This sucks, but I guess we'll never have on-campus stadium

Just dying to see another Stephen Ross national championship tribute to a UF or maybe FSU in Joe Robbie stadium... yea, our home stadium...LOL
yea.. the Pitt game wasn't any good.. the UNC and Duke was okay (by UM standard).. I think people are forgetting this is a Mark Richt honeymoon season. The excitement was very high so we got better in season tickets sell.. I guarantee If we lose to FSU next year.. the attendance will plummet back to how it has been under the Al Golden Era. The opposite will happen if we beat FSU though.. Has anyone even watched the Mark Richt Show? Richt is constantly talking about having "butts in the seats" and having UM home game vs FSU like atmosphere every game.. Everyone keeps pointing to this season while completely ignoring the last 9 years at HRS. The OB wasn't any better per say but it was our stadium and closer.. Even when we were bad in 06 and 07.. We could still pull 40k (at least against regular conference opponents..) In HRS I don't think we pull 25k in the stands a game despite what the numbers would say through the years at HRS - This year was better I'll admit.. Do people understand that now a days attendance is recorded by tickets sold .. season ticket holders counts towards attendance show or no show.. that wasn't the case back then... In the days of the OB it was by how much people were actually there.. I don't understand how this is even an argument.. If you removed the home games against FSU over the last 9 years.. how would you rate our atmosphere then?

On-Campus Stadium is never gonna happen. To much you have to deal with in an unwilling area.. Our only hope is Tropical Park as of this moment.
I personally don't care where the stadium is.. I just wish the stadium was in the heart of the Canes' county so that the fans that are willing to go to every game to help create a REAL college stadium like atmosphere would have easier access to w/o having to drive in traffic for so long.
I don't care about the design of the Stadium.. it could look like UCF stadium for all I care.. The atmosphere is way more important to recruit then the actual noise. Go look at ND or Michigan. Neither are known for being loud but both have outstanding atmosphere.

I would love to have a stadium like Baylor's but we know **** well Miami don't have the money for a $266M stadium. We would have to do some serious winning like Baylor did. I don't even think we reached the amount for the IPF and that was about $30M.. so there is no way we could afford something like Baylor's.

I would take a Stadium like UCF or Rutgers. (Both are 40k+ seater), really underrated stadiums when it comes to being very loud (Go watch the game vs Texas or South Carolina for UCF.. and Go look Rutgers in their home games against Louisville (2006, 2012) or Michigan/Penn State (Both 2014 - they got murdered by both in 2016), great atmosphere, and UCF stadium would cost 65 Million now. Rutgers Stadium would cost 55 Million now.. We could afford those if we started winning on a consistent basis.

Well we're on UNC - that UNC game was specifically called out as a "ghost town". Those are pics from the Pitt game, fool. Try again.

Nice try at deflection, though.

More obfuscation.

Pitt is a separate discussion

Your words:

Wrong about UNC, Pitt, and Duke being ghost towns or very empty.

You weren't there, obviously

So there goes your credibility.

...but I'm the one deflecting?

Again, you're now deflecting by playing semantics.

The initial post classified the UNC game as the ghost town. Not the other games, and the other 2 games as "very empty."

I used the UNC game as my first example, and had not yet addressed either Pitt or Duke.

But neither Pitt nor Duke were "very empty". As anybody that actually attended the games would tell you. Especially in comparison to Miami's past history of poor attendance at the Orange Bowl in these type of games. I've sat in much emptier stadiums in the OB.

I'm such a liar.

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Actually, you're a HUGE liar.

The first pic is prior to kickoff.

The other pics don't show a "ghost town." The estimated attendance at the UNC was about 45 to maybe 50,000. How is that a ghost town? That means about 15,000 empty seats. Still not a ghost town though.

You fūcked up. You lied. Admit like a man and move on.

Nice try, though.

I bet you spent hours looking for those - I'm laughing my *** off

Actually I just found those on my lunch break. You posted two low quality sht pictures to prove that it wasn't a ghost town. I posted better ones showing rows of empty seats.

