Todays practice 31st

Who ever thinks malik is a great leader is kidding themselves. I had one of my boys point out to me something during the Clemson game. If you go back and watch it they were showing him on the side line mid first quarter and he was sitting off by himself looking dejected and sulking. There was a rumor at the time that he had got pulled. That clip made me wonder if it was true. Point is in that spot a leader ralkys the troops. Not sits down sulking by himself.

Curious. What exactly am i saying in this thread that is black or white? About leadership? If thats what you mean than im sorry but you and i simply have a very different idea of what a leader is. Come out to practice and see how deejay is with the offense when malik is running it... a leader gives his people confidence when they get down. Not withdrawls. Im sorry if you dont agree but ill never call malik rosier a leader. Just me & my opinion.

i mentioned this last spring as well. going into last year, malik wasn't very well-liked by the coaches (and a very good portion of players) because he was an arrogant *** and didn't do what is needed to be a good quarterback/leader after sitting behind kaaya. that could be him, that could be golden and coley being **** coaches by allowing bad habits and not focusing on the backups, or (most likely) a combination of both. he just doesn't have the qualities to lead and that's not something that he's suddenly going to have going into this season.
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Fincane made a great point using Wimbush as his example.

You never ever know what you’re going to get from a QB until he’s under center with the band playing. You see skill sets from HS highlights and from practices, but QB is one of the most unique positions in all of sports because of the amount of information you have to process under extreme pressure and in a split second of time. You can’t replicate those circumstances anywhere other than gameday.

We pretty much know what we have with Rosier. He can improve (or maybe get a little worse) from last year. But we know how he handles the big stage despite all of his limitations.

We have absolutely no clue with the other QBs. They have better skills, but those skills are useless if they can’t do it in live action at important moments with a lot of people counting on you, fans screaming, and talented people on the other side trying to kill you.
The problem is assuming he handles the big stage well. In Orange are his stats from our 5 biggest games of the season - FSU, VTech, ND, Clemson, and Wisconsin. His performance was absolutely ******* horrendous...In Green are the ACC averages over the season (not including Rosier).


Like just ******* look at how *** his Comp%, Adjusted Y/A, INT%, TD:INT ratio, and QB Rating are. So when you say We Know how he handles the big stage, Thats exactly the reason I don't want him to be our QB. I mean should he get credit for the FSU win? sure. but lets not act like with a competent QB, we wouldn't have wooped their *** like we did VTech and ND.
You guys simply don’t understand what was happening on those throws. It’s a shame it has to be explained to you.

It’s amazing how little people here understand about even the most basic concepts of football.

First, not seeing great finishing effort from the TE’s.

Second, it’s a fūcking timing issue. These guys they’re throwing to aren’t that fast, and it’s obvious the speed is being misjudged.

Third, this kid of shlt is common early in practices, arms get loose as practices progress. Ever notice QBs throwing on the sidelines during games sometimes?

These throws to tight ends tell us very little.
Ur right to an extent. Part of it is simply lazy routes. However you bring up arms being tight & im not sure if youre aware but before any of this goes down we have calisthenics then warms up where they throw for atleast a half hour. Although those routes are lazy theres no reason not to make adjustments. Not gonna say which two should have been caught. It is still simply a timing route at the end of the day to tight ends they've been throwing to. Nothing new
Ur right to an extent. Part of it is simply lazy routes. However you bring up arms being tight & im not sure if youre aware but before any of this goes down we have calisthenics then warms up where they throw for atleast a half hour. Although those routes are lazy theres no reason not to make adjustments. Not gonna say which two should have been caught. It is still simply a timing route at the end of the day to tight ends they've been throwing to. Nothing new
what video is everyone talking about?
yall critique these little short snippets way too much lol , plus it's only spring. I expect much better looking stuff in August, these guys basically have all summer to get timing down (especially with much better, athletic tight ends on the way)
Forrest Gump said it best when talking about HS QB’s ....they’re like a box of chocolate.You never know what your gonna get.
I don't think an inaccurate QB can suddenly transform into a precise throwing machine. This is our dilemma with Rosier. Also, an erratic thrower will lose a game or two for the team throughout a season. None of us want that.

Now, making the correct reads, learning the playbook, and having proper technique are all things that can improve. This is why all of us should be rooting for one of the underclassmen.

Agree 100%. Accuracy cannot be taught. Coaches can help with footwork and mechanics but that can only help so much. Malik's completion percentage is way too low, especially considering the amount of short passes they call in this offense. His ceiling is what we saw last season minus maybe a couple of the dumb picks.
i mentioned this last spring as well. going into last year, malik wasn't very well-liked by the coaches (and a very good portion of players) because he was an arrogant *** and didn't do what is needed to be a good quarterback/leader after sitting behind kaaya. that could be him, that could be golden and coley being **** coaches by allowing bad habits and not focusing on the backups, or (most likely) a combination of both. he just doesn't have the qualities to lead and that's not something that he's suddenly going to have going into this season.

Unless you have some actual proof of that it's a ****** thing to throw out there,you don't have to attack the kids character, you're entitled to think he's a crappy QB without the extra-curricular, that there's no proof of.
Unless you have some actual proof of that it's a ****** thing to throw out there,you don't have to attack the kids character, you're entitled to think he's a crappy QB without the extra-curricular, that there's no proof of.

