The Unintended Consequences

There are literally NO REPORTS coming out saying “fans are responding.”

The chit show is coming from w/in. Like I have zero idea what this post is even referring to. This narrative of fans causing this is utterly false.
The fans aren’t causing anything. The fans sure are reacting emotionally to every single report released by any hack with a keyboard.

The post was referring to the post that was quoted - and, generally, a response to the miasma I’ve had to sift through all day (week).

If I have to respond, I guess I’d say “chit show is in the eye of the beholder” or “one mans ‘chit show’ is another mans ‘obvious attempt at subterfuge from a disgruntled party which has no effect or bearing on the outcome.’”

I get it. 20 years of mismanagement. Lack of coordinated vision. Buzz word quote 3. Buzz word quote 4. Etc. But, right now, it’s hard to look past the - our clear #1 target is a little busy at the moment - elephant in the room. Maybe I’m just naïve or a blind homer, but ultimately if by this time next week we have Mario (or lane) and whatever ad would satisfy the masses doesn’t the whole chit show narrative become keyser soze?
The fans aren’t causing anything. The fans sure are reacting emotionally to every single report released by any hack with a keyboard.

The post was referring to the post that was quoted - and, generally, a response to the miasma I’ve had to sift through all day (week).

If I have to respond, I guess I’d say “chit show is in the eye of the beholder” or “one mans ‘chit show’ is another mans ‘obvious attempt at subterfuge from a disgruntled party which has no effect or bearing on the outcome.’”

I get it. 20 years of mismanagement. Lack of coordinated vision. Buzz word quote 3. Buzz word quote 4. Etc. But, right now, it’s hard to look past the - our clear #1 target is a little busy at the moment - elephant in the room. Maybe I’m just naïve or a blind homer, but ultimately if by this time next week we have Mario (or lane) and whatever ad would satisfy the masses doesn’t the whole chit show narrative become keyser soze?

I think u & the QP u’re referencing have misinterpreted the premise of my post.

CIS is a small community, full of Canes fans (& some trolls). Our reactions are confined on CIS.

The problem I have is Kirk Herbstreit went on a Nationally syndicated broadcast that those outside of CIS witnessed either live or replays that criticized the inner workings of the university.

Now, local & national media r tweeting the perceived dysfunction for others to see. We have an interviewee who gave the impression that he turned down the job b/c of the lack of direction. We have media figures tweeting that we are a chit show by “multiple” sources.

And again, let me reiterate; whether these post are accurate or filled w/ unsubstantiated click bait material (which I highly doubt) is of no consequence to me or the reason why I created this thread. The outrage from Herbstreit + leaked news or fake news from w/in VALIDATES to others we don’t have our chit together. And if we’re going to be honest, there was no plan. This was like when Baby Richt had MJJ as his QB prospect w/o any plan. It’s appearing to be chit on the wall & hoping it sticks.

So, the solution HAS to be a homerun hire of an AD and a coach that would send the media changing their narrative. I keep reiterating, perception becomes reality, and despite how much we root for this school as fans and/or alums, we have 20 yrs worth of tangible evidence that allows for us to be viewed as such.
September 25, 2021

Kirk Herbstreit decided to air his frustration towards The University of Miami, particularly its direction. Why? B/c The U was on a 4 game losing streak against P5 opponents, struggling against a G5 team at home, at the time of his rant. The rant questioned our dedication to winning, and for the first time, questioned the alignment of the decision makers of The U.

Results? It prompted a letter from The President’s office to refute such claims. It prompted a rehearsed statement by Diaz after a blowout win against a semi FCS school to defend The University. However something sinister happened; On October 23rd, 2021, before an ACC matchup against NCSt, Blake James provides an interview w/ a hand select few regarding Diaz’s job. That interview unveiled a complete chit storm showing, indeed, The University of Miami has zero alignment.

From that time onward, all we’ve seen is a school that’s been made to look more & more incompetent. Unfortunately, the media have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Whether the info leaked has merit or not is of no consequence to me; what it has been done is validate what Herbstreit said some 9 weeks ago.

