This was up there on the Canes Mt. Rushmore of ****

Yeah, it was a **** show, but there’s plenty of blame to go around. At some point, these players need to stop sitting around waiting for a coach to make them great and take it upon themselves to become great. I see virtually none of that. Donaldson being exhibit A. He’s a fat slob who doesn’t appear to have ever stepped in a weight room or said no to 100 cheeseburger lunch.
The players don’t just show up and take a scholarship by eminent domain. They clearly suck too and seem disinterested.

But there’s no excuse for what we saw yesterday. That was as disorganized, disjointed, desultory affront to the great game of football that I’ve seen in a long time.

Blame whoever you want. I don’t care. My point is that Shanny’s organization disgraced the game of football yesterday. It’s his organization, so that’s who’s fault it is.
My thoughts exactly! This game is up there with some of the worst performances I have witnessed. Only reason it’s not the worst is because we won. Kirby Freedman’s 1-11 with 3 picks is the worst individual performance I have seen, but that game yesterday is up there as one of the worst team performance I’ve seen. We have a real chance of having a losing record this year. Our OL and offense is that bad.
Our offense is a puke puddle, but don’t be confused about that defense. CMU’s receiver’s were more wide open than nystateofmind’s colon after the pride parade.
This is exactly how I feel. I just want to enjoy my 12 to 14 games per year. I had reasonable expectations. I wasn’t one of these “fire everyone” miserable twats the minute we lost a game. All I wanted was to enjoy my favorite time of the year, and these stupid fcks have taken it from me after 4 lousy weeks.

That **** was worse than a lot of losses we’ve watched because it was a total breakdown in every phase of the game. An absolute abomination.

Any half decent team mops us yesterday. We couldn’t block or cover a team composed of guys we wouldn’t accept as preferred walk ons.

Exactly. It was a total ***** show. Central Michigan’s HC didn’t even want to shake Mandy’s hand. Pathetic.
The product Miami is putting out there is as bottom of the barrel of the football bowl subdivision formerly Division 1-A as you could possibly get.

All this **** is on Diaz. Every bit.

The administration and BoT discussions are valid for macro takes on the matter...but as an isolated performance, it was 'demand a refund' and boo everyone off of the stage territory. I threw a tomato slice and kosher spear pickle at my television in hopes to get them yanked off the stage.

And those players that absolutely dogged it, embarrassing themselves like the kid that can't stop ****ting himself in the 3rd grade, they can get lawst, too. Was as pathetic a performance I saw from some players as you'll ever see. I hope some of these players lose money as a result of this game. This team has absolutely no pride in itself. None.

This program is almost two decades deep in the most self-neglectful, slothful, dilapidated, slovenly depression you'll ever see. And the school is just hopped up on ten mills of xanax everyday. Just a comatose self-loathing husk of resentment thats too much of a coward to pull the trigger.
This is where a lot of us find ourselves. We weren’t bashing Manny before or after game 1. We thought we’d get similar play on D as last year and an improved Offense, 2-3 losses and something to build on and look forward to but we got this... and we can’t ignore it. We know what it is.

I knew we had a problem after UNC but I did my best to give this staff 4 games before calling this shît out for what it is. I hate that I feel this way. I didn’t want to be this guy. Fûck this. It is what it is and I’m not going to be complicit in their corchery by white knighting for them.
This is exactly how I feel. I just want to enjoy my 12 to 14 games per year. I had reasonable expectations. I wasn’t one of these “fire everyone” miserable twats the minute we lost a game. All I wanted was to enjoy my favorite time of the year, and these stupid fcks have taken it from me after 4 lousy weeks.

That **** was worse than a lot of losses we’ve watched because it was a total breakdown in every phase of the game. An absolute abomination.

Any half decent team mops us yesterday. We couldn’t block or cover a team composed of guys we wouldn’t accept as preferred walk ons.

It was not a total breakdown in every phase of the game. Jesus. Run defense was just fine. Given that that threw 50 times, pass D was ok - good minus the penalties. Hedly was solid. One total turnover. We just sucked. Not a disaster.
For all those clamoring staff changes, and that includes me, I question who Manny could actually hire? Who would take his call?
Shanny and his staff and team are all a mess. That game was reminiscent of all of the worst we’ve seen here over the last two decades of diarrhea—the NC State Kirby Freeman 1 for 11 for 8 yards game; Shanntard’s USF farewell; Folden’s Clemson death march.

This one was right up there with the worst of the worst, and we’ve seen a ton of horrible football here over the last 20 years. Football doesn’t get much worse than what we saw out there yesterday.

We are completely outclassed in the coaching department every week aside from Bethune. Just look at that moribund staff Shanny assembled.

What has any of them done in their careers at their current position that has distinguished them? Barry? Who the fck is this goofy looking fck? I follow football closer than anyone, and I never heard of him until Shanny dragged him in here.

Stubby? Fired everywhere he’s been.

Patke and Tom Cruz? Two guys who should be working at Lowe’s.

Why is Akron so prominent on our coaching resumes? The Bowden/Amato connection? That’s all our HC has? A connection to a couple withered prunes with saggier t1ts than my grandma?
I agree with most everything but we outcoached bethune. At best our staff is a wash compared to theirs....
It was not a total breakdown in every phase of the game. Jesus. Run defense was just fine. Given that that threw 50 times, pass D was ok - good minus the penalties. Hedly was solid. One total turnover. We just sucked. Not a disaster.
LOL if you saw an OK pass D given the competition. They had a dozen drops and missed several wide open receivers. If we played a team with a pulse they hang 500 yards passing and 50 points on us yesterday.

I’m not sure some of you guys realize how bereft of talent CMU is.

This performance felt like a train to Auschwitz. But, I am used to them by now. As for the staff and HC, what has changed? As for the people making the hires, more illogical and irrational decision making. What can you expect?

It has been a long time since we've had our last relevant season (2003) and all we've done during that time is go with the self-inflicted cancer route. This is an easy fix, I just don't think they want to make said fix. They prefer cancer.

Also, my preferred nickname is Cuban Radio.

Its called RADIO MAMBI
Not that I would necessarily want him back but there is a certain DL coach who happens to be unemployed at the moment...

If you’re cryptically referring to Coach Kool you’re wasting brain synapses even considering him. He doesn’t recruit and doesn’t get along with Manny.
Took this ***** 4 games to flip on the staff.
Nobody knows how this will pan out.
We are forced to play a left tackle that was 240 pounds 5 months ago and dumbass fans think we are just going to dominate.
Give the staff a couple years and then judge.
We have seen this scenario time and time again - so forgive anyone that has extreme doubts on the program’s ability to turn this around.

On top of that, if you think our age or tenure of the staff justify the **** poor excuse for a football team then that’s on you. They have made football hard to enjoy; even against inferior programs.