This sucks, but I guess we'll never have on-campus stadium


So say good night to the bad guy!
Dec 22, 2011
Well, the Miami Herald article says that UM and Coral Gables are pretty far along with the approval process for a gigantic new dormitory that would take up most of the space between Eaton and the Pavia parking garage, running up to the area close to Ponce where the rest of the Serpentine lot is now.

And then the article talks about UM and Coral Gables compromising and giving Coral Gables more control over the "perimeter" of the campus, which probably rules out the "driving range" north of Mahoney-Pearson, as well as the intramural area.

So it looks like we can stick a fork in any optimistic thoughts of UM ever squeezing in some plans for a stadium (or Coral Gables approving it).

Sucks. Very let down by my alma mater.

What sort of college dorm can $155 million buy? UM students will find out. | Miami Herald
Dude, new dorms or no new dorms there will never be an on campus stadium. We play in a state of an art stadium with great space for tailgating and near major highways. We don't need an on campus stadium.
As long as we get the IPF built, I don't care...

Sun Life Hard Richt Stadium seats upwards of 70,000+, that's more than enough for fans...

Attendance was pretty good last year, still needs to improve on a more consistent basis, but it's not as bad as its been in the past.

Hard Rock is a good enough venue for this team, plus we have a 25 year lease... Yall need to let go of the idea of an on campus stadium, it ain't happening.
IMO Hard Rock stadium is the best stadium in the ACC if we can get consistent attendance. FSU game was absolutely rocking
Went to the Duke game at Hard Rock. Thanksgiving break, very few students, but the place was still totally rock'n! One of the best venues in college football, IMO. It's a major selling point, not something to be ashamed of.
Sounding like some sheep in here. Baaaaaaaah....

UM can't do it. It's impossible. Blah blah blah blah blah.

Nothing gets done with that mentality.
You're an idiot if you think there will ever be a chance in **** that Coral Gables residents will allow for a stadium to be built anywhere in that area.


Link to article the OP posted
What sort of college dorm can $155 million buy? UM students will find out. | Miami Herald

What sort of college dorm can $155 million buy? UM students will find out

The University of Miami plans to spend around $155 million on a major new dormitory complex on Lake Osceola, further cementing the institution’s transition from a college with a majority of commuting students to a school increasingly centered around a traditional on-campus undergraduate experience.

Construction of the elaborate 1,100-bed dorm would also carry side benefits for residents of surrounding Coral Gables by markedly easing auto traffic into and out of campus, long a sore point in the City Beautiful, UM and city officials say.

The dorm plan, which is now under review by the city but is expected to be greenlighted, is also designed to reduce automobile use on campus.

It would convert a nearly nine-acre expanse at the center of the UM campus that’s now occupied mostly by parking lots, a roadway and lawns into an activity-filled, pedestrian-friendly hub for student life, planners say. At ground and mezzanine level, the plan, which encompasses 23 interconnected buildings, includes retail space, a “launch pad” for student businesses, a 200-seat auditorium and a flexible “curated warehouse” that could accommodate special programs such as exhibits or dramatic productions.

The plan, designed by Miami-based architectural giant Arquitectonica, would in addition advance the greening of the UM campus by creating an expansive lawn and a tropical garden on the lakefront. The dorms, raised on thin columns and arranged in the shape of a lasso, would be set amid green-bedecked courtyards, plazas and outdoor spaces. Green roofs — that is, roofs literally covered by cooling green grass — would top the dorms.

“As the institution continues to attract brighter and more talented students, the living space in this new facility is being designed to meet the needs and expectations of the next generation of University of Miami students,” said Jim Smart, director of UM housing, in a statement. “By adding programming space to the lower levels, the village will serve as a gathering space for the greater UM community.”

After a meeting at the city’s Development Review Committee on Friday, UM representatives and Gables officials said they were happy with progress on the dorm blueprint, first envisioned under a campus master plan approved by the city in 2010. That broad plan gave UM significant flexibility in building inside the campus in exchange for strict controls by the city along the campus borders. The dorm complex would be approved by the Gables’ planning director and does not require a city commission vote.

“I think the University of Miami is doing an outstanding job with the functional aspects of the project and the design aspects of the project,” said Gables planning director Ramon Trias. “It’s going to completely transform the area around Lake Osceola, and the buildings will contribute to the overall aesthetic of the campus.”

The dorm complex, which also requires approval by UM trustees, would open in fall 2019, the university said.

The dorms would have slanted roofs, ranging in height from 50 to 70 feet, and three different facade designs — one in wood, another in metal, and a third in concrete and stucco. Planning documents promise lots of natural light and interconnecting, shady breezeways and airy colonnades at ground level.

The project would entail the loss of parking, some of which would be replaced with the addition of parking lifts at UM’s Pavia Parking Garage, as well as the closure of a roadway, eliminating some vehicular traffic in favor of a pedestrianized “car-free zone” connected with the surrounding campus by a network of new walkways, the application says.