I’m going to go out on a limb & say whether these reports are accurate or not, they are not being pulled out of thin air. I’m going to assume those w/in the dept are either accurately or deceptively leaking reports, all of which are sabotaging our reputation further. If it’s the former, then our direction of leadership is f’d; however, if it’s the latter, it shows our alignment & unity is disjointed af at The Hecht.

Look, I’m not an insider; I’m just a loyal fan for 3+ decades. I’m just a guy who’s made friends w/ some old school & current alums; but, what I will say is that regardless of how we may try to reason, spin, or justify what’s been going on, THIS IS NOT HOW A PROPERLY RAN UNIVERSITY OPERATES. I know business; I’ve been successful in it. I’ve worked for companies who lived on its past reputation w/o fwd thinking, and we were a complete chit show b/c of it. There was no alignment, too many chefs in the kitchen w/ huge egos. The results? Ppl w/ decision making influence jockeying for position no matter the end results vs. coming together to right the ship, A Reactive nature when JD Powers & Associates ripped us a new one vs. formulating a cohesive plan.
We’re seeing this type of chit happen before our very eyes, b/c we’ve been unveiled as a chit show.

Timeline & justifications:
-Blake James makes a statement on Diaz’s tenure before NC St game; James looks shady for coming out w/ said statement before a big game AND using certain media members, while excluding others (he would catch **** from both Diaz supporters & hurt feelings media members)

-Diaz after game makes statement to low key slight James

-James fired, causing a divide of some BOT members who loved him vs The Presidents office.

-Diaz allegedly on hot seat, but goes on a streak of winning 5 of 6 games.

-Allegedly an AD was supposed to have been announced two weeks ago. (Failed)

-Allegedly The University wanted to wait until Dec. 1st to make a decision to fire Diaz (Hasn’t come to fruition as of yet)

Hopefully we hire the right AD & coach, but between the academic tumbles, the COMPLETE athletic stumbles, and leaving a decision in the hands of a guy who yesterday had no interest in sports or cognizant of its affect on school revenue, doesn’t make me feel good.

I’ll just finish up w/ this; living in SC territory, there wasn’t nearly this much chit being talked about. Matter of fact, there were no leaks until it was time to pull the trigger. The only speculation was SC’s interest in Meyer (which he commented on) & Fickell (which a story was upon). Nothing else. Why? B/c SC has alignment from top to bottom. When the firing came of Swann, it was a unanimous decision. This power play that’s going on at Miami is not only tiresome, but worrisome.
Herbstreits comments are the best thing to happen in 20 years to Miami football. If there’s any chance of things changing for the better it’s now.
I think u & the QP u’re referencing have misinterpreted the premise of my post.

CIS is a small community, full of Canes fans (& some trolls). Our reactions are confined on CIS.

The problem I have is Kirk Herbstreit went on a Nationally syndicated broadcast that those outside of CIS witnessed either live or replays that criticized the inner workings of the university.

Now, local & national media r tweeting the perceived dysfunction for others to see. We have an interviewee who gave the impression that he turned down the job b/c of the lack of direction. We have media figures tweeting that we are a chit show by “multiple” sources.

And again, let me reiterate; whether these post are accurate or filled w/ unsubstantiated click bait material (which I highly doubt) is of no consequence to me or the reason why I created this thread. The outrage from Herbstreit + leaked news or fake news from w/in VALIDATES to others we don’t have our chit together. And if we’re going to be honest, there was no plan. This was like when Baby Richt had MJJ as his QB prospect w/o any plan. It’s appearing to be chit on the wall & hoping it sticks.

So, the solution HAS to be a homerun hire of an AD and a coach that would send the media changing their narrative. I keep reiterating, perception becomes reality, and despite how much we root for this school as fans and/or alums, we have 20 yrs worth of tangible evidence that allows for us to be viewed as such.
The news cycle changes, literally, by the minute. How many people outside our echo chamber will even remember that we fired our ad and hired a new coach/ad 3 weeks later, let alone that the process to replace the ad/coach was allegedly a ****show, 2 weeks from now?

