Tweeting recruits


Dec 4, 2011
Stop f_cking tweet sh*t to recruits if they decommit. If he don't want to be a cane that's on him... it's a cane gang you either in or you out but all that sh*t does is make us look bad in the eyes of other recruits. And quite frankly it's wierd
Hey broke, stop f_cking posting sh*t on the boards. We don't take our god**** marching orders from you, Miss Manners. I don't tweet at these kids, but I'm not going to bytch about "locals" making kids uncomfortable for turning their backs on The U. We need more of that "rep for your city or you're dead to us" ****, not less of it.
if i had to bet on who i thought was tweeting recruits on here.....

1a. Paranos
1b. Broke
dude sometimes talking to the kids aint a bad thing. i f'd up a baseball career by beign a street kid. i had the chance to talk to same kids in the past who had issues and actually developed relationships where they would hit me for advice.
F_ck all who posted above besides Blackvern and nycane. Wierd mfs you right though but still man
I agree, but I certainly don't need some clown like Broke telling people what to do.

Ol fruit pop pony tail heart "leave Britney alone" *** ************.
Stop f_cking tweet sh*t to recruits if they decommit. If he don't want to be a cane that's on him... it's a cane gang you either in or you out but all that sh*t does is make us look bad in the eyes of other recruits. And quite frankly it's wierd

If Al Golden was doing it, I bet you would be on board....
If it's weird to tweet at recruits, it's for sure weirder to monitor such things
Just combine forces & just troll that backstabbing Gaytor loving bïtch Chad Wilson mutha fůckin snake in grass. Hes deff on UF payroll
Stop f_cking tweet sh*t to recruits if they decommit. If he don't want to be a cane that's on him... it's a cane gang you either in or you out but all that sh*t does is make us look bad in the eyes of other recruits. And quite frankly it's wierd

If your over 18 & use Twitter for anything non business related I don't respect you.

Stop f_cking tweet sh*t to recruits if they decommit. If he don't want to be a cane that's on him... it's a cane gang you either in or you out but all that sh*t does is make us look bad in the eyes of other recruits. And quite frankly it's wierd

Never understood that kinda behavior.. sad/pathetic
I don't do it and I don't agree with it but hey I'm not monitoring and if the kid says no to us I really don't care what he thinks so hey none of my business