TVD news

They have rights bro. Unacceptable bro. It’s not funny bro.
I usually will assume a person is just a sarcastic genius when they say **** like that, for two reasons:

1. I’m an optimist
2. I need to keep my faith in humanity
Mario said “ run the ball” and that’s after he was told the game was over after GT‘s last timeout. No OC on the planet has the power to make that call or telling a HC to go for it. Lord Mario did the same thing he did at Oregon. We also haven’t kneeled the ball all year.
yeah i didn't see that. in my defense i couldn't stomach watching anything about football the last two weeks outside of our game against UNC
Mario said “ run the ball” and that’s after he was told the game was over after GT‘s last timeout. No OC on the planet has the power to make that call or telling a HC to go for it. Lord Mario did the same thing he did at Oregon. We also haven’t kneeled the ball all year.
Cribby you think this might be a bad habit he picked up from earlier in his career when he had poor offenses and is just trying to add yds to the stat lines.
Mario said “ run the ball” and that’s after he was told the game was over after GT‘s last timeout. No OC on the planet has the power to make that call or telling a HC to go for it. Lord Mario did the same thing he did at Oregon. We also haven’t kneeled the ball all year.
dawson falling on the sword for that is concerning
I think our OL will pass block well. I think they were fine vs UNC too minus a few plays vs good players but holding the ball/predictability hurt us. I think this unit is pretty legit and gives us a chance vs anyone given good coaching
Just don’t put TVD out there to get killed like Mario did last season. Dude was so messed up should have never been playin that game against FSU. If he can play, play if he can’t don’t.
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This makes no sense. Even as bad as we played the offense still put us in position to win and our HC went full R word. Nothing matters after he didn’t kneel the ball like any coach with sense would do. That’s not TVD’s fault , THE GAME WAS OVER.
100%. Anyone else arguing anything else at all is ridiculous. Regardless of a single thing that happened b4, Miami had the ball with 33 seconds left and GT has no timeouts left. It was over. They had done enough to win. As expected, the season has begun to spiral after that loss just like any other Miami team would let it for the past 2 decades