Again, if we do hire the combination of stellar ad and Mario/Lane, even if the process really was a giant clusterfk (which I highly doubt), so much so that we supposedly scared away the guy who managed to run New Mexico off a cliff, who cares? The result is infinitely more important than the process.

The bellyaching, then, is simply premature. That’s all I’m saying. And, if I’m wrong, and we get another year of the lisp… mea culpa mea culpa.
The news cycle changes, literally, by the minute. How many people outside our echo chamber will even remember that we fired our ad and hired a new coach/ad 3 weeks later, let alone that the process to replace the ad/coach was allegedly a ****show, 2 weeks from now?

Again, if we do hire the combination of stellar ad and Mario/Lane, even if the process really was a giant clusterfk (which I highly doubt), so much so that we supposedly scared away the guy who managed to run New Mexico off a cliff, who cares? The result is infinitely more important than the process.

The bellyaching, then, is simply premature. That’s all I’m saying. And, if I’m wrong, and we get another year of the lisp… mea culpa mea culpa.

I agree that the results are infinitely more important, which is y we have to hit home runs to change perception.
While I agree with your hypothesis, eventually the money (or increase that has been suggested) will no longer be allocated and we will be relegated to a present day Tulsa…until we realize our missteps and have desire to become relevant enough. It will be a self fulfilling prophecy and our present “insiders” with all of their politicking, are cannibalizing the program. They need to be made aware of their ways. I also am sensing that some of this is being run too perfectly to possibly workout in Manny’s favor, so I can’t believe that no one is considering the manipulating that may be occurring at the request of Sr. He doesn’t want to see his son fail after becoming a head coach and was probably convinced by Manny that he just needs a little more time to complete the turnaround (which we know isn’t true and that Manny is willing to reinvent the wheel annually to find the right combination).

I clearly remember my feelings when Richt stepped down. I felt that was the bottom. And I felt hope when Manny was hired (thought it stupid that they had to pay $4MM when it was a timing thing) as I thought he was good at his job (smoke and mirrors), was good for our image and represented something new. Funny, that I don’t feel that same low right now. I don’t know if I have become numb to it, I believe that it can’t get any worse or if I believe that the decision will be made and everyone will have to live with it and that it will be better than Blake and Manny (let me be clear that I really want both to come to fruition).

But a decision will have to be ultimately lived with. And while that person will receive an unjust amount of scrutiny, and while a subset of the population will feel that is the person forced upon them, they will be in charge of theses decisions. As a fan base, I wish we had control as I agree with a ton more of opinions on this board than I do with “the professionals”, but we are not always privy to all circumstances that are being dealt with.

I laugh at some of the rumors, especially the “we are expected to retain Manny” ones as I cannot fathom how we anticipate an unnamed AD may act towards Manny. I can appreciate that there are less coaches available to choose from and time is running out, but please.

I guess what I am trying to come to is that the comment that things are being kept quiet can be okay. Getting a general update from the hiring firm at UM’s request or for the university itself that we have narrowed the field or are awaiting confirmation would be appreciated, especially to quash these very public comments. I also feel that things may be amiss in a positive manner, and so I reserve judgment until after the weekend (or slightly thereafter). This could be a package thing. I also think that we would want to be more discrete with regards to tampering so we would take a less obvious approach than USC if it is Mario (although we cannot wait too long).

Here’s to hope!
My issue isn’t the silence of the school, even tho that has allowed the narrative to be spun wildly in a negative direction. It’s that the decision makers are more concerned about their own power then they are of the wellbeing of the department.

There’s people purposefully making the univ look like a clown show in order to dissuade candidates from accepting jobs. How does that get fixed? How does an AD work with a BOT liaison that’s openly hostile?
My issue isn’t the silence of the school, even tho that has allowed the narrative to be spun wildly in a negative direction. It’s that the decision makers are more concerned about their own power then they are of the wellbeing of the department.

