The Last Coaching Search

In the late 70's and early 80's Miami was floundering just the same. The school ponied up for a proven coach who was expensive. Schnellenberger was his name. We went on a tear that no other team has matched. It is very possible for Miami to become a powerhouse, but they need to not be cheap and hire a big gun proven coach who has a competent and talented staff he can bring with him.

Different era, amigo, though you know that. If we're talking about existing HCs, we can pay second tier, but not top tier. But, the talent sitting here for the next coach is much better than it was for Shannon or the Imposter. And the ACC deal basically eliminating realignment also should help make this job more attractive than it was last time around.
Are you telling me we had a shot at Tressmen and didn't hire him? That's lunacy.

Trestman was the butt of child molester jokes galore and was dismissed as a third rate choice. Most didnt even know he was our QB coach during the 83 championship season.
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

**** that, if Mario Cristobal is ever the head coach at Miami I will literally turn in my cane card. **** no.
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

**** that, if Mario Cristobal is ever the head coach at Miami I will literally turn in my cane card. **** no.
for that reason alone I hope Mario is hired on at least an interim basis.
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.
Plenty of coaches would be interested. We are not facing sanctions, have some talent and depth on the roster. Just a matter of coaching them up. This program is not missing much to be good, just a decent coaching staff.
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.

Walk into a team that has a lot of talent on its roster and lies right in the middle of the richest talent pool in the country. Yeah, no one would want to do that.
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.

Walk into a team that has a lot of talent on its roster and lies right in the middle of the richest talent pool in the country. Yeah, no one would want to do that.

A Wille Taggert type or a mid major up and comer would take this job. No viable major name would take this job. Golden was a prototypical choice for the Miami job.
The slurpers and the mopes in this thread are both wrong. Delusional.
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

I'm not sure I really understand this. When Shannon left, there was barely any talent on the team, relationships with high schools were not in good shape and fans expected an immediate turnaround. Going off the assumption that Golden is fired this year, the team has talent, the recruiting situation is good (and likely wouldn't get to the point Shannon had it at regardless of what Golden does) and although fans also want a quick turnaround, I am willing to be the majority of fans (maybe not the ones on message boards) would have less expectations about turnaround time. Also, given what has happened the last 10 years, I would not be surprised if the people who can actually approve coaches' salaries might be willing to spend a little more this time to get a bigger name.
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.

Walk into a team that has a lot of talent on its roster and lies right in the middle of the richest talent pool in the country. Yeah, no one would want to do that.

No one wanted it the last three times. Why would it be different now?
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

As long as the BOT doesnt wait till its too late, this time around will be better than last. When Randy was fired, not only were we facing the uphill battle of being a cheap program, Randy's recruiting had completely fallen off and when all the kids left after 2010, a year we had double digit drafted, and we were left barren in terms of talent and everybody knew that, making us unattractive as a destination spot. This go around is different, one area Al and staff has been alright in, is the recruiting department. Yes we have had tons of misses but the classes have had talent in them, and the last one was best one of the bunch. Randy knocked it out of the park in 08, and 09 was okay and then he had the abortions that were 10 and 11. We are a program that just wont be able to land a competent coach that we can expect to stay for a long time, but we can hire an up and comer that can do damage here. We are so fortunate we are located where we are, and at this point the best this program can hope for is having a 3-4 year flash in the pan where we can be elite surrounded by mediocrity.
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

I'm not sure I really understand this. When Shannon left, there was barely any talent on the team, relationships with high schools were not in good shape and fans expected an immediate turnaround. Going off the assumption that Golden is fired this year, the team has talent, the recruiting situation is good (and likely wouldn't get to the point Shannon had it at regardless of what Golden does) and although fans also want a quick turnaround, I am willing to be the majority of fans (maybe not the ones on message boards) would have less expectations about turnaround time. Also, given what has happened the last 10 years, I would not be surprised if the people who can actually approve coaches' salaries might be willing to spend a little more this time to get a bigger name.

Money. You're not going to get an established top tier HC. It's a fact. We'll have to go for the young, fledgling head coach (e.g., Golden) or a highly-regarded coordinator. Mario has head coaching experience, community roots, and is learning under Saban. He's affordable. So, that's why I say that.
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

There are a lot of guys worth a **** not making 2.3 mil right now, it's all about what ur looking for as an administration
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.

We always seem to have some problems getting a coach. Wbat has worked is hiring a coach hungry for the NFL. Chud and Gregg are sitting out there, along with Butch--who seems to have no shot. Both need to hit a couple long balls to get the attention necessary for return to NFL HC. A NC at Miami has always been a Sunday ticket. I think we ould get Chud for reasonable money, understanding he isn't passing by an NFL HC gig once here. Maybe, just maybe, he could squeeze Butch in at DC, again he would come very cheap. That fixes any downturn from running Coley out of town. JJ and Dennis were not top name hot coaches when we got them. Howard was the biggest name we ever hired. Time is rip this year and at mid-season.
Not to burst your bubble, but if yall got your wish and Miami decided to fire Golden this year, there isn't a decent coach out there that would touch this job. Not after all Golden went through and had to put up with to get to this point.

Walk into a team that has a lot of talent on its roster and lies right in the middle of the richest talent pool in the country. Yeah, no one would want to do that.

No one wanted it the last three times. Why would it be different now?

Paul Dee was lazy and hired Coker, wouldn't really call that any type of coaching search. As for the other times, we don't really know who was interested. What we know is who Miami was interested in.
As much as I hate all the administration bashing on this site, Donna and the AD never told Al about Nevin Shapiro. Add to that below avg fan support and we will never ever land an established HC from the Big 5 conferences ---- need to look coordinators and HC outside of big 5 and NFL Coordinators
No top level coaches were interested. Anyone worth a **** only feigned interest to gain leverage with their existing employers. Sumlin had no interest. Mullen had no interest. I guarantee you if we were lucky enough to have another search this year, Mario is probably the best you can hope for.

There are a lot of guys worth a **** not making 2.3 mil right now, it's all about what ur looking for as an administration

No, man. We did an exhaustive search last time. No one with an established HC resume is taking this job for the money that will be available. You say there are a lot of guys worth a ****, but all those guys are unproven. You don't know whether they will turn out like Golden or Strong. The other elephant in the room is the money available for support resources. Saban is not elite because he's some type of football genius. He has a ridiculous amount of resources behind him. And that allows him to hire very competent people to handle a lot of the load.

So, you may be able to muster a respectable salary for a HC, but what about the coordinators and support staff? How much does UM invest in "non-football" positions in the athletic department that really are solely devoted to supporting the football program? There is just no comparison between UM and the major powers of CFB when it comes to financial support for the football team. That impacts our ability to bring in a proven name.

Of course, UM has never brought in a proven commodity next to Schnelly. But Jimmy, Erisksen, and even Butch assembled very good staffs. Without a proven HC coming in, and considering the financial constraints, you're looking at relying on either inexperienced coordinators or retreads with a new regime.