The TVD Experience


Sep 9, 2013
I’m honestly ready to end the “Mr. One Read” experience at Miami.

It’s time. Some how he fooled that last 2 coaching staff to think he’s one of the best QBs in college.

This is who he is.. he’ll give you 3 to 4 brilliant games a year.. but the rest your praying for him to get bench.

I would just like to move on, and see what we have on the roster. Mario has to get this next QB right! He can’t afford not too.

Let Emory and #11 finish the season, and see if it’s worth taking them serious for next year would be my plan.
TVD refuses to grow, he's the king of empty stats. You can't win when you have a QB that doesn't read a defense, doesn't scan the field and can't avoid turnovers. Even a less talented QB, that controls the game, and is a distributor would have been sufficient tonight. Miami doesn't need TVD to throw for 400+ every game, they just need him to stop turning the ball over and avoid force feeding his roomie.
A lot of folks really wanted to believe...I was one of them.

But Rambo and Harley bailed him out A LOT that first year, and TAMU is on L number 3.

We're better with him than without him, But this is a very avg college QB
Yall exaggerating he’s not an NFL talent but he can win u games and be slightly above average. The biggest problem is Mario and Dawson offensive philosophy for this team. The defense didn’t have the best half, but I don’t think it’s the end of the world, CFB these days teams score a lot and if the offense actually does something UNC doesn’t have some many opportunities to put up points. But the offense ain’t do jack Shii the 2nd half. Thats unacceptable. Mario and Shannon need to go back to the drawing board and change their approach…go more air raid, stop with the hb dive and tight formations. Spread the field and get the ball to your speedsters. Shii is not complicated.
I'm extremely disappointed. The fumble on the 40 yard line when we had rhythm and driving early in the 3rd was the straw that broke the camels back. The wheels fell off after that happened.
Yall exaggerating he’s not an NFL talent but he can win u games and be slightly above average. The biggest problem is Mario and Dawson offensive philosophy for this team. The defense didn’t have the best half, but I don’t think it’s the end of the world, CFB these days teams score a lot and if the offense actually does something UNC doesn’t have some many opportunities to put up points. But the offense ain’t do jack Shii the 2nd half. Thats unacceptable. Mario and Shannon need to go back to the drawing board and change their approach…go more air raid, stop with the hb dive and tight formations. Spread the field and get the ball to your speedsters. Shii is not complicated.
we fumbled…got a stop…decided to “go air raid” bro on first down…TVD throws a backbreaking int that gave them the ball on their 30 and put the game out of reach.

This is who he is. You’ve seen it now with 3 diff. coordinators.