Tidbits from a Cane coach

This is my concern. If CFB is going to become a business--more so than it was--IMO, it will turn into a sport of haves and have nots. That means that the schools that can financially will themselves into contention year-in-year-out will do so and create a virtual monopoly over the rest that can't. As it is right now, you got Bama, UGA, OSU in tier one (and probably Clemson) and then a second tier that likely can't jump into that group unless it makes an equal financial commitment.

I think we are going to see less unpredictability (less Cincinattis as an example). IMO, there will be more predictability because you can likely directly tie financial support to wins and losses.
The portal COULD be the answer to this. Some of these kids are going to get these NIL deals, not live up to what they are getting paid, the program is going to tell them their NIL deal is null and void since its year to year and they might want to look elsewhere..and then they are going to transfer to these 2nd-3rd tier schools. Im waiting for the first guinea pig (NIL bust) to see how that will play out.
The portal COULD be the answer to this. Some of these kids are going to get these NIL deals, not live up to what they are getting paid, the program is going to tell them their NIL deal is null and void since its year to year and they might want to look elsewhere..and then they are going to transfer to these 2nd-3rd tier schools. Im waiting for the first guinea pig (NIL bust) to see how that will play out.
How long before these NIL deals become fully guaranteed?
Good stuff, Alex. Just wondering, without giving too much away, how did this convo happen? Met him somewhere? Connection with a family/friend/etc?
Sad that no questions were asked about Feld and the S&C department

If I can’t count on @AlexCane for this who can I trust?

But no, thanks for posting this man. This was awesome.

I wonder if that coach will get vilified for a salary cap suggestion the way some posters here were?
My guess is it is a carryover from the last staff especially talking about a player missing an assignment on the pivotal play in the FSU game. Not to worry, it's water over the bridge at this point. We have real pros leading this team now.

I think you're reading a little too much into that.

To add some context, this was following my question as to how he expected we'd look this season. I think what he meant was that we were just 2-3 plays away from maybe being 10-2. Now, like I said, I can play that game with some of our wins too, but the bigger point is that I don't believe this coach believes we are too far away from being a top 10, top 15 team.
Thanks for the post. Good read.

It was clear that’s what you meant, from reading it without trying to overreact…
As to your last paragraph, absolutely. It's been my experience that people feel comfortable shouting at those they don't know and don't have to stand in front of. When we meet people in real life, we're much more likely to listen to them and consider what they have to say even if it's not what we want to hear. Like you, I'd like people on the internet to act a little more like the people they're going after are actual people. I guess we all have our dreams.

I LOVE IT when people learn this the hard way.
I’ve said it’s not recruiting anymore with the higher rated kids, it’s negotiations with non coaches.

Has it changed that much before NIL? $EC has always negotiated with high caliber players and their handlers, especially when Bama, UGA, LSU are trying to outbid each other.
This is my concern. If CFB is going to become a business--more so than it was--IMO, it will turn into a sport of haves and have nots. That means that the schools that can financially will themselves into contention year-in-year-out will do so and create a virtual monopoly over the rest that can't. As it is right now, you got Bama, UGA, OSU in tier one (and probably Clemson) and then a second tier that likely can't jump into that group unless it makes an equal financial commitment.

I think we are going to see less unpredictability (less Cincinattis as an example). IMO, there will be more predictability because you can likely directly tie financial support to wins and losses.
Hope our dollars keeps up
But I like that it’s out in the open
This negates Mario's biggest strength then. Recruiting was his bread and butter. If its strictly a negotiation then with FL's laws hindering us expect then other states/ schools to be at an advantage.
This has been my concern.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he is an upgrade in many ways and clearly the admin stepping up financially was desperately needed, but if we can't keep up in the NIL game (and regardless of people's thoughts on Ruiz's assets, he has said he will only spend up to $10M per year), how much does that negate Mario's biggest strength? Or does his recruiting help enough to overcome any potential gaps?

Aside from Miami specifically, it will be interesting to see how much NIL impacts coaching hires; maybe before a very good on the field coach was passed bc he wasn't good/didn't like recruiting. Do administrations start to value recruiting less when making coaching hires?
Great post @AlexCane , very much appreciated.

The technique stuff is why this team might have a slow start to the season. You have to remember, the D-Line didn't receive proper fundamental teaching at all. Outside of the transfers, none of our players have been taught in proper hand placement, pad level and leverage. You saw it early with LT, his pad level and hands were wild, but him being that crazy twitchy athlete, he can overcome it at times. Thank goodness we have a former NFL NT, a HoF DE and a former All-American at that position to compensate.

The O-Line should be more fine than we think. Mirabal is a film geek and is so hard on footwork, communication and hands. We also have some decent talent in Nelson, Rivers and Clark at C (who blew me away in pass protection last season). Iirc, Mirabal taught them the rib shot early on and if we get that mean streak going, its going to be fun to watch.
Has it changed that much before NIL? $EC has always negotiated with high caliber players and their handlers, especially when Bama, UGA, LSU are trying to outbid each other.
Actually it has. To begin the majority of the SEC or more specifically LSU, Saben and now Smart had the blessing of the NCAA and Emmert. That’s a very real advantage. They didn’t have to worry about getting punished for cheating. Almost every school for the most part did this yearly with a few kids, but small/careful/quiet. Identifying the decision maker and negotiating a deal, sometimes behind the kids back, is now Dead. Today the athlete is intimately involved and said athlete’s true character is on full display for everyone to see. It’s a pleasure no longer dealing with everyone trying to get theirs. Watching these kids getting paid and the handlers/entourage fall by the wayside is beautiful. There’s no more recruiting and fake garbage to be sold. That’s only left to the final two and ultimately money will be the deciding factor. Ruiz has taken more pictures with athletes in one year than all the bagman nationally over the last decade. Lol and posted them on social media. It’s fun knowing mom and the coach are no longer a concern. New world. EVERYTHING is new and different nuts and bolts. One final point, Reggie Bush should be given his Heisman back with damages. Clown show of fake mother****ers
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On FSU, a player (who he didn't mention and I was too scared to ask lol) missed an assignment. If the player does what he's supposed to, might be a different outcome.

We should of never been in a situation where one play was going to decide the game and if a player missed the assignment, that will happen, and at the end of the day it is the coaches responsibility that they prepare them enough that it doesn't happen.

Idk but that line gave me flashbacks of the previous regime. Idc if we lose a game because one of our players very obviously completely misses his assignment, I want my coaches to stand up for him in the media and put all the blame on themselves. Then in the meeting room the next day tear into him if he'd like, but try to see what they can do to make sure it doesn't happen again. So sick of coaches blaming a certain play or player for a loss against a team that we have no business being within 2 TDs of.
Every staff in the country says **** like this lol yall gotta relax.