The next president

Good info, 79.

If my info is correct, Admiral Stavridis is already being considered and had some discussion(s) with the UM BoT. As a non-UM alum, I generally don't pay too much attention to university matters outside of the football and baseball programs. That said, from the outside looking in, it appears that donna's forte' was fund raising and hiring no-load stiffs to run the major departments that she oversaw. That kind of necessitates UM hiring an elite manager to replace donna. This guy seems to fit that bill. My guess is that he could go in and clean up a lot of donna's messes (so to speak).

As for football, yeah this guy was on the Naval Academy Board of Directors and they have decent college sports programs, but they NEVER have to deal with anything but elite level kids. My concern is that this guy will be just another big government liberal who will not do anything significant to assist the football team's return to greatness.
I served 12 years in the military and trust me you dont want them ****ers running UM... they dont want your street kids aka the inner city kids... He wants Stanford and Harvard type kids. **** that!

Thank you for your service sir! God Bless.
If he wasn't a Shalala type liberal, he never would have prospered during the Obama Presidency.

Still say there is NO way a male, from the military, gets it no matter how loiberal he is.

I bet they find that repulsive moron from Miami, that Mexican lady from FIU who was famously run out of aTm a few years ago.
Curious...where are you guys getting the notion that just because someone has an R in parentheses behind their name, it'll translate into the resurgence of UM football? Was Foote an R? What about the presidents at UF or FSU when they've been at the top of their games? What about Oregon? Anybody done any research to see if R university presidents actually sink more money and effort into their football programs, or are you guys just angry that Shalala's a liberal?

I just don't get people who see everything through partisan eyes.
I know nothing but about but just looking at his pictures I can tell it would be a bad hire for athletics.
Yeah. Impressive,but does he like Football?

No chance. He is a qualified, probably straight, military man. Those are three things left-wing elitist hate. Okay, he seems to have survived several years the Obama Stalin-like purge of the military officer ranks and that might indicate he is a mole in the Services. But that would be the only possible quality the university finds attractive.

And forget Rice. Do you remember who she served as State under? No way in **** these smucks pick her. UT will have its first black President and HC coach long before anyone who can spell conservative becomes President here.

The President killed and sentenced Military officers to gulag type places? I watched the news, but apparently fell asleep on the Purge. Do recall a ginormous military debt being spent on no bid contracts to political allies. I think liberals can lead a school and support it's athletics too. If it's the BOT's desire in conjunction with the AD to bring in a liberal or rights restrictive conservative, who sees a very good football team as a detriment to the academic prestige of the university, then we maintain status low.
A couple of you are idiots. The Chairman of the BOT and the head of the serch commitee are Republicans. Politics will not play a big part in the selection process. This would be a very interesting choice though.
Maybe he will hire a competent AD and stay out of micromanaging the athletic dept.

Good info, 79.

If my info is correct, Admiral Stavridis is already being considered and had some discussion(s) with the UM BoT. As a non-UM alum, I generally don't pay too much attention to university matters outside of the football and baseball programs. That said, from the outside looking in, it appears that donna's forte' was fund raising and hiring no-load stiffs to run the major departments that she oversaw. That kind of necessitates UM hiring an elite manager to replace donna. This guy seems to fit that bill. My guess is that he could go in and clean up a lot of donna's messes (so to speak).

As for football, yeah this guy was on the Naval Academy Board of Directors and they have decent college sports programs, but they NEVER have to deal with anything but elite level kids. My concern is that this guy will be just another big government liberal who will not do anything significant to assist the football team's return to greatness.
Curious...where are you guys getting the notion that just because someone has an R in parentheses behind their name, it'll translate into the resurgence of UM football? Was Foote an R? What about the presidents at UF or FSU when they've been at the top of their games? What about Oregon? Anybody done any research to see if R university presidents actually sink more money and effort into their football programs, or are you guys just angry that Shalala's a liberal?

I just don't get people who see everything through partisan eyes.

Good point. I assume your mean Republican? I agree with you. R is not the test it is liberal elitist that most of us object too. Foote was fully qualified on that count. He was blue blood old family Republican I believe. Any Southerner will tell you that the Republicans are the parent party and founding father of left-wing elitist statism. Old family republicans are as liberal as you can be ( see Daddy Bush and the old lady before Ronnie offered him VP). Goldwater was really the first conservative republican of note. Ronnie brought conservatives to the R party and therefore the misconception. The core old Rs are as liberal as any D today. They just pretend to support some conservative positions. I have been NPA for most of my life. Do not trust either party any more than I trust Donna to pick a good coach.
Curious...where are you guys getting the notion that just because someone has an R in parentheses behind their name, it'll translate into the resurgence of UM football? Was Foote an R? What about the presidents at UF or FSU when they've been at the top of their games? What about Oregon? Anybody done any research to see if R university presidents actually sink more money and effort into their football programs, or are you guys just angry that Shalala's a liberal?

I just don't get people who see everything through partisan eyes.

Good point. I assume your mean Republican? I agree with you. R is not the test it is liberal elitist that most of us object too. Foote was fully qualified on that count. He was blue blood old family Republican I believe. Any Southerner will tell you that the Republicans are the parent party and founding father of left-wing elitist statism. Old family republicans are as liberal as you can be ( see Daddy Bush and the old lady before Ronnie offered him VP). Goldwater was really the first conservative republican of note. Ronnie brought conservatives to the R party and therefore the misconception. The core old Rs are as liberal as any D today. They just pretend to support some conservative positions. I have been NPA for most of my life. Do not trust either party any more than I trust Donna to pick a good coach.

