The Unintended Consequences

I’m a glass half full; but man, I’ve never seen some much information or misinformation in my life regarding a program.
I’ve always been glass 1/2 full too and I’m hoping we get part of the puzzle right this time with the AD/HC.

When Enos ran our offense and sucked, I remember thinking “****, our D is solid, if we could just get our offense straight…”

MD gets Lashlee to fix the offense in his first year with King and then our defense takes a step back.

Year 2 with Lashlee and I’m excited - King obviously isn’t 💯 and out for season , then Cheney, then Harris. I’m like WTF…..

TVD stepped up and the rest of the offense held their own. I didn’t think Knighton would get as many carries throughout the year especially as poor as the OL played early in the season.

We essentially won games with no running game and a porous defense with extremely poor tackling.

But 💩 I’m not telling y’all nothing you don’t already know..

Here is to better leadership and positively rebuilding for the years ahead 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻
It seems apparent that this program is done. There is no way for a football program to operate successfully in this environment… it’s literally being sabotaged from within. There will be no appetite to purge BOT, and so this is what a new HC and AD will have to contend with. And they will fail.

So it begs the question…What are we, the fans, even doing supporting this? What are we loyal to…A logo? A memory? What’s the point?
Absolutely; USC also finally went away from hiring a “SC man” to hiring the best. Took them a minute, but they finally got it together. We need to stop looking for Miami ties, and just hire the best, period!
The best is relative to culture fit, and Mario is perfect for Miami. Manny was a colossal mistake because he wasn't ready. Mario has been passed-over several times by Miami but kept grinding over the last 23 years, always looking for opportunities to learn and be a better football coach. Folk making this way too difficult; the stars aligned and he's the best coach for The []__[] right now. Bring the man home.
If you acknowledge Miami is a mess today because of a dysfunctional BOT with a faction pushing bad ideas for years, what do you think the process of correcting the problems is going to look Iike? Not to be fatuous, but did you think that one day the bad idea group was going to wake up, acknowledge the error of their ways, and suddenly walk hand in hand with the group wanting to make structural changes?

Seems to me there are some individuals trying to sabotage it because the people who want Miami to return to prominence (the pro change /pro Mario crowd) realized the other side (pro Diaz) crowd was running the university into the ground and they couldnt sit on the sidelines anymore . The more the saboteurs squeal means they are becoming more desperate, and I believe the more it also shows the decision makers aren't listening to them.

You know with 100% certainty that the pro Diaz faction exists. So what do you propose the pro change faction should do right now ? Have the pro Diaz guys kidnapped and locked away until the decision is made? As nice as that sounds, unfortunately the law doesn't allow it.

I think the pro change faction has handled this as well as they can given the situation. They cut the pro-Diaz guys out of the decision making process. They told Frenk that Diaz has to go, that is non-negotiable. Then they quietly negotiated a deal with Mario, and a search firm answering only to Frenk (and the pro change faction) is quitely vetting AD candidates.

Some fans keep asking , "why doesn't UM put out a statement to control the narrative?“ Well, you tell me how it would look if Frenk sent out a statement saying "the plan is proceeding as expected and fans should be patient". Two things would happen. First, everyone would say hes just doing damage control and its all b.s. Second, the pro Diaz group would double down and spread more rumors to undermine the statement, making UM look even more like a clown show.

Given the entrenched power of the pro Diaz crowd and the way they are spreading disinformation, I think the right way to handle it , is the way it looks like it is being handled right now. Keep things quiet and close to the vest, don't let the pro Diaz group have any knowledge of what is going on, then blow everyone's mind with a surprise announcement.

I know UM doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, but you don't need to look at it from UMs side only. With all the speculation about Mario, the big time coaching moves across CFB, etc and Kelly, Riley, and Tucker all getting 10+ million contracts, why hasn't Oregon announced a huge raise and extension for Mario already? It's the things that haven't happened elsewhere that should give you some hope, irrespective of whether you buy my interpretation of how UM is handling it.
This is a great post. Hopefully Frenk doesn’t fumble the bag.

But once you reach this (very rational) conclusion, there is no reason to keep up the vaginal belching histrionics that many people here seem to love. You just wait 3 days for the logical time frame to elapse and worry about more pressing matters (Italian or Mexican… for dinner).

