Tears Tide Tears

Thibodeaux is a really smart young man. He's thinking long-term.

I didn't get the "every player should be tought finance" from the guy interviewing Thibodeaux as though every athlete is going to have millions of dollars to manage. Only 2% of athletes go onto professional sports.

Every person should have a basic understanding of .managing their finances.
Yeah, Thibodeaux was trying to make a point that college education should be a focal point and the interviewer kept trying to turn it into “players need to learn how to handle finances in school” like every single college football player is going to become an overnight NFL millionaire. Thibodeaux was trying to stress that the education you receive should be a priority over winning championships because most players don’t become NFL stars but the other dude kept twisting it. I really didn’t know much about the kid outside of football but he seems pretty well adjusted
Does Fred count the title when Colt McCoy got hurt at the beginning of the game and Bama was able to beat the mighty Gilbert Grape who came off the bench?
That Clemson team wasn't that good, but ok, thanks for your contribution

All I’m saying is that I’m not part of the “we” you speak of that thought that a completely healthy Miami roster stood a chance against Clemson that year. In 2017 we barely got by many of the teams we beat. We embarrassed an overrated ND team, and an okay VT team. We had a horrible O-line, the offense was super inconsistent, aided by poor offensive play-calling, & while clutch, Rosier wasn’t ‘it’ at QB. That Pitt game exposed the team for what it really was, which was an average P5 team that clutched its way into an above average record. Additionally the ACC championship that year was over by half time. I struggled watching that game in the third quarter cause Clemson kept putting on point even though they had taken their foot off the gas. Herndon nor Richards would have made a difference had they played.

None of that is actually hindsight. I remember that season vividly, and spent a majority of it frustrated even while the team was winning. Additionally that “wasn’t that good” Clemson team still had a talent and coaching gap over us, and though they lost handily to Alabama, it didn’t look nearly as bad as Miami looked losing to them.

Is that a better contribution?
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Whoever thinks we were beating Clemson in 17 kill yourself, I knew that the talent gap in the trenches was too much for us and we would get blown out.
Oh you guys believe this crap if you want .
The fund would get tax twice.
Share and share alike - basically communism.

If true, Nick's taking those Bear Bryant comparisons to a whole new level...

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