UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

So... (maybe I’m just block headed, and need it set out in really plain terms) what’s the issue?

Nobody was hurt. Nothing happened. It was a useless publicity stunt. But... (here’s where I need the help).
I already explained the issue in my first post.

Furthermore, there's nothing good that comes from this.
"Furthermore, there's nothing good that comes from this."

Especially with in the team.

Guys who went through Training camp - winter workouts - spring ball. are there to try and compete - not to be a publicity stunt.... even though there record isn't good.

I wonder how all the clearly personally offended old dudes feel about Larry Doby and Satchel Page.
anymore dumb *** comparisons you can come up with? Somebody who isn’t good , or deserving to play being used as ploy for the media, versus black men who were good enough but couldn’t play because of color. Now that I’ve showed you how dumb that is do you have any more zingers ?
Can anyone confirm that any Vandy players actually opted out? Eye don’t sea it anywhere.
Chris Lee is the Rivals editor for Vandy. He stated it in a thread he started titled "Oh Boy. Here we go". It's behind a paywall but feel free to check it out. He also mentioned

- all kickers passed Covid protocol and were available for practice this week
- Kicker from last year was on campus, available, and reached out to coaches last week.
- there were a few players on team that were top kickers in high school and they didn't like the "she's best available" quote from coach.
- there was not an actual tryout
- soccer coach claimed Mason came to him
- Missouri was aware squib kick would happen and agreed to down ball.
- Sarah Fuller was not the starting GK for soccer team (was filling in, starter out with Covid). She recently entered transfer portal to go somewhere where she could be a starter and committed to University of North Texas. People rubbed wrong that someone who entered portal and committed to another school could come in and play.
- There was also a quote from the day before the game from the UNT soccer coach that she was guaranteed she would not tackle
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anymore dumb *** comparisons you can come up with? Somebody who isn’t good , or deserving to play being used as ploy versus black men who were good enough but couldn’t because of color. Now that I’ve showed you how dumb that is do you have any more zingers ?
You think Jackie was better than Larry or Satchel? Or was he used as a commodity becuase he had a big personality?

Man I can't believe you would say someone that didn't earn their spot with their play like Larry or satchel did should get more shine. Its really sickening and totally due to the liberal media and sjws.
I already explained the issue in my first post.

Furthermore, there's nothing good that comes from this.
Like I said - if it’s the meritocracy thing, you already conceded that no one is trying to “destroy” anything. So, again, what’s the issue? The football players got their feelings hurt because a girl got some shine?

I guess I can agree. Nothing good can come from a harmless publicity stunt. Arguably, though, nothing bad can come from it either.
You "bet" that? What would make you think such a thing? Cause they're "big dumb football players"?

And LOL if you don't see something wrong with your first sentence.
So a girl was used to bring publicity to Vandy and you see nothing wrong with that?
Cause this should be looked at as "business".
Because football players are known to have lesser academic standards than the student body.

CFB is 100% a business. Teams have allowed kids with criminal records, rape allegation etc to represent the university but a woman is where you draw line. How about coaches with substance abuse issues? Bet sark gets a fat paycheck this year.
It’s not free. Not that hard to comprehend.
But it is, from a monetary stand point . They just have to keep their grades up just like any other school. I thought this was generally assumed.

Here's the screen print from Vanderbilt's own web site

Just click on the question "Does Vanderbilt offer athletic scholarships?


most can hit a 35 yarder , it’s the constant accuracy that’s the issue and long distance. I played 3-4 kids that could hit 40 yarders in practice , the problem was none of us wanted to kick. A thirty five yarder is nothing, that’s snapping from the eighteen dude.
You played on the best kicking high school team ever. Our high school kicker, who was on the soccer team, was by far the most accurate and consistent guy on the team to even try kicking. The coaches were not sending him out for anything unless the line of scrimmage was inside the 20. Yes. He could make a 37 yarder but not consistently enough to where the coaches were confident in him. Now, I admit this was 20 years ago and maybe kickers have gotten a lot better but I have watched quite a few high school games in Broward in recent years and I’ve seen maybe one kid attempt a game field goal over 35 yards. Most of them miss from much shorter distances. Actual college starter level kickers are rare.
But it is, from a monetary stand point . They just have to keep their grades up just like any other school. I thought this was generally assumed.

Here's the screen print from Vanderbilt's own web site

Just click on the question "Does Vanderbilt offer athletic scholarships?