You got called out using your own quotes talking about UNC, Pitt and Duke weren't ghost towns but picture evidence says you're wrong.

Oh prior to kick off you say? Imagine a recruit sitting there prior to kick off and sitting in LSU stadium or FSU, or Michigan. Where do you think they'll place Miami? Gtfoh man.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****** bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

that's partly true. but gradually, as UM's ranking went up, UM's undergrad body kept caring less and less about football.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

While true, plenty of students live in Coral Gables and S. Miami, most students I knew commuted from Kendall and further. Not exactly 10 minutes in Miami traffic. Add football traffic to that and yeah, you are looking at the same excuses you just listed. And regardless, you are still only talking around 11,000 undergrads total. Still a drop in the bucket for a stadium.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****** bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Not directed @theeye

But the older meat head, macho, football football football!!! guys don't get it.

The landscape of college football has changed drastically since our elite days at the top. Everything is much more inclusive now. The football players want to be part of the college campus lifestyle. Especially with social media opening their eyes to certain things. 17/18 year olds are very impressionable these days.

Take for instance Brian Edwards, a guy we were recruiting hard this year. UF showed little interest and slowed played him all through this recruiting, but immidietly after his OV, he was all lizard. Why? We don't get the same benefit of the doubt from these kids. How many times have we heard, "they (UM) offered too late". How come a late offer from UFag didn't matter to Brian? Could it be that their facilities, on campus stadium (not advocating one on campus in CG) statues of former players, IPF all had an effect on the kids imagination while he was visiting?

When these kids visit Bama, Tennessee, Oregon, OSU, Michigan ect, they get the whole package. They envision themselves playing in that stadium that has their team logo everywhere, championship banners, statues and tributes of former players. They feel a sense of pride that no matter how nice HRS is, they can't get when they visit/play there. Which btw, imagine being on a campus tour, then having to get in a car for at least half an hour to take a tour of your "home" field. The home field in a stadium that pays tribute to rival national champions. SMH

Having said all that, it doesn't mean we can't be successful at hard rock. We're still recruiting decent players and I believe we're headed in the right direction. I just don't want to see us fall behind like we did before when we thought that the logo on the helmet would recruit itself. We went cheap and hired 3 bad coaches after Butch, ignored facilities, and ignored the situation with the city of Miami OB debacle. The first piece of the puzzle is in place now with Richt at the helm. Facilities have been upgraded and an IPF is on the way. These dorms are also another positive.

The elephant in the room in 5 to 7 years will be the stadium issue. All I want is the school to be on top of it and consider all options.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

that's partly true. but gradually, as UM's ranking went up, UM's undergrad body kept caring less and less about football.

I think that has something to do with the fact that the football team got worse as the academic rating went up.
Well, the Miami Herald article says that UM and Coral Gables are pretty far along with the approval process for a gigantic new dormitory that would take up most of the space between Eaton and the Pavia parking garage, running up to the area close to Ponce where the rest of the Serpentine lot is now.

And then the article talks about UM and Coral Gables compromising and giving Coral Gables more control over the "perimeter" of the campus, which probably rules out the "driving range" north of Mahoney-Pearson, as well as the intramural area.

So it looks like we can stick a fork in any optimistic thoughts of UM ever squeezing in some plans for a stadium (or Coral Gables approving it).

Sucks. Very let down by my alma mater.