And yet, you trust Rice?
I understand President Shalala is a liberal Democrat, therefore, she might not like Condi Rice as her successor but Rice is more of a moderate
especially on social issue. Additionally, imagine having the first black female NSA advisor and Secretary of State as UM's president? Rice
was provost at Stanford so her academic resume is very strong. Even more vital to a private university is her political background. She
could clearly raise a ton of money. Moreover, her experience as Sec. of State would probably help attract the children of some of the
wealthiest individuals internationally. That would also lead to alot of donations. A former Sec. of State would also have a strong
of Latin America understanding Personally, I have heard from people in politics that she is pretty much over it. She had to deal with
alot because apparently she didn't get along great with **** Cheney during her time in President Bush's cabinet. I just feel it's a great fit academically, financially, and public relations wise.
Curious...where are you guys getting the notion that just because someone has an R in parentheses behind their name, it'll translate into the resurgence of UM football? Was Foote an R? What about the presidents at UF or FSU when they've been at the top of their games? What about Oregon? Anybody done any research to see if R university presidents actually sink more money and effort into their football programs, or are you guys just angry that Shalala's a liberal?

I just don't get people who see everything through partisan eyes.

Good point. I assume your mean Republican? I agree with you. R is not the test it is liberal elitist that most of us object too. Foote was fully qualified on that count. He was blue blood old family Republican I believe. Any Southerner will tell you that the Republicans are the parent party and founding father of left-wing elitist statism. Old family republicans are as liberal as you can be ( see Daddy Bush and the old lady before Ronnie offered him VP). Goldwater was really the first conservative republican of note. Ronnie brought conservatives to the R party and therefore the misconception. The core old Rs are as liberal as any D today. They just pretend to support some conservative positions. I have been NPA for most of my life. Do not trust either party any more than I trust Donna to pick a good coach.

Tad Foote was a Democrat, not a Republican, fwiw.

"...University of Miami President Tad Foote, a Democrat..."

My point is that it doesn't matter if the prez is an R or D. All university presidents, particularly those of big-time private universities, are going to be fairly "elitist" by their very nature. You're kidding yourself if you really believe that the political leanings of the president have anything to do with the quality of the football team.

Again, it's ridiculous how many people let partisanship guide their entire worldview.
I understand President Shalala is a liberal Democrat, therefore, she might not like Condi Rice as her successor but Rice is more of a moderate
especially on social issue. Additionally, imagine having the first black female NSA advisor and Secretary of State as UM's president? Rice
was provost at Stanford so her academic resume is very strong. Even more vital to a private university is her political background. She
could clearly raise a ton of money. Moreover, her experience as Sec. of State would probably help attract the children of some of the
wealthiest individuals internationally. That would also lead to alot of donations. A former Sec. of State would also have a strong
of Latin America understanding Personally, I have heard from people in politics that she is pretty much over it. She had to deal with
alot because apparently she didn't get along great with **** Cheney during her time in President Bush's cabinet. I just feel it's a great fit academically, financially, and public relations wise.

If she gives a **** about football too she'd be great.

Sadly UM made a deal with the devil in the 80s and we're paying for it now so we'll end up with another **** who forsakes the reason UM is on the map in a vain attempt to rise 3 places on the US Top Unis list.
Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.
High ranking military officers and the academic elite should drown in the same pool of vomit.

But, that's just me.
Shalala is a syracuse grad and acts like an elitist at miami. the harvard of the south crap they all preach. give me a break. honestly, all academics including republicans are elitists. its why they teach instead of having real jobs.

ok, so you are saying the only reason people teach is because they are elitist? :bricks:
Yeah. Impressive,but does he like Football?

No chance. He is a qualified, probably straight, military man. Those are three things left-wing elitist hate. Okay, he seems to have survived several years the Obama Stalin-like purge of the military officer ranks and that might indicate he is a mole in the Services. But that would be the only possible quality the university finds attractive.

And forget Rice. Do you remember who she served as State under? No way in **** these smucks pick her. UT will have its first black President and HC coach long before anyone who can spell conservative becomes President here.

The President killed and sentenced Military officers to gulag type places? I watched the news, but apparently fell asleep on the Purge. Do recall a ginormous military debt being spent on no bid contracts to political allies. I think liberals can lead a school and support it's athletics too. If it's the BOT's desire in conjunction with the AD to bring in a liberal or rights restrictive conservative, who sees a very good football team as a detriment to the academic prestige of the university, then we maintain status low.

Great name by the way. Nice catch on the Stalin reference. Glad to see we have educated members on this board. So many claim we are just dummies. The number of senior officers canned or "choosing" to resign under the current President has been very unusual. My use of Stalin-like purge was intended to show the sight distinction.

I would prefer to not get into debate with someone who has such great taste in who he hates. I would only point out that you "rights restrictive conservative" comment confuses me. If we use the standard left/right - liberal/conservative labeling then history has proven that it is the left that has most often lead to crushing rights and freedoms. Hitler and Stalin among the greatest examples of this, but Napoleon gave it a good start. But like I said, I like your name. Anyone who hates the gator is ok in my book.