For the life of me, I can’t understand why people are so hung up on the process as opposed to the results. I mean, if manny is here and there’s still no ad in a week (or whatever the time frame is)… pitchforks and torches for everyone. But until then all the bellyaching over the alleged ****show is just useless noise from a group of people with no real insight or knowledge, whose only gripe is change isn’t happening as fast as they want it to (which is more of a petulant tantrum than a gripe).

There are literally NO REPORTS coming out saying “fans are responding.”

The chit show is coming from w/in. Like I have zero idea what this post is even referring to. This narrative of fans causing this is utterly false.
Nah, they're gonna do what they do. Calm and decisive leadership from the University President will deliver []__[].
and how is an AD supposed to do anything constructive when the trustee who manages the athletics dept is hostile to the athletic dept.
Kind of like the movie Heat, when Wayne Grow got away in the beginning.

PS: love a Michigan let down this weekend.
I must’ve missed that part!
In all seriousness I've read a ton of stuff today but I know I came across it and the person that mentioned it has credibility... I'm pretty sure I remember the person who said it but I don't want to put it out there and be wrong.....

Another unintended consequence:

Mark Richt retires unexpectedly. The university moves quickly and hires Manny. After middling results, people question the speed of the prior search.

To prove they were right to hurry last time, the BIT drags out and ***** up hires this time!
Yeah, but that 6 game streak came after Herbstreit’s rant.
also to be fair, I don't know anything about his rant. I don't follow ESPuke and Im not on social media. I don't read any post on this site that post anything from ESPuke. My guess is the 6 games after this rant were all started by TVD? TVD he **** good
It seems apparent that this program is done. There is no way for a football program to operate successfully in this environment… it’s literally being sabotaged from within. There will be no appetite to purge BOT, and so this is what a new HC and AD will have to contend with. And they will fail.

So it begs the question…What are we, the fans, even doing supporting this? What are we loyal to…A logo? A memory? What’s the point?
While I agree with your hypothesis, eventually the money (or increase that has been suggested) will no longer be allocated and we will be relegated to a present day Tulsa…until we realize our missteps and have desire to become relevant enough. It will be a self fulfilling prophecy and our present “insiders” with all of their politicking, are cannibalizing the program. They need to be made aware of their ways. I also am sensing that some of this is being run too perfectly to possibly workout in Manny’s favor, so I can’t believe that no one is considering the manipulating that may be occurring at the request of Sr. He doesn’t want to see his son fail after becoming a head coach and was probably convinced by Manny that he just needs a little more time to complete the turnaround (which we know isn’t true and that Manny is willing to reinvent the wheel annually to find the right combination).

I clearly remember my feelings when Richt stepped down. I felt that was the bottom. And I felt hope when Manny was hired (thought it stupid that they had to pay $4MM when it was a timing thing) as I thought he was good at his job (smoke and mirrors), was good for our image and represented something new. Funny, that I don’t feel that same low right now. I don’t know if I have become numb to it, I believe that it can’t get any worse or if I believe that the decision will be made and everyone will have to live with it and that it will be better than Blake and Manny (let me be clear that I really want both to come to fruition).

But a decision will have to be ultimately lived with. And while that person will receive an unjust amount of scrutiny, and while a subset of the population will feel that is the person forced upon them, they will be in charge of theses decisions. As a fan base, I wish we had control as I agree with a ton more of opinions on this board than I do with “the professionals”, but we are not always privy to all circumstances that are being dealt with.

I laugh at some of the rumors, especially the “we are expected to retain Manny” ones as I cannot fathom how we anticipate an unnamed AD may act towards Manny. I can appreciate that there are less coaches available to choose from and time is running out, but please.

I guess what I am trying to come to is that the comment that things are being kept quiet can be okay. Getting a general update from the hiring firm at UM’s request or for the university itself that we have narrowed the field or are awaiting confirmation would be appreciated, especially to quash these very public comments. I also feel that things may be amiss in a positive manner, and so I reserve judgment until after the weekend (or slightly thereafter). This could be a package thing. I also think that we would want to be more discrete with regards to tampering so we would take a less obvious approach than USC if it is Mario (although we cannot wait too long).

Here’s to hope!