Today is zero barrier

Does anyone have an example of a coach being fired later than the day after the season? I’m guessing there are examples but I can’t think of any.

I do understand no AD makes this unique.
I read somewhere that the coaches would be doing some in house recruiting on sunday kinda weird if supposedly they are getting fired so at this point i would guess nothing is set in stone
Bro, why would you not let a competent AD come in and assess the current coach and give his perspective from HIS actual real world expertise and experience? As opposed to a president and **** for brain staff that’s been failing for several years? Makes no sense not to wait for their opinion on the ENTIRETY of the situation. Fire him today means what? Jobs open? Nothing but mayhem before an actual plan is in place to discuss w team, community, recruits, etc..
yes they do. It may not dictate a decision but if waiting a couple days on a predetermined decision can make a difference they'd absolutely wait.
I’m not saying we should fire him and waste the 2 million, I believe waiting a few days to save 2 million is smart. My point is: Bama, UGA, USC, LSU wouldn’t wait the extra days to fire a coach who’s responsible for the worse losses in program history. They could and can afford to say f—k the money
I expect it after the bowl game.

There's no real incentive for Miami to fire him today or tomorrow. If Mario is indeed the preordained candidate, the job doesn't need to come open to entice Mario. No one else is bidding for him. We don't need to beat any other program to the punch and highlight that we're open. Back-channel communications can be relayed to Mario.

And Mario ain't leaving before his bowl game to come here and somehow attempt to salvage a bad recruiting class. The class is DOA. So, let Manny recruit and do his best to maybe sell the program to a couple kids, keep some stability for the kids before the bowl game and make changes after.
And that's understandable, they just had to make the move earlier in the season. Time is not on our side as of now.
I agree, I haven’t gotten a answer from the insiders on this board that if Manny and Blake were done after MSU why didn’t they fire Blake earlier. I guess Frenk head was in the sand till herbie said something.
At least one starter on the team believes Manny will be back next season. That's all the info I have.
I expect it after the bowl game.

There's no real incentive for Miami to fire him today or tomorrow. If Mario is indeed the preordained candidate, the job doesn't need to come open to entice Mario. No one else is bidding for him. We don't need to beat any other program to the punch and highlight that we're open. Back-channel communications can be relayed to Mario.

And Mario ain't leaving before his bowl game to come here and somehow attempt to salvage a bad recruiting class. The class is DOA. So, let Manny recruit and do his best to maybe sell the program to a couple kids, keep some stability for the kids before the bowl game and make changes after.
This timing is plausible in only two scenarios:

1) Mario already said "I'm coming" (I doubt that).
2) The Plan B if Mario says "no" is retaining Diaz.
If you already know who the next guy will be and the next guy is already to make the jump but has commitments, why act now?
That's glass half full interpretation. Assuming they committed to a HC without input from the new AD who's hiring is imminent. Possible but isn't that handcuffing the new AD?
I don’t know about LSU or USC but that’s not accurate as to the gaytor. Florida’s buyout was $12m regardless - there was no drop for waiting til the end of the season.
This very specific situation wasn’t the point. The point was big time time schools don’t base their process entirely on money, which we always use as an excuse. Couple things to consider:
-it hasn’t been substantiated that his buyout does go down on Wednesday
-we haven’t paid buyouts in the past anyway
-we could/should negotiate it down like lsu and other schools do.
- I’ve been told it’s been done for over a month. If he was told he’s done already, he would probably be legally entitled to the buyout when he was told. This waiting is just a penny pinching ploy that will likely be challenged in court anyway, if he does get fired and his buyout does indeed go down between when he was supposedly told and the “actual” firing
I agree, I haven’t gotten a answer from the insiders on this board that if Manny and Blake were done after MSU why didn’t they fire Blake earlier. I guess Frenk head was in the sand till herbie said something.
I suspect that they weren't done after MSU.
I agree, I haven’t gotten a answer from the insiders on this board that if Manny and Blake were done after MSU why didn’t they fire Blake earlier. I guess Frenk head was in the sand till herbie said something.

You have gotten an answer, but sometimes these answers get overlooked.

Miami was politely allowing Blake some lead time to land a job without the stench of being fired. Manny, though, gets the benefit of the cover story "New AD, who dis?". Just as Manny let a bunch of his assistants find new jobs last year, so too this year.

Now, if you don't LIKE that answer, I can't help. But Blake was absolutely looking around post-MSU. It's tougher for Manny, though.

Frenk's head is still in the sand. Fortunately, he's letting Echevarria and Fernandez run with the ball.