UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

I wanted to believe there was at least some merit involved in this, and so like any rational, fair-minded person, I did my own research...

First I looked into whether Vandy had any sort of open tryout. There's about 13,000 students enrolled there, so maybe they would have had an open tryout and maybe she won that tryout. None of the sources discussing this talked about any tryout. In fact, the articles that first picked up on this about a week ago stated Vandy football "reached out" across athletics.

Okay, well, maybe she was the only suitable athlete who responded? So checked to see what other men's sports (including, maybe, men's soccer) Vandy has other than football. The answer was not a whole lot. Other than football, the men have basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and cross country. No men's soccer? Well, they used to, but they don't anymore (likely Title IX casualty).

Then it hit me. Vandy punted a boatload of times last week. Most punters some kick in HS, right? So what about their punter, Harrison Smith (who played against Missouri)? His recruiting profile didn't say much, but I did find a link to his HUDL page were he was listed as a Punter and Kicker. However, his senior and junior highlights only showed him punting. Same thing with all the game footage... until I found this gem:

Harrison Smith, in middle school, lining up for a field goal! Now, he doesn't actually kick the ball. But based on his poise alone, I am confident this young man can place kick.

As an FYI, Vanderbilt also happens to have a backup punter, Jared Wheatley, who definitely kicked and punted in high school. According to 247, dude went 8 of 9 on FGs as a senior in HS and kicked a 52 yarder (link). Not sure whether he was available or not, since his name wasn't in any of the press I could find about the kickers who were unavailable.

Verdict: Total PR move.
Say the same thing happened at Miami.

Do you think the players would be happy about this?
Assistant coaches?

I think a lot of people are cool with it as long as its someone else and somewhere else. I wouldn't be pleased if this was going on here.

Did you watch Turner Davidson kick for us last year? 100% chance there are better women kickers in SFL right now.
What a dopey porst.

I assure you, there are way more people laughing at Vanderbilt over their pathetic players "opting out" over a female kicker than are laughing at Vanderbilt for having a female kicker.
Keep believing that.

If you think a bunch of fellow college guys aren’t giving them mountains full of **** for this, I don’t know what to tell you.
They’re being used for pandering , and it’s bull ****.

This kids went to vandy , not for long term football but for a quality education. These aren’t dumb sec kids , these are smart cats that see through bs that gets the main stream media hard. Fake *** pandering to get clicks , newstime, retweets and some shine/ glory. “ Look how open minded we’re lol, gtfoh.

As I posted other day “ there’s a bunch of guys in that locker room that can kick better than her, there’s a bunch of Forbes high school kickers and punters on that campus better too”. Today the kids are saying that lol, duh. Anyone that’s played knew that , and knew what this was. Fact is they’re cool with losing , anyone that does there knows the deal , they’ll get beat on for four years and leave with a great education. But even they knew this was ridiculous.

But this is the new era we live in. It’s all fake virtue signaling , look at me , look how great I am , fake *** ****.

Btw, any other time it’s “ but they’re just kids , the poor kids”. Hypocrisy at its best.

Walking out of a the last game of the season 0-8 because of a girl kicker is the definition of virtue signaling. Anyone with half a brain cell knows this game means nothing, they're looking for a reason to cut the season short and the coach next year isn't starting a girl kicker.
49-0 loss to Mizzu and these guys are acting “diva?” GTFOOH. Beggars can’t be choosers. They knew they signed up for an SEC cellar dweller team when they joined.
Beat a good team and then start acting demanding!
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So, is your answer that you'd be ok if this happened at Miami? It's not a criticism, I just want to see who would own it.

If we were 0-8 i wouldn't be watching the last game of the season TBH.

Would i be ****ed if we used a girl kicker who sucked? Yes.

Would i be ecstatic iif a girl kicker came in last year and took the job from Baxa/Davidson/Price? Yes.

The result is all that matters, don't give any ***** about virtue signaling boogeymen or media BS.
If we were 0-8 i wouldn't be watching the last game of the season TBH.

Would i be ****ed if we used a girl kicker who sucked? Yes.

Would i be ecstatic iif a girl kicker came in last year and took the job from Baxa/Davidson/Price? Yes.

The result is all that matters, don't give any ***** about virtue signaling boogeymen or media BS.
Ok, that's a fair response.
Most people can worry about multiple things.

They went from already being a laughing stock to being an even bigger laughing stock in the eyes of most athletes and sports fan as part of a lame duck publicity stunt.

How dare these kids see through the bs and speak out on it. These aren’t dumb jocks, they knew what the grown ups were doing and called it out. But that won’t be celebrated by the main stream , they’ll be “ sexists “ lol. Ask Ice cube about not going with the main stream media agenda , they’ll turn on you and try to eat you alive.

The kids will back off it and just go away. If not they’ll get destroyed for speaking the truth.
It only takes one player not to block a person to get this poor woman killed.

You realize this girl is bigger than a lot of kickers and would 100% kick the **** out of someone like Roberto Aguayo, for example? Y’all are out here acting like every kicker is Mike Tyson or something.

1. Most kickers are gigantic pussies and have zero interest in contact
2. How many tackles you see kickers make a year. We’ve played 8 games. I don’t remember Borregales even being in the picture on any of them after kicking the ball.

Say what you want about the semantics of her kicking. But spare me the safety nonsense. Yeah, she’s probably not Matt Bosher. But you guys realize we literally had a kicker last year who hadn’t gone through puberty yet, right? He weighed 130 pounds. No exaggeration.
Hey, it was the highlight of their season, took the focus away from their record and Coach getting ready to get canned, they shouldn't complain.

Coach to recruit: "We're the school that broke the glass ceiling, everybody was watching - we may even do it again while you're here!"
I figure it was Derek Mason making an attempt to save his job. But if they're still keeping her in that role, then there are bigger issues.
I’ll concede for arguments sake it was a stunt and they have better options. So what. Their players are pathetic if they can’t roll with the lady getting a few kicks. It isn’t like she is even one tiny bit to do with them sucking. Roll with it fellas. It’s not a big deal.

How dare these kids see through the bs and speak out on it. These aren’t dumb jocks, they knew what the grown ups were doing and called it out. But that won’t be celebrated by the main stream , they’ll be “ sexists “ lol. Ask Ice cube about not going with the main stream media agenda , they’ll turn on you and try to eat you alive.

The kids will back off it and just go away. If not they’ll get destroyed for speaking the truth.
It's amazing how many have turned on Ice Cube. Meanwhile, he's one of the few celebrities that is actually trying to do something for the black community. Strange times.
You realize this girl is bigger than a lot of kickers and would 100% kick the **** out of someone like Roberto Aguayo, for example? Y’all are out here acting like every kicker is Mike Tyson or something.

1. Most kickers are gigantic pussies and have zero interest in contact
2. How many tackles you see kickers make a year. We’ve played 8 games. I don’t remember Borregales even being in the picture on any of them after kicking the ball.

Say what you want about the semantics of her kicking. But spare me the safety nonsense. Yeah, she’s probably not Matt Bosher. But you guys realize we literally had a kicker last year who hadn’t gone through puberty yet, right? He weighed 130 pounds. No exaggeration.
Am I missing something?
