Time to commit... [to Mario]

Everyone knows I thought Mammy needed more time and I wasn't so keen on him getting replaced, not that I resented getting Mario, I simply thought we were making progress. I am now fully on board with Mario, even with his obvious flaws. His mistake with GT showed his humanity and seems to have humbled him to some extent. He has and is adding lots of talent and I like what I see with the young players. Unfortunately talent does not make a TEAM but the progression is happening and I like our future. I regret that several long time fans are so frustrated they want to walk away, I'd bet they are just frustrated as the early success falsely lead into imagining we were arrived. As it turns out Texas A&M without Conner is a fraud. I think our win was impressive but created over confidence within our fan base. Many here state it takes time and to give Mario time, I agree. We have a lot of talent, it just hasn't become cohesive as a TEAM yet, but it will and might become fluent sooner than expected. I hope our fan base recognizes the frailty in building a program and recognizes the progress and supports this worthy team by showing up at the Rock Saturday. Now is not the time to dessert this talent but they need to know we are behind them 100%. IT'S GREAT TO BE A MIAMI HURRICANE!
@Dwinstitles Let me introduce you to one of the highlights of CiS. A @fraggle thread

Everyone knows I thought Mammy needed more time and I wasn't so keen on him getting replaced, not that I resented getting Mario, I simply thought we were making progress. I am now fully on board with Mario, even with his obvious flaws. His mistake with GT showed his humanity and seems to have humbled him to some extent. He has and is adding lots of talent and I like what I see with the young players. Unfortunately talent does not make a TEAM but the progression is happening and I like our future. I regret that several long time fans are so frustrated they want to walk away, I'd bet they are just frustrated as the early success falsely lead into imagining we were arrived. As it turns out Texas A&M without Conner is a fraud. I think our win was impressive but created over confidence within our fan base. Many here state it takes time and to give Mario time, I agree. We have a lot of talent, it just hasn't become cohesive as a TEAM yet, but it will and might become fluent sooner than expected. I hope our fan base recognizes the frailty in building a program and recognizes the progress and supports this worthy team by showing up at the Rock Saturday. Now is not the time to dessert this talent but they need to know we are behind them 100%. IT'S GREAT TO BE A MIAMI HURRICANE!
Let me get this straight. You thought Manny needed more time??? You thought we were making progress? Do you have any clue just how broken this program was under Diaz? It took getting Mario for our Admin to commit to football. Look at all the money that has gone into program infrastructure since Mario arrived. Yes I know that we were strong armed by the Columbus Mafia but I had no problem with it because I knew it was the only way that the school would commit to spending big money on the program. I knew we were getting a program builder and an elite recruiter so I was fine with his obvious flaws.

You seem completely oblivious to what the harsh realities of the program were pre Mario. Diaz was running a country club and no one respected him. In addition the administration didn't give a **** yet you thought we were making progress? No man. We were not. Also you think the mistake Mario made vs GT showed his humanity????? Are you kidding? It showed just how much of a neanderthal he truly is which is incredibly disturbing. Did you know that he was made aware that GT had no timeouts left and that all we had to do was take a knee and we win yet knowing that he still made the call to run the football? What kind of Twaat Waffle does that? Then he pinned it on his OC afterwards. Yeah he's a real peach! Hopefully he hashed it out behind the scenes and learned his lesson but don't you think that at 53 years of age and in his 3rd stint as a HC that it's a little late in the game to be learning that type of lesson? Anyway my hope is that he didn't lose the team because once that happens there is no going back. I still support the guy because he is the HC and despite his laundry list of flaws, he has the best shot at turning this program around. Plus we are stuck with him for at least 3 more years after this season.

I do agree with the last part of your post. Mario isn't going anywhere and this was always going to be a multi year rebuild. The GT gaffe notwithstanding, Mario has created a great culture and 100% buy in. These kids are giving it their all and they have earned our support. We as fans can't start giving up. These kids deserve much more! Go Canes!
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No one is deserting this team. We are all just saddened we were yet again fooled that we could over achieve for once.

The season is at the half way point and we've either led at the half or battled back to take the lead in every game we've played; but we aren't good enough to overcome poor QB play, coaching, refs, and the self-imposed adversity of the last two contests. We absolutely need an elite RB to make our offense and defense better but, we'll get there, in due time.

Until then, I still like our chances every Saturday if we can play with discipline and execute in all 3 phases for 60 minutes. Our guys (and recruits) will watch film and have an opportunity to be better this week.

Beat Clemson.
7-8 wins this season and I'd be happy. 9+ next year and we're on the right track.

