends on them keeping liar. There won't be many kids who actually say.. hmm.. he kept a wife beater on his staff. Better not talk to them. Keeping Schiano didn't matter after the stuff with Tennessee put him back in the spotlight about what he knew concerning Penn St. And even if a few parents are turned off by it, liar will emphasize that its their decision, not their parents.

Then there's this story from the front page of CBSsports: Candid Coaches: Which college football coach runs the cleanest program? These coaches do everything completely above board, according to their peers.

Candid Coaches: Which college football coach runs the cleanest program?

Guess who had his name listed among those receiving votes. This came after he brought Schiano back (a guy with too much baggage even for the SEC) and after he was placed on administrative leave for the stuff going on now. But other coaches are calling him clean? What kind of coach says.. you know.. that Meyer.. he's a clean guy. lol

There is no way they fire him. I will gladly come back here to celebrate if they do. But there's no way they fire him man.

The media is going to stay on his ***. Ohio State will basically have a ticking time bomb. When he messes up again, the school will look horrible. They may keep him, but it will backfire gloriously.
Urban hired and retained a repeat abuser while preaching zero tolerance to his players. He only fired the guy once the media caught on.

Urban should be fired, and if he’s not Ohio State has lost any remaining credibility.
* has NEVER had any credibility! Especially after 2002-3! Would love to see* get the death penalty almost as much as I’d like to see it happen to the Gators!
The media is going to stay on his ***. Ohio State will basically have a ticking time bomb. When he messes up again, the school will look horrible. They may keep him, but it will backfire gloriously.

I'd like to hope your right but I doubt it.

College football is about 2 things only.

Money and winning. He brings in both.
I absolutely agree with you.. But there is no way he goes. I mean.. What repercussions would they actually face by keeping him?

Media backlash? Their fans are behind him 100%. I've seen their boards and fan tweets. Its cult like. Attacking any writer or reporter who so much as posts a story about it. I listened to that rivals podcast with Adam Gorney and Mike Farrell talking about it. Gorney said their podcast was "being picked apart word for word by people defending a certain person". Their fans held a rally for him AFTER news of this broke. OSU doesn't care how the media portrays them because it won't affect them. They'll still sellout their home games because their fans do not care. If the media turns on them, their fans will go after the media.

Credibility? Same problem. They'll lose credibility with who, you know? Every fan base and writer in America could hate their guts and write story after story about it. But as long as their fans are happy and supportive, they won't care.

Recruiting and kids parents? Battle, who literally lives over 1000 miles away from there, has said his commitment depends on them keeping liar. There won't be many kids who actually say.. hmm.. he kept a wife beater on his staff. Better not talk to them. Keeping Schiano didn't matter after the stuff with Tennessee put him back in the spotlight about what he knew concerning Penn St. And even if a few parents are turned off by it, liar will emphasize that its their decision, not their parents.

Then there's this story from the front page of CBSsports: Candid Coaches: Which college football coach runs the cleanest program? These coaches do everything completely above board, according to their peers.

Candid Coaches: Which college football coach runs the cleanest program?

Guess who had his name listed among those receiving votes. This came after he brought Schiano back (a guy with too much baggage even for the SEC) and after he was placed on administrative leave for the stuff going on now. But other coaches are calling him clean? What kind of coach says.. you know.. that Meyer.. he's a clean guy. lol

There is no way they fire him. I will gladly come back here to celebrate if they do. But there's no way they fire him man.

I wonder if some pressure on Nike's sponsoring them might make a difference on whether or not they keep him.
Heart problems is coming, trust.

They keep Meyers, and that program is going to have to be squeaky clean. I mean, no off field issues at all. Now that more dirt is coming out how he ran UFelon, it's going to be ran under a microscope.
Zach Smith nude photos at the Whitehouse LMAO story getting better and better. Then ordering *** toys to his office at the university LMAO no way urban Myer survives this.
If I were Urban, I'd resign now and wait for the LSU or other SEC job to open where they don't care about this kind of thing. This is not going to end pretty for either party whether he is fired or retained.