What sort of college dorm can $155 million buy? UM students will find out. | Miami Herald

You're not being a realistic if you ever thought that would happen. Regardless it is HUGE to get new dorms finally.that will be a huge selling point for recruits. Just another thing we can't be negative recruited about anymore. Kids hate those ancient dorms. Far as the stadium not sure why you think that's a let down. Only practical thing is tropical or Tamiami park. Both of them are options. Corley gables as a city would never give us approval for a realistic sized stadium option. Even if they did we got nowhere to put it & even if we figured that out how would you deal with game weekend traffic? You'd have to either camp out of leave Friday morning for a Saturday noon game. Us1 already is horrible now add traffic for games to that & all the other local roads. I guarantee you road rage would go through the roof
Everything here is just excuses for a fickle fan base. Stadium location, college atmosphere, closeness to campus didn't mean jack when all these people bought tickets. They were willing to pay for the tickets and go to the games. Then the losing streak started and they didn't show up. The stadium didn't get further away. The ride for students didn't take longer. Fans didn't show up because Miami is by and large a front-running town. It's not just the Hurricanes. It's every sport. And spare me the attendance went up in basketball because they built an on campu arena garbage. I went to plenty of games at the BUC (or whatever it's called now) before coach L showed up and I would buy the cheapest ticket possible and just walk right up to the third or fourth row because the place was empty. The team got good and now they sell out. That's it, that's all, that's all there is.
Everything here is just excuses for a fickle fan base. Stadium location, college atmosphere, closeness to campus didn't mean jack when all these people bought tickets. They were willing to pay for the tickets and go to the games. Then the losing streak started and they didn't show up. The stadium didn't get further away. The ride for students didn't take longer. Fans didn't show up because Miami is by and large a front-running town. It's not just the Hurricanes. It's every sport. And spare me the attendance went up in basketball because they built an on campu arena garbage. I went to plenty of games at the BUC (or whatever it's called now) before coach L showed up and I would buy the cheapest ticket possible and just walk right up to the third or fourth row because the place was empty. The team got good and now they sell out. That's it, that's all, that's all there is.

Not disagreeing. But you know how many people I know bought season tickets last year just for the FSU game? The donation was split between people so it wasn't a big deal. Single game tickets for FSU was over $150. Season tickets were cheaper than that.

Their excuse for not going to every game was distance. At least from the group of people I know. It's a small sample size but judging from the amount of $6 tickets selling on stub hug and game time, I would say it's an indication of what's going on. People buying season tickets for one or two really important games and trying to sell the rest for penuts. I assume the same thing will happen this year with Notre Dame.

The yes coach L has made a huge difference, but the program has become better all around having the BUC on campus.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Not directed @theeye

But the older meat head, macho, football football football!!! guys don't get it.

The landscape of college football has changed drastically since our elite days at the top. Everything is much more inclusive now. The football players want to be part of the college campus lifestyle. Especially with social media opening their eyes to certain things. 17/18 year olds are very impressionable these days.

Take for instance Brian Edwards, a guy we were recruiting hard this year. UF showed little interest and slowed played him all through this recruiting, but immidietly after his OV, he was all lizard. Why? We don't get the same benefit of the doubt from these kids. How many times have we heard, "they (UM) offered too late". How come a late offer from UFag didn't matter to Brian? Could it be that their facilities, on campus stadium (not advocating one on campus in CG) statues of former players, IPF all had an effect on the kids imagination while he was visiting?

When these kids visit Bama, Tennessee, Oregon, OSU, Michigan ect, they get the whole package. They envision themselves playing in that stadium that has their team logo everywhere, championship banners, statues and tributes of former players. They feel a sense of pride that no matter how nice HRS is, they can't get when they visit/play there. Which btw, imagine being on a campus tour, then having to get in a car for at least half an hour to take a tour of your "home" field. The home field in a stadium that pays tribute to rival national champions. SMH

Having said all that, it doesn't mean we can't be successful at hard rock. We're still recruiting decent players and I believe we're headed in the right direction. I just don't want to see us fall behind like we did before when we thought that the logo on the helmet would recruit itself. We went cheap and hired 3 bad coaches after Butch, ignored facilities, and ignored the situation with the city of Miami OB debacle. The first piece of the puzzle is in place now with Richt at the helm. Facilities have been upgraded and an IPF is on the way. These dorms are also another positive.

The elephant in the room in 5 to 7 years will be the stadium issue. All I want is the school to be on top of it and consider all options.


