Totally and completely OT: Is this spouse worth $36 BILLION dollars?

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Again, people are looking at their spouses as if we were living in the 1950s. Most married people I know, the wife has her own career, does her own thing. So she’s going to get 50%, if he’s contributed more than 50% to their net worth?

I know his wife contributed at the beginning, but not 25% worth or $36 billion worth, not even close, imo. She even admitted in an interview that she was “not much of a business person“.

Also, her tenure at Amazon was relatively brief, and other than support at the very beginning, she really didn’t have a whole lot to do with their success which gradually built over a period of a decade or longer. In fact, she’s been a novelist most of the time.
Again, people are looking at their spouses as if we were living in the 1950s. Most married people I know, the wife has her own career, does her own thing. So she’s going to get 50%, if he’s contributed more than 50% to their net worth?

I know his wife contributed at the beginning, but not 25% worth or $36 billion worth, not even close, imo. She even admitted in an interview that she was “not much of a business person“.

Also, her tenure at Amazon was relatively brief, and other than support at the very beginning, she really didn’t have a whole lot to do with their success which gradually built over a period of a decade or longer. In fact, she’s been a novelist most of the time.
It was their joint money. She's basically getting her return from being an early investor.
It was their joint money. She's basically getting her return from being an early investor.

1. I'm sure the OP has redeeming qualities, but showing an unflattering picture and asking "Is she worth it?" shows a serious lack of class.

2. The reason women get what they get is that they're home with the kids. Them being at home, allows the spouse to work. Cuz he ain't building Amazon with a 3 year old on his hip.
Again, people are looking at their spouses as if we were living in the 1950s. Most married people I know, the wife has her own career, does her own thing. So she’s going to get 50%, if he’s contributed more than 50% to their net worth?

I know his wife contributed at the beginning, but not 25% worth or $36 billion worth, not even close, imo. She even admitted in an interview that she was “not much of a business person“.

Also, her tenure at Amazon was relatively brief, and other than support at the very beginning, she really didn’t have a whole lot to do with their success which gradually built over a period of a decade or longer. In fact, she’s been a novelist most of the time.

She was "supportive"...did f'n clerical work. Princeton grad with a creative writing degree and has written two books in a life she legitimately had no other duties but to raise rich white babies (very hard task, I'm sure).

I don't want to trash McKenzie Besos. By all accounts she's actually a great lady who is quiet and would prefer to be left alone. She reads all of the **** time. She's smart enough to know the score. If $36B was the opening offer, I am sure she was speeding out of there after an immediate handshake agreement...but...

I am sure Jeff Bezos could have made a Bezos x Musk prototype of a McKenzie Bezos robot clone that could have been mommy and no one would be none the wiser if she wanted to work...and it would have cost less than $36B in RnD to make. Either that or 24 of the greatest childhood development professionals turned nanny's on the planet earth that work in one hour shifts all day turning his babies into future super villains.

I don't care what these legal eagles are saying in here...our legal system is cheeks in the first place, not a great arbiter of what is "right". The same clowns here would have been telling black people that they would have to move to the back of the bus and told'em "well, pal, dems da breaks, its the law, now read the sign get movin" in 1961.
Now he isn't locked down to one money grubbing *****. He can have all the money grubbing ******* he wants, or what every you get for roughly $36,000,000,000.00 and counting.

IN which case, I'd recommend a vasectomy.
Ladies and gentlemen,

What the **** is going on. I get some people might not like Jeff Bezos or his politics. That’s not what this is about.

He conceived the concept and implemented one of the great companies of the modern technological era.

After years of struggle and hard work, the company turned profitable and is without question one of the great successes of the modern Internet age, and the way commerce is conducted versus 20 years ago.

Now I’m sure his wife was very supportive, and did no small share in her support of him. But is that support worth $36 billion? I mean are you kidding me?

You need to put a dollar value on spousal support in a divorce, but ain’t nobody getting $36 billion worth of spousal support. He could’ve been successful without her “support”

Just another indication of our arcane system of looking at the sexes, and sometimes it’s the man that gets the raw end of the deal. I’m sure he doesn’t care, because he has billions anyway in the other 75%. But for the rest of us schlubs, it sure doesn’t seem right.

Here honey take half of everything I’ve earned, take half of my net worth. Doesn’t matter if it’s male or female. It’s just not right.

Flame away, I just had to get that off my chest. $36 billion my ***.

Jeff Bezos to keep 75% of couple's Amazon stock after finalizing divorce

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What exactly are we debating here?
If the ************ got to keep $1 billion he should be happy. He'll never spend that much if he retired and basically lived on vacation for the rest of his life.....
I like OP, but I can't get down with this one. Yeah, monetarily it sounds out of whack, but come on. We call marriage a partnership, but then when it breaks up it's all about who made the most money. Try doing that to your wife right now. Go tell her that she gets 27% of the say as to how you raise the kids because you make 73% of the money. Does that not sound like a douchey thing to do? Would you support your buddy if he told his wife to stfu because he makes the money?

I'm just saying, we try to pretend that raising kids is somehow less important, but come on. Could you stay home with the kids? I sure as sht couldn't. I love the little fckers, but I couldn't stay home and raise them and do housework all day. I just couldn't. So I've got some respect for those that can.

Is it worth half the money? Maybe not, but where's the line? Is it maybe just the number you're finding ridiculous? Because if so, maybe it's time to ask how tf any one person is worth so much more than another. But I don't think we want to go there.
What exactly are we debating here?
If the ************ got to keep $1 billion he should be happy. He'll never spend that much if he retired and basically lived on vacation for the rest of his life.....
Um, numerous industries have cropped up to sell super-expensive things to people with billions of dollars, so he could easily spend $1B. This isn't Brewster's millions.

That said, yeah this is kinda out of whack. We're talking about $36B like $1B isn't 1000x what most of us will make in a lifetime. With numbers like that, nobody really loses.
I like OP, but I can't get down with this one. Yeah, monetarily it sounds out of whack, but come on. We call marriage a partnership, but then when it breaks up it's all about who made the most money. Try doing that to your wife right now. Go tell her that she gets 27% of the say as to how you raise the kids because you make 73% of the money. Does that not sound like a douchey thing to do? Would you support your buddy if he told his wife to stfu because he makes the money?

I'm just saying, we try to pretend that raising kids is somehow less important, but come on. Could you stay home with the kids? I sure as sht couldn't. I love the little fckers, but I couldn't stay home and raise them and do housework all day. I just couldn't. So I've got some respect for those that can.

Is it worth half the money? Maybe not, but where's the line? Is it maybe just the number you're finding ridiculous? Because if so, maybe it's time to ask how tf any one person is worth so much more than another. But I don't think we want to go there.

If your wife was worth $136 BILLION you'd have that house spotless, your kids would have straight As, and you'd gladly clean her up after she invited over the latest twink she met getting coffee at starbucks earlier in the day...and don't you lie and say you wouldn't. Maybe your life would suck...but you wouldn't cry because you wouldn't want to get tears on the original Paul Newman Cosmograph Rolex Daytona you just purchased.
If your wife was worth $136 BILLION you'd have that house spotless, your kids would have straight As, and you'd gladly clean her up after she invited over the latest twink she met getting coffee at starbucks earlier in the day...and don't you lie and say you wouldn't. Maybe your life would suck...but you wouldn't cry because you wouldn't want to get tears on the original Paul Newman Cosmograph Rolex Daytona you just purchased.

Well shlt, I didn’t even know they made a Paul Newman Cosmograph Rolex Daytona
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