View attachment 136594
A scholarship is not free. It is bartered for. Players provide a service, in lieu of payment, the university provides a service. Just because money doesn’t change hands, doesn’t mean something is “free.”
You don't have to say anything, nor do you have to watch the game. But here you are, triggered by a girl kicking for an 0-8 team with no HC and 1 game left.

Sure it's pandering but there is most certainly a girl out there capable of being a better starting kicker than 1 of the 120+ college kickers out there. It's probably not this girl but she opened the door for the next one. BIG ******* DEAL.

If you don't want girls trying out for kicker on your team don't go 0-8.
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I'm not sexist at all, I'd be equally ****ed if some ****** guy did the following. This is probably what pushed them over the edge:

Fuller was added to the team Monday after the Commodores lost their specialists due to coronavirus testing and needed a kicker. And her experience with the team Saturday went beyond handling the kickoff duties. With Vanderbilt trailing 21-0 at halftime, Fuller decided she wanted to address the team.

"If I'm going to be honest, I was a little ****ed off at how quiet everybody was on the sideline," she said. "We made a first down, and I was the only one cheering and I was like -- what the heck? What's going on? And I tried to get them pumped up."

She said she compared it to Vanderbilt soccer's SEC tournament-winning run, when the team was "cheering the entire time."

"I just went in there and I said exactly what I was thinking. I was like, 'We need to be cheering each other on. This is how you win games. This is how you get better is by calling each other out for stuff, and I'm going to call you guys out. We need to be supporting one another. We need to be lifting each other up. That's what a team's about,'" Fuller said. "I think this team has struggled, and that's been part of it.

"We really just need to build that team camaraderie where they can all lean on one another. It was an adjustment going from that team mentality where -- hey, we're all here supporting one another -- and I just wanted to bring that to this team."
You think Jackie was better than Larry or Satchel? Or was he used as a commodity becuase he had a big personality?

Man I can't believe you would say someone that didn't earn their spot with their play like Larry or satchel did should get more shine. Its really sickening and totally due to the liberal media and sjws.
So you’re now comparing breaking the color barrier in baseball to a woman who’s never played football , who’s awful at it and had no place being on the field , being used as a publicity stunt to get likes , retweets , and love from the media?

You just should’ve stuck with calling people racists, sexist /misogynists like the youngsters today who have lost a debate. Rather than make yourself look like an absolute imbecile.

Way to water down a real battle and victory in American history with soft *** 2020 fake virtue signaling. It’s pretty **** sickening. This could’ve possible been the worst comparison in the history of comparisons. I am sorry I even responded to your first dumb statement. I thought you were trolling , now I know it.
So you’re now comparing breaking the color barrier in baseball to a woman who’s never played football , who’s awful at it and had no place being on the field , being used as a publicity stunt to get likes , retweets , and love from the media?

You just should’ve stuck with calling people racists, sexist /misogynists like the youngsters today who have lost a debate. Rather than make yourself look like an absolute imbecile.

Way to water down a real battle and victory in American history with soft *** 2020 fake virtue signaling. It’s pretty **** sickening. This could’ve possible been the worst comparison in the history of comparisons. I am sorry I even responded to your first dumb statement. Unreal.
Cry more. All yall old dudes is cry about being offended. Satchel and Larry were in fact miles better than Jackie and you know it. Youre crying because it isn't the cause you want it to be.

Sickening is literally leading a crusade on cis about how these grown men had so much taken from them that they earned.

Nut up soft *** dudes.
And she brought more attention/publicity than vandy has had in years. Its a business.

Bet shes more academically qualified for vandy than half that roster ..... if you really want to start breaking preferential treatments down.
This is pretty warped. If she's more academically qualified then give her an academic scholarship, admit her into Phi Beta Kappa and enroll her in honors courses.

Make her earn her way onto the football team on the field.
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Like I said - if it’s the meritocracy thing, you already conceded that no one is trying to “destroy” anything. So, again, what’s the issue? The football players got their feelings hurt because a girl got some shine?

I guess I can agree. Nothing good can come from a harmless publicity stunt. Arguably, though, nothing bad can come from it either.
I think the harm is this girl telling little girls that they can do anything they put their mind to when

1. That’s just simply not true.
2. She didn’t put her mind to become a college football kicker and worked towards that goal. She was a soccer player who was given a spot she didn’t earn.

What happens when a girl works to become a decent kicker, but still gets passed up by naturally more gifted males? Or are they supposed to just give her a spot to break the “glass ceiling”?