At the end of they day, all it taoverachiever. mobile qb who can hit some passes. Look at any team that overachieves.
Just to make you realize how slowly Mario is moving forward. He is TWO games over .500 after 140 games as head coach. Manny Diaz is SIX games over .500 after 36 games. One is now a coordinator.
I’m not in the first row of the MC fan section either but c’mon man…FIU?
1st 3 years at a p5 program:

Manny- 6 games over .500/0-1 bowls
Mario- 16 games over .500/ 2-1 bowls

There are more than a few stats out there against Mario.
Apples to apples wise, this “ain’t” one of them.
Everyone knows I thought Mammy needed more time and I wasn't so keen on him getting replaced, not that I resented getting Mario, I simply thought we were making progress. I am now fully on board with Mario, even with his obvious flaws. His mistake with GT showed his humanity and seems to have humbled him to some extent. He has and is adding lots of talent and I like what I see with the young players. Unfortunately talent does not make a TEAM but the progression is happening and I like our future. I regret that several long time fans are so frustrated they want to walk away, I'd bet they are just frustrated as the early success falsely lead into imagining we were arrived. As it turns out Texas A&M without Conner is a fraud. I think our win was impressive but created over confidence within our fan base. Many here state it takes time and to give Mario time, I agree. We have a lot of talent, it just hasn't become cohesive as a TEAM yet, but it will and might become fluent sooner than expected. I hope our fan base recognizes the frailty in building a program and recognizes the progress and supports this worthy team by showing up at the Rock Saturday. Now is not the time to dessert this talent but they need to know we are behind them 100%. IT'S GREAT TO BE A MIAMI HURRICANE!
Regardless of how bad he is as a HC, he’s not going anywhere for 5 full seasons to matter what. UM isn’t paying that level of a buyout ever so he’s here regardless. He just needs to get his **** together because he cost us 1 game and had them completely on prepared for half of the last game. And his teams are penalized and turning the ball over at a clip not seen since Randy Shannon era lol
Everyone knows I thought Mammy needed more time and I wasn't so keen on him getting replaced, not that I resented getting Mario, I simply thought we were making progress. I am now fully on board with Mario, even with his obvious flaws. His mistake with GT showed his humanity and seems to have humbled him to some extent. He has and is adding lots of talent and I like what I see with the young players. Unfortunately talent does not make a TEAM but the progression is happening and I like our future. I regret that several long time fans are so frustrated they want to walk away, I'd bet they are just frustrated as the early success falsely lead into imagining we were arrived. As it turns out Texas A&M without Conner is a fraud. I think our win was impressive but created over confidence within our fan base. Many here state it takes time and to give Mario time, I agree. We have a lot of talent, it just hasn't become cohesive as a TEAM yet, but it will and might become fluent sooner than expected. I hope our fan base recognizes the frailty in building a program and recognizes the progress and supports this worthy team by showing up at the Rock Saturday. Now is not the time to dessert this talent but they need to know we are behind them 100%. IT'S GREAT TO BE A MIAMI HURRICANE!

— Program has legit been a dumpster fire for 20 years (survived 2003-2004 because of gross abundance of talent that was soon gone).

— Cristobal is the third new coach over a five-year span and sixth in 17 seasons. For context, Dabo took over Clemson mid-season during Randy Shannon's second year—five coaches ago for UM.

— Miami just got money and started upping its game. Prior to that, a lot of wrong-fit head coaches—guys not ready for prime time, up-and-comers who failed, an over the hill alum and a soft little beta. Mario is the Canes' first alpha dog since Butch Davis blew out of town in January 2001.

— Takes more than a year and a half to flush out the remnants of a fraudulent program with a soft roster. Building culture is real and important at a place like Miami and it doesn't happen overnight. Sorry.

— All the hype around North Carolina's hot start; they're best since 1997—but he's now in year five and returned to Chapel Hill the same year Manny was hired. His record over that span: 7-6, 8-4. 6-7. 9-5 and now 6-0.

— FSU fans wanted to run off Mike Norvell year two; worried they couldn't afford a buyout as they were still paying Willie Lump Lump Taggart. Dude was 3-6 year one, lost to Miami (52-10), started year two 0-4 (with a loss to Jacksonville State) and was 6-12 overall before pulling the comeback against the Canes in Tallahassee. Year three, goes 10-3 and starts year four 6-0—now on a 12-game win-streak.

Miami fans need to relax and stop with the nonsensical lather, rinse, repeat approach to coaching. Coker was the last Miami coach who saw more than five years—Golden next closest, canned halfway through year five. Any ranting and raving halfway through year two is just nonsensical—especially after inheriting a program that was 28-24 after Richt's 10-0 start of 2017 though Diaz's finale in 2021.

Stack talent. Build a loaded roster again. More alphas (like Bain) less betas (like some guys not worth mentioning).

Based on Brown, Norvell and others, again, let's see where this thing is year three and four. If it's still not where we want it to be, you have a problem—but halfway through year two? Stop it.