The Work 10-9

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"**Sources tell CanesInSight that at this point it is nearly impossible to envision a scenario where D’Onofrio is back next season. Golden and D’Onofrio have not been on the same page this season and their relationship has become strained. Many believe that Golden has become frustrated at D’Onofrio’s ability to run the defense and beyond that he is not a guy who most in the building like to work with on a daily basis."

Pretty sure Pete has hasn't studied military deception. "Sources" can always be feeding information that has a grain of truth (drawing you in) and making you blind to other evidence to the contrary...They make you want to believe it. Look at the wording: "not on the same page," "strained," and "frustrated," Wow, terms just brimming with red hot anger (LOL). Golden's constant deflection of blaming the defense when he is stressed in after game pressers is better intelligence. Golden's first priority before a presser is accumulating data favorable to the defense and finding other areas to blame, making him sound absolutely tone deaf and idiotic. He is covering and covering for Dorito, for reasons I would probably NOT want to know intimately, expending what little intellectual capacity he has left in an attempt to save the status quo. Just look how quickly many in this thread are now focusing on Dorito leaving with Golden getting another year...

Read about pre-D-Day Allied operations such as Fortitude, which fed the Germans what they wanted to believe on the site of the Allied landings; heck, many in the German intelligence branch fell for pictures of inflatible tanks where they wanted to see them, disregarding real intelligence on real tanks.

Don't fall for Golden's inflatible tanksView attachment 26344

^Spot on
Golden has never fired anyone in his life. With all due respect to Pete and D Money, I have a hard time believing he is going to start with his best buddy who is running his defense.
1. It's already collapsed.
2. It's only going to get worse.
3. Coaches never survive this sort of cyclone of negativity.
4. Folden is finished.

P.S. Pete does a good job, but he's guessing just like the rest of the fanbase. Study history. Was it this negative this early in Coker or Shannon's final seasons? Not even close. The team's going to quit even harder on Folden. This is a full death spiral.
1. It's already collapsed.
2. It's only going to get worse.
3. Coaches never survive this sort of cyclone of negativity.
4. Folden is finished.

P.S. Pete does a good job, but he's guessing just like the rest of the fanbase. Study history. Was it this negative this early in Coker or Shannon's final seasons? Not even close. The team's going to quit even harder on Folden. This is a full death spiral.

I agree, no one can survive this. Everyone has turned on him. If 99.9% of us have turned on him, then I have to believe that 99.9% of the decision makers have turned on him too.
Almost time
He is a call away.
If Golden brings in a d coordinator that he doesnticro manage we can be good but al is stubborn and a control freak so that won't happen .
Lets get one thing straight, the defense is not the only problem here. I look at our 2015 recruiting class and there is no more cloud to blame, and our defensive commits is quite underwhelming to be very kind. Particularly in the front 7 given our continued problems and many excuses that its players. Coupled that with losing defensive players every offseason. Huge problem. Attrition is a cancer under Golden. He needs to go
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My favorite part of all this is the whole assumption Golden will be able to hire a competent DC. One, we all know he would expect it to be a similar (probably the same, lol) scheme (scam). Better yet, WHO IN THE **** WOULD BE DESPERATE ENOUGH TO TAKE THIS JOB?!??!!?!?

can you even imagine the friggin trash that will be considered/available for this job? Jesus. Golden is a 2-ton anchor and he's tipping over the edge. Assuming he survives I can't even begin to fathom the jokes we will be looking at. It would be like the last 3 kids waiting to be picked in gym class, one has a retainer, one is in a wheelchair, and one is the smelly kid. Joke.

#freetheclassof2012 #freethecanes
My favorite part of all this is the whole assumption Golden will be able to hire a competent DC. One, we all know he would expect it to be a similar (probably the same, lol) scheme (scam). Better yet, WHO IN THE **** WOULD BE DESPERATE ENOUGH TO TAKE THIS JOB?!??!!?!?

can you even imagine the friggin trash that will be considered/available for this job? Jesus. Golden is a 2-ton anchor and he's tipping over the edge. Assuming he survives I can't even begin to fathom the jokes we will be looking at. It would be like the last 3 kids waiting to be picked in gym class, one has a retainer, one is in a wheelchair, and one is the smelly kid. Joke.