There’s people purposefully making the univ look like a clown show in order to dissuade candidates from accepting jobs. How does that get fixed? How does an AD work with a BOT liaison that’s openly hostile?
We agree that the BOT members are playing games with disasterous consequences. I believe that this benefits Manny too much and that his father shouldn’t be ruled out as a major culprit some of the BOT members. That being said, a statement from the University could act as the singular voice to put all rumors as pure speculation. I cannot imagine that bylaws in these types of decisions do not have someone getting the nuclear option themselves. The appearance is awful and I believe that a comment that the expresses that the decision makers are nearing a conclusion and that all other reports are not from anyone involved in the process and are false could be a strategy to improve the optics with all.

I also think the chaos impedes chances of getting Mario as it seems to be exactly what he is looking to avoid. Therefore, this becomes self fulfilling if it is an attempt to dissuade Mario in favor of Manny. I don’t want that to be the case and I think that the university needs to be hyper aware of the perception to avoid this outcome.
We agree that the BOT members are playing games with disasterous consequences. I believe that this benefits Manny too much and that his father shouldn’t be ruled out as a major culprit some of the BOT members. That being said, a statement from the University could act as the singular voice to put all rumors as pure speculation. I cannot imagine that bylaws in these types of decisions do not have someone getting the nuclear option themselves. The appearance is awful and I believe that a comment that the expresses that the decision makers are nearing a conclusion and that all other reports are not from anyone involved in the process and are false could be a strategy to improve the optics with all.

I also think the chaos impedes chances of getting Mario as it seems to be exactly what he is looking to avoid. Therefore, this becomes self fulfilling if it is an attempt to dissuade Mario in favor of Manny. I don’t want that to be the case and I think that the university needs to be hyper aware of the perception to avoid this outcome.
It is their goal… to keep manny by making um look bad. Horrible
It is their goal… to keep manny by making um look bad. Horrible
These people are scum. Cut their noses off to spite their ugly faces. They are ugly people that care about controlling the narrative. Why are people down here so power hungry?

After reading another breakdown, I also wonder how tied in Lemonis is during the AD search. I pray that we are predicating the AD search on Mario. It would be the UM thing to do but if they swing and miss, we are in major trouble for the next year. I wouldn’t blame TVD for wanting out of that were the case (although he would have his public supported coach in Manny). I just hope for better things and if it is not Mario, I really hope that they have an ace up their sleeve for plan B.
The old saying a leopard doesn’t change its spots fits here. You don’t just start caring about athletics. The winning mentality doesn’t seem to exist at Miami. I expect the AD and coaching hires to be completely underwhelming. The best way to predict future behavior is by looking at past behavior. Even by some miracle we do make good hires we won’t give them the needed resources to win with the big boys. **** even went on when Jimmy was here. He was just so exceptional he won in spite of Tad Foote. Jimmy ain’t walking through those doors. I have zero expectation of a happy ending. Hope I’m wrong.
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I agree with the OP to an extent. This thing needed a complete tear down and with that comes a lot of hurt feelings. Firing Blake who was a BOT puppet, has made a lot of people uncomfortable about what is about to go down and they are worried they will no longer have the same influence they once had. It's already been said the BOT isn't involved in the new AD hire so it won't be someone they can control the way they did with Blake. Add in the financial commitment that Frenk is proposing things are getting messy. Things could work out for the better but who knows at this point. For me I'm just glad we are sticking with the status quo because that **** obviously wasn't working.
September 25, 2021

Kirk Herbstreit decided to air his frustration towards The University of Miami, particularly its direction. Why? B/c The U was on a 4 game losing streak against P5 opponents, struggling against a G5 team at home, at the time of his rant. The rant questioned our dedication to winning, and for the first time, questioned the alignment of the decision makers of The U.

