The smear campaign

I'm all about emailing the admin, signs but telling kids NOT to come to Miami is the dumbest thing ever. Dont u realize the new coach needs talented recruits to win?
How should fans express their displeasure about the state of the football program?

Don't know. But seems like. "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.[1]

Really. REALLY. You can't come up with a single solitary acceptable way for fans to express their displeasure? You know exactly what isn't acceptable, but what is acceptable is some sort of mystery for the ages?

Thank you for copypasting a further explanation of what that saying means from Wikipedia because it's so complex that we'd have a hard time understanding it otherwise. I'm sure many of us have never been exposed to a proverb before.
Will it work? Is there history of a programs fans sabotaging its own program and recruiting, and it resulting in head coach fired? What happens in 4 yr when we have a new coach, and the senior class is non-existent?

Smear and sabotage are fluff and inaccurate. Florida Texas and Michigan to answer your question.

Maybe I missed it did not see Florida do anything we are doing banners, tweet recruits to go elsewhere. The others I don't follow at all closely. But I highly doubt they're actually tweeting recruits not to come to their schools.

Well, if you highly doubt it then it's probably true. Here's a question for you. What do FSU, Texas A&M and Ohio St. have in common?

They achieved success on the field by poaching their top priority recruits while their chief rivals refused to fire nonproductive coaches. Fans and Twitter mean very little. Your thoughts?
It is funny how this dude saying that the smear campaign is dumb became "he is a golden slurper". Here is the simple reality: Golden is done. He sucks. He lost too many games. He kept a ****** DC and ****** scheme. He lost the fanbase and the players. That said, Blake won't fire him this year. It ain't happening and there is nothing that the fans can do to Change that fact.

Lets recap the effort:

Fans boycotted. Games
Fans rooted for Miami to lose, which they did.
Fans emailed the admin
Fans flew banners
Fans have flooded social media
Fans have negative recruited our own recruits.

after all the effort and emotion, this prick is still employed and has started scapegoating the fans. He has not made one single change. All that y'all are doing now is showing your ***. In my humble opinion, you cross the line when you try to hurt the program to advance an agenda. Your choices on how to spend your money and time are all fair game. Trying to damage the team to get at golden and Blake is dumb, especially when this coach is ******* up so much.

Golden will be fired based on his body of work, not your banners.
Nothing the fans do will get Golden fired. Not banners, not social media, not players moms ****ting on the program, none of that is a difference maker.

It's the money that talks. If the money behind Miami football wanted Golden gone, he'd be gone. That's not the case right now.
It is funny how this dude saying that the smear campaign is dumb became "he is a golden slurper". Here is the simple reality: Golden is done. He sucks. He lost too many games. He kept a ****ty DC and ****ty scheme. He lost the fanbase and the players. That said, Blake won't fire him this year. It ain't happening and there is nothing that the fans can do to Change that fact.

Lets recap the effort:

Fans boycotted. Games
Fans rooted for Miami to lose, which they did.
Fans emailed the admin
Fans flew banners
Fans have flooded social media
Fans have negative recruited our own recruits.

after all the effort and emotion, this prick is still employed and has started scapegoating the fans. He has not made one single change. All that y'all are doing now is showing your ***. In my humble opinion, you cross the line when you try to hurt the program to advance an agenda. Your choices on how to spend your money and time are all fair game. Trying to damage the team to get at golden and Blake is dumb, especially when this coach is ******* up so much.

Golden will be fired based on his body of work, not your banners.

All I read is the last sentence, and I agree.
The bottom line is they are not firing golden because of your banners or twitter right? Just like no recruit ain't coming because of banners and twitter per what y'all say. If I thought it would get goalie fired, I would be down. So far golden still here. Banners and twitter equals fail.
It is funny how this dude saying that the smear campaign is dumb became "he is a golden slurper". Here is the simple reality: Golden is done. He sucks. He lost too many games. He kept a ****ty DC and ****ty scheme. He lost the fanbase and the players. That said, Blake won't fire him this year. It ain't happening and there is nothing that the fans can do to Change that fact.