#freetheclassof2012 #freethecanes

Bingo. Nobody worth their salt will want to coach for a lame duck coach. Look at what happened to Shannon. Writing was on the wall with him, program was a mess, and he couldn't attract anyone to work with him. The ones he got were dreck (Berry, Nix, Olson, et al).
It is sad that a great player like Duke Johnson will finish his Hurricanes career here with ZERO bowl wins and ZERO victories against FSU.
My favorite part of all this is the whole assumption Golden will be able to hire a competent DC. One, we all know he would expect it to be a similar (probably the same, lol) scheme (scam). Better yet, WHO IN THE **** WOULD BE DESPERATE ENOUGH TO TAKE THIS JOB?!??!!?!?

can you even imagine the friggin trash that will be considered/available for this job? Jesus. Golden is a 2-ton anchor and he's tipping over the edge. Assuming he survives I can't even begin to fathom the jokes we will be looking at. It would be like the last 3 kids waiting to be picked in gym class, one has a retainer, one is in a wheelchair, and one is the smelly kid. Joke.

#freetheclassof2012 #freethecanes

Right on. And another thing is that even if Golden did hire a competent DC, would it make the team that much better? No. First off, the offense, while serviceable against average teams, has repeatedly **** the bed against good teams. That's a symptom of Golden's philosophy and approach that will never go away as long as he is coach. I think since 2012, their only good performance against a good D was Virginia Tech in 2012. Everything else has been horse ****. And even if you did get this DC, could the DC change the program's philosophy from "hope the other team makes a mistake" to "dominate them and pound their ****s in the ******* dirt?" No, he couldn't. And that's the problem with Golden, more than anything. His approach to football simply doesn't work at UM, and it goes way deeper than X's and O's.

The annals of college football history are full of fired head coaches who made last ditch efforts to save their jobs by hiring coordinators. It just doesn't work and it's not sustainable. No program should be reliant on a ******* coordinator. It's an absurd notion.
Man, what the ****. If the cloud has anything to do with Golden getting another year, with or without a new D coordinator, that is totally ****ed. The guy got an extension till 2187, has put out a garbage *** product on the field going on 4 years now, and was able to keep his BFF on staff this year after consistently fielding one of the weakest defenses I have ever seen in my life. We are even, ************. GTFO.

THIIIIISSSS all f*ing day!!!
Don't understand the evidence that Golden and Dnofrio are not on the same page this year.
The defense looks the same as the last four years.
IMO just changing position coaches and coordinator on defense is equal to rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
Golden would have to admit what he believes in does not work and hand total control to someone else.
Can't see him not meddling.
Part of the problem is that Shalala is retiring next Spring...which means she would have to fire Golden and hire the next football coach and not the new president. There are ways to get around that, I remember Shalala being involved in the hiring of Coker even though she had not officially taken over for Tad Foote. I think 6-6 or 5-7 and it happens, 7-5 and I doubt it unless we get absolutely crushed in a few games. Maybe Golden will do a Frank Haith....there will be lots of jobs open and who knows what happens with James Franklin's Vandy case.
1. It's already collapsed.
2. It's only going to get worse.
3. Coaches never survive this sort of cyclone of negativity.
4. Folden is finished.

P.S. Pete does a good job, but he's guessing just like the rest of the fanbase. Study history. Was it this negative this early in Coker or Shannon's final seasons? Not even close. The team's going to quit even harder on Folden. This is a full death spiral.

Totally true and I think the Board of Trustees see this but are financially powerless to stop it. My guess is that golden's buyout is in the $6-7 million range. For that reason the BoT is doing what they're doing by trying to float some anonomous statements in support of golden. They're trying to salvage some kind of ticket sales this season while watching the clock til dude's buyout drops into an affordable range.
If Golden brings in a d coordinator that he doesnticro manage we can be good but al is stubborn and a control freak so that won't happen .

We can be good? How? The special teams is abominable, the offense is the most ineffective in Canes history, the Strength and Conditioning program is a joke, the game plans are a disaster, player development is non-existent, our team mentality is soft, and we are losing our by far best player after this season.

Tell me how firing Mark D'Onofrio does anything to help all that ****show?