I would rather get this than an on campus stadium. We play in an amazing one right now and we brought fans out to every game and it's the most impressive venue in football imo. Not many attendance jokes this year and it will keep getting better. **** we filled famu and fau games, we ain't never do that. Have you seen the above new proposed living spaces for the students and athletes those are exceptional and will help recruiting by upgraded our players living space. If you look at the dorms and or living spaces auburn or any other big colleges compared to Miami then it's not a favorable comparison at all... this will help miamis recruiting tremendously
Dude, new dorms or no new dorms there will never be an on campus stadium. We play in a state of an art stadium with great space for tailgating and near major highways. We don't need an on campus stadium.

none of that matter if fans don't even go to the games.. what the point of having a top of the line stadium if no one goes to it.. we were better off with the dump that was the OB because at least people came out.. they don't even try at HRS.. Every time I read about a new stadium.. people ALWAYS say "what about the people traveling north of the stadium.. what about them?" and I always say.. UM home games is as far north as it has ever been and the attendance is x10 worse.. We the stadium was more south.. we had a respectable attendance even when we were on the decline in '06 and '07 when the OB still exist. Coral Gable will N-E-V-E-R approve an on campus stadium.. so forget that... plus there isn't space..

The only way Miami will ever get a stadium closer to campus is 2 ways..

1) Marlins move.. (completely realistic though every doubtful) Marlins generate no revenue, always among the worst in attendance.. I wouldn't be surprise me if the next owner dips with the Marlin because u can't make money here.. (sad part is they are in a Hispanic area) I'm sure the current owner is losing more money then actually making it.. Anyways we would probably move in to Marlins Park.. renovate the stadium to give it a more football vibe (then again u could just have the baseball and football team share it but w.e).. I'm sure most would be like "eww".. but if the fans show up.. then it won't matter because no matter how big or small or odd a stadium is.. as long as you have an electric atmosphere recruit will come.. trust me

2) Share FIU Stadium (and maybe help them renovate it to accommodate UM) or Buy Tamiami Park from FIU or whoever has the power to agree.. Tamiami park IS on FIU campus so give FIU an offer they can't refuse.. like.. idk a small pie out of Miami games or.. a yearly home and home.. or FIU get a yearly home game against Miami.. idk.. something that would be a HUGE money grab for FIU..

Note.. for either to be possible Miami gotta win.. get the Fans and Booster full support.. so Miami can make money from football to get these things. I don't know if either is actually possible but I'd like to hear opinions
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Dude, new dorms or no new dorms there will never be an on campus stadium. We play in a state of an art stadium with great space for tailgating and near major highways. We don't need an on campus stadium.

none of that matter if fans don't even go to the games.. what the point of having a top of the line stadium if no one goes to it.. we were better off with the dump that was the OB because at least people came out.. they don't even try at HRS.. Every time I read about a new stadium.. people ALWAYS say "what about the people traveling north of the stadium.. what about them?" and I always say.. UM home games is as far north as it has ever been and the attendance is x10 worse.. We the stadium was more south.. we had a respectable attendance even when we were on the decline in '06 and '07 when the OB still exist. Coral Gable will N-E-V-E-R approve an on campus stadium.. so forget that... plus there isn't space..

The only way Miami will ever get a stadium closer to campus is 2 ways..

1) Marlins move.. (completely realistic though every doubtful) Marlins generate no revenue, always among the worst in attendance.. I wouldn't be surprise me if the next owner dips with the Marlin because u can't make money here.. (sad part is they are in a Hispanic area) I'm sure the current owner is losing more money then actually making it.. Anyways we would probably move in to Marlins Park.. renovate the stadium to give it a more football vibe (then again u could just have the baseball and football team share it but w.e).. I'm sure most would be like "eww".. but if the fans show up.. then it won't matter because no matter how big or small or odd a stadium is.. as long as you have an electric atmosphere recruit will come.. trust me

2) Share FIU Stadium (and maybe help them renovate it to accommodate UM) or Buy Tamiami Park from FIU or whoever has the power to agree.. Tamiami park IS on FIU campus so give FIU an offer they can't refuse.. like.. idk a small pie out of Miami games or.. a yearly home and home.. or FIU get a yearly home game against Miami.. idk.. something that would be a HUGE money grab for FIU..

Note.. for either to be possible Miami gotta win.. get the Fans and Booster full support.. so Miami can make money from football to get these things. I don't know if either is actually possible but I'd like to hear opinions
The Marlins will never move if someone actually buys the team from Loria. There's millions of carribbean latinos and Venezuelans in Miami and in broward that don't want to give their money to him because he pockets it instead of helping the team. Did you ever go to the games when Jose pitched, if you did then you see they can fill that stadium
I'm always astounded by these "Coral Gables will never let it happen" posts.

Do you not realize that the campus is right on the edge of Coral Gables? A way more plausible scenario is to build it on the west side of 57th Ave/Red Road, that neighborhood is being revitalized and the government housing there will be available at some point...
I'm always astounded by these "Coral Gables will never let it happen" posts.

Do you not realize that the campus is right on the edge of Coral Gables? A way more plausible scenario is to build it on the west side of 57th Ave/Red Road, that neighborhood is being revitalized and the government housing there will be available at some point...

Cutting edge. I'm sure no one has thought of that up to this point.