These guy think filling up a stadium half way is doing anything to help us recruit... these guys gotta realize there is Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.. These programs have all of these things now. What do they post? Bait! Showing off their new fancy facilities.. Back in 2000.. those kids from Miami wouldn't know Ohio State was making a million dollar Stadium renovations.. They wouldn't know Texas A&M has a super fancy locker rooms.. They weren't seeing videos on YouTube of how crazy the atmosphere were from Penn State or LSU (unless they took OV).. Their seeing all these expensive fancy things on the web and comparing them to what Miami have.. and they saying ***** Miami because we don't provide any of those things.. Their 17/18 year old who want the shiny new toys and they feel entitled because they're good at football to play at a top notch football program that provide all those things.. (Plus bagman)

Being cheap killed us man. I been saying this for a while.. when the leash is up.. Work out something out with the Marlins/MLB to play at Marlins Park.. Because that to.. is a state of the art facility.. I know it a baseball stadium but it should help with actual attendance since it is the old OB spot.. Like i said before.. If you have a great atmosphere it wouldn't matter that were playing at a baseball stadium. and when the Marlins move out of Miami like I know they will.. That stadium will be all our to renovate it into solely a football stadium

Just add bleachers here - would get the stadium to about 40k in basically the heart of where the Canes fans are... Little Havana

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Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Not directed @theeye

But the older meat head, macho, football football football!!! guys don't get it.

The landscape of college football has changed drastically since our elite days at the top. Everything is much more inclusive now. The football players want to be part of the college campus lifestyle. Especially with social media opening their eyes to certain things. 17/18 year olds are very impressionable these days.

Take for instance Brian Edwards, a guy we were recruiting hard this year. UF showed little interest and slowed played him all through this recruiting, but immidietly after his OV, he was all lizard. Why? We don't get the same benefit of the doubt from these kids. How many times have we heard, "they (UM) offered too late". How come a late offer from UFag didn't matter to Brian? Could it be that their facilities, on campus stadium (not advocating one on campus in CG) statues of former players, IPF all had an effect on the kids imagination while he was visiting?

When these kids visit Bama, Tennessee, Oregon, OSU, Michigan ect, they get the whole package. They envision themselves playing in that stadium that has their team logo everywhere, championship banners, statues and tributes of former players. They feel a sense of pride that no matter how nice HRS is, they can't get when they visit/play there. Which btw, imagine being on a campus tour, then having to get in a car for at least half an hour to take a tour of your "home" field. The home field in a stadium that pays tribute to rival national champions. SMH

Having said all that, it doesn't mean we can't be successful at hard rock. We're still recruiting decent players and I believe we're headed in the right direction. I just don't want to see us fall behind like we did before when we thought that the logo on the helmet would recruit itself. We went cheap and hired 3 bad coaches after Butch, ignored facilities, and ignored the situation with the city of Miami OB debacle. The first piece of the puzzle is in place now with Richt at the helm. Facilities have been upgraded and an IPF is on the way. These dorms are also another positive.

The elephant in the room in 5 to 7 years will be the stadium issue. All I want is the school to be on top of it and consider all options.


These guy think filling up a stadium half way is doing anything to help us recruit... these guys gotta realize there is Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.. These programs have all of these things now. What do they post? Bait! Showing off their new fancy facilities.. Back in 2000.. those kids from Miami wouldn't know Ohio State was making a million dollar Stadium renovations.. They wouldn't know Texas A&M has a super fancy locker rooms.. They weren't seeing videos on YouTube of how crazy the atmosphere were from Penn State or LSU (unless they took OV).. Their seeing all these expensive fancy things on the web and comparing them to what Miami have.. and they saying ***** Miami because we don't provide any of those things.. Their 17/18 year old who want the shiny new toys and they feel entitled because they're good at football to play at a top notch football program that provide all those things.. (Plus bagman)