Results? It prompted a letter from The President’s office to refute such claims. It prompted a rehearsed statement by Diaz after a blowout win against a semi FCS school to defend The University. However something sinister happened; On October 23rd, 2021, before an ACC matchup against NCSt, Blake James provides an interview w/ a hand select few regarding Diaz’s job. That interview unveiled a complete chit storm showing, indeed, The University of Miami has zero alignment.

From that time onward, all we’ve seen is a school that’s been made to look more & more incompetent. Unfortunately, the media have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Whether the info leaked has merit or not is of no consequence to me; what it has been done is validate what Herbstreit said some 9 weeks ago.

I’m going to go out on a limb & say whether these reports are accurate or not, they are not being pulled out of thin air. I’m going to assume those w/in the dept are either accurately or deceptively leaking reports, all of which are sabotaging our reputation further. If it’s the former, then our direction of leadership is f’d; however, if it’s the latter, it shows our alignment & unity is disjointed af at The Hecht.

Look, I’m not an insider; I’m just a loyal fan for 3+ decades. I’m just a guy who’s made friends w/ some old school & current alums; but, what I will say is that regardless of how we may try to reason, spin, or justify what’s been going on, THIS IS NOT HOW A PROPERLY RAN UNIVERSITY OPERATES. I know business; I’ve been successful in it. I’ve worked for companies who lived on its past reputation w/o fwd thinking, and we were a complete chit show b/c of it. There was no alignment, too many chefs in the kitchen w/ huge egos. The results? Ppl w/ decision making influence jockeying for position no matter the end results vs. coming together to right the ship, A Reactive nature when JD Powers & Associates ripped us a new one vs. formulating a cohesive plan.
We’re seeing this type of chit happen before our very eyes, b/c we’ve been unveiled as a chit show.

Timeline & justifications:
-Blake James makes a statement on Diaz’s tenure before NC St game; James looks shady for coming out w/ said statement before a big game AND using certain media members, while excluding others (he would catch **** from both Diaz supporters & hurt feelings media members)

-Diaz after game makes statement to low key slight James

-James fired, causing a divide of some BOT members who loved him vs The Presidents office.

-Diaz allegedly on hot seat, but goes on a streak of winning 5 of 6 games.

-Allegedly an AD was supposed to have been announced two weeks ago. (Failed)

-Allegedly The University wanted to wait until Dec. 1st to make a decision to fire Diaz (Hasn’t come to fruition as of yet)

Hopefully we hire the right AD & coach, but between the academic tumbles, the COMPLETE athletic stumbles, and leaving a decision in the hands of a guy who yesterday had no interest in sports or cognizant of its affect on school revenue, doesn’t make me feel good.

I’ll just finish up w/ this; living in SC territory, there wasn’t nearly this much chit being talked about. Matter of fact, there were no leaks until it was time to pull the trigger. The only speculation was SC’s interest in Meyer (which he commented on) & Fickell (which a story was upon). Nothing else. Why? B/c SC has alignment from top to bottom. When the firing came of Swann, it was a unanimous decision. This power play that’s going on at Miami is not only tiresome, but worrisome.
Well said. I too spent my career in business and a good Board is typically a rubber stamp and stays out of the way if the management is competent and executes on a solid strategic plan.

So, seems like it's time for Julio Frenk to show all constituencies if he's up to leading, and I agree this really is an inflection point for the future of the entire university and it's reputation.
Well said. I too spent my career in business and a good Board is typically a rubber stamp and stays out of the way if the management is competent and executes on a solid strategic plan.

So, seems like it's time for Julio Frenk to show all constituencies if he's up to leading, and I agree this really is an inflection point for the future of the entire university and it's reputation.

Agreed; absolutely well said.
and how is an AD supposed to do anything constructive when the trustee who manages the athletics dept is hostile to the athletic dept.
Trustees don't manage anything from an operational standpoint. If they do there's a serious problem with boundaries and leadership.
Until I see the press release saying Manny has been fired, I’m living under the impression Manny will be here next season.
Lawd I'm scared to death for you, Manny diaz will not be the coach here next season he will not survive the weekend, Book it!