Yea, it’s basically just made up bullshlt. They sure liked him on that last drive against FSU.
Ill post this simply to keep questions somewhat to a minimum. So today the ones and reports were split evenly between malik, nkosi & jarren. Nkosi & jarren had some nice throws each but both need more urgency and consistency out of their play. Not gonna bother getting into something malik did except two throws one was a face to lc18 that was very reminiscent of the fsu throw backshoulder to langham. However this throw was better in the sense that he led the reliever and let him go make a play. Which 18 did. One of the meanest grabs I've ever seen. He went up over mike jack and fully extended to make a one handed grabon a ball that was a ways out of bounds. While still having the length and body control to drag both feet. His other throw was his parents bubble screen 2 yards in front of Harley where dean read the route, came off his block and rocked Harley. He was down with a body nose for several minutes. Defense is paying very physical right now. On one particular play gerald destroyed brown off the snap & took deejays head off for a tfl. Deejay got up and tried to fight gerald. #1 clear as day thing regardless of who wins the qb job the unquestioned leader of that offense IS deejay dallas. Kid is a dog with a world of heart. Same play after jarren seperated everyone deejay ran back to the huddle & laid in to the offensive line. #2 this is just my opinion (FOR THE DENSE OPINION MEANS WHAT I THINK) but this qb job don't rather than later will be jarren williams to lose not nkosi. It just seems nkosi is very lacsadasical in his approach right now. Not very consistent on his touch throws. Then again he may simply have a different approach for practice than he does for games etc. Jarren just seems more in command. Id guess cade will probably transfer out. Hes good enough to play somewhere. just really doubt he'll get a legit shot here. #3 our running backs are looking good especially (drumroll).........ROBERT BURNS. Him and deejay are very similar in build and running style. He was delivering plenty of contact today. Running down hill. Travis is a grown man back there as well. Wiggins is dropping alot of balls. Nephew is lookin good (of course)😁 🙈 & gurvan is out rest of spring with a hyper extended knee (but no tears)

We had a WR at Yale when I was there. The guy was almost 6 ft. 5. Coach used to tell him, "when the ball is in the air, I want 6-5 to be 6-7 .... when you're running the route, I want 6-5 to be 6-1" .... really great coaching point. I think LC is starting to get that.
Ur right to an extent. Part of it is simply lazy routes. However you bring up arms being tight & im not sure if youre aware but before any of this goes down we have calisthenics then warms up where they throw for atleast a half hour. Although those routes are lazy theres no reason not to make adjustments. Not gonna say which two should have been caught. It is still simply a timing route at the end of the day to tight ends they've been throwing to. Nothing new
To piggy back off this, you're absolutely correct and the QBs have had plenty of time to get warm by this point. Usually the QBs would be with the tight ends on air first while the WRs did individual drills, then the WRs would head over on air with the QBs. They should be completing close to 100% on these routes. During the WR/QB routes on air, we'd get chewed out if a route wasn't precise or someone dropped a pass.
Here’s to hoping Jordan and Mallory are ready. Irvin and Polendey are not Miami caliber TEs.
The problem is assuming he handles the big stage well. In Orange are his stats from our 5 biggest games of the season - FSU, VTech, ND, Clemson, and Wisconsin. His performance was absolutely ******* horrendous...In Green are the ACC averages over the season (not including Rosier).


Like just ******* look at how *** his Comp%, Adjusted Y/A, INT%, TD:INT ratio, and QB Rating are. So when you say We Know how he handles the big stage, Thats exactly the reason I don't want him to be our QB. I mean should he get credit for the FSU win? sure. but lets not act like with a competent QB, we wouldn't have wooped their *** like we did VTech and ND.
You once again missed the point and drifted off on a 40000 word tangent.
yall critique these little short snippets way too much lol , plus it's only spring. I expect much better looking stuff in August, these guys basically have all summer to get timing down (especially with much better, athletic tight ends on the way)

ITs pure insanity.

Guys are really thinking they know whose winning this QB competition
Unless you have some actual proof of that it's a ****** thing to throw out there,you don't have to attack the kids character, you're entitled to think he's a crappy QB without the extra-curricular, that there's no proof of.

well i work at the university, know plenty of people that work with the team on a daily basis, and i teach a class that happens to have a ton of football players in it. i don't really know what proof i can give short of a recording. i'm not an insider by any stretch of the imagination and i typically don't pry into their business, but i did ask some of the staffers what they thought of malik and that answer was almost universal.
well i work at the university, know plenty of people that work with the team on a daily basis, and i teach a class that happens to have a ton of football players in it. i don't really know what proof i can give short of a recording. i'm not an insider by any stretch of the imagination and i typically don't pry into their business, but i did ask some of the staffers what they thought of malik and that answer was almost universal.

So you're part of the university and you think it’s ok to throw out second hand information about someone's character, that you don’t even know if it’s true, regarding a guy that still might be taking snaps for us this year?

Serious question: what does that make you?

What kind of person does that?

Assuming anything you said is true, and not some misinterpretation of something you overheard, because frankly, I seriously doubt players are going to shlt-talk teammates to someone like you.