Being cheap killed us man. I been saying this for a while.. when the leash is up.. Work out something out with the Marlins/MLB to play at Marlins Park.. Because that to.. is a state of the art facility.. I know it a baseball stadium but it should help with actual attendance since it is the old OB spot.. Like i said before.. If you have a great atmosphere it wouldn't matter that were playing at a baseball stadium. and when the Marlins move out of Miami like I know they will.. That stadium will be all our to renovate it into solely a football stadium

Just add bleachers here - would get the stadium to about 40k in basically the heart of where the Canes fans are... Little Havana

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I posted this in another thread a few mins ago but its good anyway:

Mahoney-Pearson isn't too bad and the UV is very nice, And the football players don't stay in the Frosh dorms. Only problem with the dorms is the Internet (which has been improved), the beds, and the size (not a problem in the UV). So after you visit and look at it yourself, I don't see the big deal....especially the UV.

As far as other facilities, Schwartz center is done. Dining Hall just got upgraded, and actually looks nice now. The IPF is coming soon, I think $5-10M from being fully funded. The new UHealth medical building is just getting finished up, The Frosts just donated another $100M after the Music building got finished up which will add to the STEM@UM. Obviously the Ibis Village was just announced and looks like its gunna be legit.

Facilities will no longer be an achilles heel.

The only thing we wont have or be in the process of acquiring facilities wise is a Stadium.
We will never have an on campus stadium. So anyone thinking about that can give up. But if we can get a stadium within 10minutes away, it will make a major difference in atmosphere. And I understand we only have 14k Students, but if you fill up the student section it makes everything 10x better. If you have good attendance but no student support, it will be ******. You need to maximize the student support and attendance before we have any chance at making the atmosphere consistently great. And at 17 miles away, the only comparison is UCLA, but even they have almost 3 times the amount of students as we do. So they don't even face the same problems. We need to start selling the **** out of our football to incoming freshman during orientation and hold other events to get as many people on campus involved as possible, which just isnt happening.
Our lease runs out in 15 years. We should have a plan in place to move somewhere incase we cant get that extended.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Not directed @theeye

But the older meat head, macho, football football football!!! guys don't get it.

The landscape of college football has changed drastically since our elite days at the top. Everything is much more inclusive now. The football players want to be part of the college campus lifestyle. Especially with social media opening their eyes to certain things. 17/18 year olds are very impressionable these days.

Take for instance Brian Edwards, a guy we were recruiting hard this year. UF showed little interest and slowed played him all through this recruiting, but immidietly after his OV, he was all lizard. Why? We don't get the same benefit of the doubt from these kids. How many times have we heard, "they (UM) offered too late". How come a late offer from UFag didn't matter to Brian? Could it be that their facilities, on campus stadium (not advocating one on campus in CG) statues of former players, IPF all had an effect on the kids imagination while he was visiting?

When these kids visit Bama, Tennessee, Oregon, OSU, Michigan ect, they get the whole package. They envision themselves playing in that stadium that has their team logo everywhere, championship banners, statues and tributes of former players. They feel a sense of pride that no matter how nice HRS is, they can't get when they visit/play there. Which btw, imagine being on a campus tour, then having to get in a car for at least half an hour to take a tour of your "home" field. The home field in a stadium that pays tribute to rival national champions. SMH

Having said all that, it doesn't mean we can't be successful at hard rock. We're still recruiting decent players and I believe we're headed in the right direction. I just don't want to see us fall behind like we did before when we thought that the logo on the helmet would recruit itself. We went cheap and hired 3 bad coaches after Butch, ignored facilities, and ignored the situation with the city of Miami OB debacle. The first piece of the puzzle is in place now with Richt at the helm. Facilities have been upgraded and an IPF is on the way. These dorms are also another positive.

The elephant in the room in 5 to 7 years will be the stadium issue. All I want is the school to be on top of it and consider all options.

They already did consider all options. They chose the best and only feasible one.
I heard Peter's interview with Kai-Leon and he commented about how the dorms sucked..