Lets recap the effort:

Fans boycotted. Games
Fans rooted for Miami to lose, which they did.
Fans emailed the admin
Fans flew banners
Fans have flooded social media
Fans have negative recruited our own recruits.

after all the effort and emotion, this prick is still employed and has started scapegoating the fans. He has not made one single change. All that y'all are doing now is showing your ***. In my humble opinion, you cross the line when you try to hurt the program to advance an agenda. Your choices on how to spend your money and time are all fair game. Trying to damage the team to get at golden and Blake is dumb, especially when this coach is ******* up so much.

Golden will be fired based on his body of work, not your banners.

All I read is the last sentence, and I agree.
The bottom line is they are not firing golden because of your banners or twitter right? Just like no recruit ain't coming because of banners and twitter per what y'all say. If I thought it would get goalie fired, I would be down. So far golden still here. Banners and twitter equals fail.

A banner and tweets won't get Golden fired, but non stop tweets/facebook posts ect. to recruits will definitely have an impact on a kid. Duke Johnsons mom saying kids want to leave but wont won't get Golden fired but it will certainly have impact on recruits.

You can't compare the two scenarios.
Walton should know a lil bout recruiting and Miami since he is going through it right now. According to Walton, quoted in the Herald, all the fan negativity is definitely hurting Miami's recruiting.
Walton should know a lil bout recruiting and Miami since he is going through it right now. According to Walton, quoted in the Herald, all the fan negativity is definitely hurting Miami's recruiting.

6-7 hurts it way more. IMO
Will it work? Is there history of a programs fans sabotaging its own program and recruiting, and it resulting in head coach fired? What happens in 4 yr when we have a new coach, and the senior class is non-existent?

After thought. The thread title should the truth smear campaign.
I'm all about emailing the admin, signs but telling kids NOT to come to Miami is the dumbest thing ever. Dont u realize the new coach needs talented recruits to win?

Agree with this.....The new guy is going to need some players. golden sucks. He will do himself in.
Walton should know a lil bout recruiting and Miami since he is going through it right now. According to Walton, quoted in the Herald, all the fan negativity is definitely hurting Miami's recruiting.

Did the Herald ask how much of an impact going 6-7 impacts recruiting?

You guys continue to point your finger thinking you identified the problem, your putting a bandaid on brain metastases.
Walton should know a lil bout recruiting and Miami since he is going through it right now. According to Walton, quoted in the Herald, all the fan negativity is definitely hurting Miami's recruiting.

6-7 hurts it way more. IMO

Tennessee went 5–7 (2–6 SEC) in 2013 and had a top 5 recruiting class last year.

We will see how they do if they don't start producing results.
You can only sell the dream for so long before you have to start selling the results.
That's Golden's problem this recruiting circle. He has no substance to back up his sales pitch.
Walton should know a lil bout recruiting and Miami since he is going through it right now. According to Walton, quoted in the Herald, all the fan negativity is definitely hurting Miami's recruiting.

6-7 hurts it way more. IMO

Tennessee went 5–7 (2–6 SEC) in 2013 and had a top 5 recruiting class last year.

Stop the presses, people who tweet stop. Everyone be nice.

I didn't realize Butch Jones regressed since starting at Tenn.

I didn't realize Al Golden inherited a team that had 3 straight losing seasons before his arrival.

I didn't realize Butch Jones has an overall losing record.

I didn't realize Al Golden won 4 conference titles in 8 seasons.

Maybe Butch Jones is a much better coach. Maybe he is rebuilding a program and kids believe in him. Maybe if Butch Jones regresses this year, the fans will be on edge and the gravy train will be over. Maybe the recruits believe in the product Butch Jones is selling.
Walton should know a lil bout recruiting and Miami since he is going through it right now. According to Walton, quoted in the Herald, all the fan negativity is definitely hurting Miami's recruiting.

6-7 hurts it way more. IMO

Tennessee went 5–7 (2–6 SEC) in 2013 and had a top 5 recruiting class last year.

We will see how they do if they don't start producing results.
You can only sell the dream for so long before you have to start selling the results.
That's Golden's problem this recruiting circle. He has no substance to back up his sales pitch.

Golden is selling regression. Golden had his most talented team and lost 7 games.