The next president

Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks: know...elitist, lazy moochers who want to turn all of our young people into statist, liberal swine.

Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks: know...elitist, lazy moochers who want to turn all of our young people into statist, liberal swine.


Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks:

they are know it alls. professional criticizers. they can't hold a job that demands accountability and production. they spend their lives chatting with fellow like minded people and young kids whop are to inexperienced to know their teachers are full of crap. Not all professors but its most. I have a Master's and a law degree. I learn barely anything about succeeding in real life unless it was from an adjunct.
Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks:

they are know it alls. professional criticizers. they can't hold a job that demands accountability and production. they spend their lives chatting with fellow like minded people and young kids whop are to inexperienced to know their teachers are full of crap. Not all professors but its most. I have a Master's and a law degree. I learn barely anything about succeeding in real life unless it was from an adjunct.

As opposed to managers and CEOs in the private sector, who are all wonderful teachers and communicators, and who really know how to get **** done. Or at least know how to cover their own asses, blame others, and get great golden parachutes when they fail.
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Cute thread.

I get a nice chuckle out of anyone who thinks UM will name anything close to a conservative to run the U. Are there ANY conservative types running anything in academia anymore? I doubt it.

I anxiously await the post saying "Oral Roberts University" lol
Political crap aside, gentlemen, will this guy give Golden a parachute and get us an NFL caliber program?
Can you imagine if we had a team full of mainly nothing but conservatives? haha.

I know this is the internet, and it is not a true representation of our fan base- and thank god! I've always enjoyed the fact that we are in a somewhat unique situation where our fans are diverse as is our fan's political leanings. Most of the major college football team fan bases are mainly rrrrrrrrrr(s). We aren't. But on here- we do seem to be mainly rrrrrrrrrr(s).
Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks:

they are know it alls. professional criticizers. they can't hold a job that demands accountability and production. they spend their lives chatting with fellow like minded people and young kids whop are to inexperienced to know their teachers are full of crap. Not all professors but its most. I have a Master's and a law degree. I learn barely anything about succeeding in real life unless it was from an adjunct.

As opposed to managers and CEOs in the private sector, who are all wonderful teachers and communicators, and who really know how to get **** done. Or at least know how to cover their own asses, blame others, and get great golden parachutes when they fail.

Golden parachute talk, you could blame your politicians for that. However, like time i checked CEO'S, managers, etc dont have tenure. What do you think Tenure does? it protects the losers.
Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks:

they are know it alls. professional criticizers. they can't hold a job that demands accountability and production. they spend their lives chatting with fellow like minded people and young kids whop are to inexperienced to know their teachers are full of crap. Not all professors but its most. I have a Master's and a law degree. I learn barely anything about succeeding in real life unless it was from an adjunct.

As opposed to managers and CEOs in the private sector, who are all wonderful teachers and communicators, and who really know how to get **** done. Or at least know how to cover their own asses, blame others, and get great golden parachutes when they fail.

Golden parachute talk, you could blame your politicians for that. However, like time i checked CEO'S, managers, etc dont have tenure. What do you think Tenure does? it protects the losers.

And protects free speech (even for conservatives), and protects from government or corporate interference in research...

And you're being naive if you think that only "politicians" are to blame for golden parachutes. The fact is that our pols are in the pockets of our CEOs and wall streeters, who are their key donors and key lobbying arms.
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Everyone knows Rice is the perfect fit to be our President. We should go after her harder than anyone else. Doubt the BOT does though.
ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks:

they are know it alls. professional criticizers. they can't hold a job that demands accountability and production. they spend their lives chatting with fellow like minded people and young kids whop are to inexperienced to know their teachers are full of crap. Not all professors but its most. I have a Master's and a law degree. I learn barely anything about succeeding in real life unless it was from an adjunct.

As opposed to managers and CEOs in the private sector, who are all wonderful teachers and communicators, and who really know how to get **** done. Or at least know how to cover their own asses, blame others, and get great golden parachutes when they fail.

Golden parachute talk, you could blame your politicians for that. However, like time i checked CEO'S, managers, etc dont have tenure. What do you think Tenure does? it protects the losers.

And protects free speech (even for conservatives), and protects from government or corporate interference in research...

And you're being naive if you think that only "politicians" are to blame for golden parachutes. The fact is that our pols are in the pockets of our CEOs and wall streeters, who are their key donors and key lobbying arms.

politicians need their money. How do u think obama raised a billion dollars running for president? why do u think schumer and cuomo can raise 20 million bucks like its nothing. government and wall street has an incest style relationship.

anyway, back to football. Condi Rice would be a strong supporter of our program
Just a couple of thoughts here:

* Tim Reynolds Wrap Full of Leftovers "broke" this name a few weeks ago. So that probably means it won't happen.
* I'm undecided on him. He's local but he was gone before UM football was relevant. He's a military guy but he's also shown some progressive tendencies (Iran, etc). He seemingly supported Navy football but it's Navy football and I can't even ascertain if he's a sports fan. He rose the ranks of the Navy but then ****ed someone off along the way as he was clearly targeted before he could be considered for the Secretary post.

*Foote was most certainly a Democrat. Not a liberal but still a Dem.
*Foote was a captain in the Marine Corps too so we may not want to jump to any hard assumptions about military officers.

*If you heard Jeb's remarks about The U Part 2 (aside from giving props to Randy Phillips) it's almost too bad that he's going to run for another office.

*I'm still in the Gordon Gee camp (cause Condi is a pipedream). He'd stay out of the way and has the resume to impress the wannabe elitists on the BoT. Him and Oliver Luck just started selling booze at WVU games. They clearly don't care!
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Curious...where are you guys getting the notion that just because someone has an R in parentheses behind their name, it'll translate into the resurgence of UM football? Was Foote an R? What about the presidents at UF or FSU when they've been at the top of their games? What about Oregon? Anybody done any research to see if R university presidents actually sink more money and effort into their football programs, or are you guys just angry that Shalala's a liberal?

I just don't get people who see everything through partisan eyes.

I mentioned the political angle only because the perception is that all military personnel are preceived as Conservative Republicans. As posted earlier by Gatorhater, the old-line republicans through Goldwater were the original "limousine liberals." Admiral Stavridis should be judged on his own merits, but some liberals, seeing he was appointed by Obama, will consider him one of "their admirals."

I have posted earlier in another thread that I think the Provost of Harvard should be vigorously pursued for the presidency:

His politics? The ASSumption would be liberal, but it's the academic stature and possible career moves that intrigue me. The guy has bounced between Harvard and Stanford. Logically, this guy's next move is Presidency of Stanford, since Harvard's President Faust is not even to 10 years as president, but Stanford's President Hennessy (from my home town) is going on 15 years.

Here is the catch though: Stanford HAS a big time athletics program and he needs experiance dealing with athletics and SUCCEEDING at athletics. A detour to Miami would give him 2 Million or so a year and a chance to show he can run a university within the Power 5.

His academic credentials would allow him to hush any critics when he has his AD (Blake or hopefully somebody with a spine) hire Butch to coach. If Butch is good enough for a former Harvard Provost, he is good enough for any academic elite.

In four years he may be gone to Stanford, but Miami might be on the map again by then...
Skipped ahead so not sure if people are still talking about stavridis, but the guy is one of the most laughed at officials among members of the military. Absolute tool. Definitely do not want. This guy's not McChrystal.
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Can we just get a former SEC school's president and call it a day?

I know I suggested Gee and he was provost at Vandy or whatever but are we 100% certain that a former $EC pres even has a degree? Remember that we ran into that issue with Ice? I don't want to have to park Duane Bob in an administrative position while he finishes up those last few credits.