The Richt decision will tell us everything about Blake


Oct 13, 2011
Regardless of what we may think of him, Richt is exactly what Blake drew up when he started this search: Proven head coach, great recruiter, clean as a whistle, Miami ties. This is Blake's dream. If he's really up to being the AD of Miami, he closes the deal.

Blake has everything he needs to get this done, including the money. The pitch is simple: "We can offer you a first round quarterback, total playcalling control, abundant talent and a chance to win a national championship. Even better, you can do it at your alma mater. You may feel like taking some time off, but you won't find an opportunity like this when you come back."

I'm still a Butch guy, but Richt can be the same kind of coach as Jimbo Fisher in this conference. He's obviously interested or else he wouldn't have come on the lot. It will be very interesting to see where this goes.
Richt is Phillip Fulmer 2.0

Great coach who eventually declined into nothing.

We're getting Richt towards the nothing part.
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I agree 100%, especially with the last part. I just hope Blake manned up, and didn't shake Richt's hand (or give him a kiss on both cheeks) and let him leave, never to talk to him again. I hope he's following up in some appropriate manner (I know Richt probably doesn't like strippers, so I wouldn't have Uncle Luke call him, but I'm sure we can think of something). I don't want to get stuck with Schiano.
Who would u rather have butch or richt? I mean to me its simple, i just dont see the fire in this guy no more he probably trying to get a last pay like a worn out boxer. Imo butch would work the hardest regarless of age, youcan tell bythe way he speaks.

Does blake not want butch? Will someone onthe bot over throw him and demand butch like the big donors?
Still think our ceiling is higher with butch... richt is a good hire, just don't think he gets us to the mountain top.
Players notified? No seriously.

Brandon odoi responding to a reporter on Twitter

[MENTION=1]Andrew[/MENTION]SpiveyGC yes, players were told to expect notification tomorrow.
Richt is not about money. He's an honest guy too. So, if he says he wants to coach again (and he's allowed to coach the way he wants to coach, which it seems he was not allowed to do at UGA under the AD since 2006), I take him at his word and that he hasn't lost the fire.
Someone make me feel comfortable on richt i have an open mind but someonefk witmy power rankings cuz i have butch way numero uno with herman two. Unless we gettingsaban or Meyer
I don't know D$.

It depends who they went after. I want to know the full list and who declined.
Richt is not about money. He's an honest guy too. So, if he says he wants to coach again (and he's allowed to coach the way he wants to coach, which it seems he was not allowed to do at UGA under the AD since 2006), I take him at his word and that he hasn't lost the fire.

Correct, He's not, with his own salary he paid some of the salary for his assistants
Does he win titles

He should win ten but dbc should win ten...... I want title and domincance and sustainability...... I want reloading i dont want tje draft to cripple us i want what butch built