The facade of amateur athletes ends with this

Maybe. On the other hand, Miami has a way bigger local media market so there are TV commercials and other media appearances (can more than make up for tshirt sales). In any case, it's the right thing to do.
It does makes sense, but I’m not sure that a player is gonna have more opportunities here than a town where college football is everything. Sure there’s more peoole, but I’m not sure that translates to more interest in a college athlete.

Also... all those boosters in places like Tuscaloosa... this is where they come in. They will pour money into those kids pockets, legally, by hiring them for appearances etc. That won’t happen here.
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My concern isn’t that the game we know dies, it’s that the new game allows Bama, osu and the rest of the larger programs to spend us into oblivion.

So how is that any different from what we have today? The one thing that could level the playing field are the commercial opportunities in big cities. Players could get as rich or richer in the bigger local market. BangBus appearances (Miami Beach) alone would be worth tens of thousands. There is a reason why Lebron James wanted to play in NY, LA, or Miami when he'd get the exact same salary in Cleveland or Utah. He wants access to the larger local media market.
So how is that any different from what we have today? The one thing that could level the playing field are the commercial opportunities in big cities. Players could get as rich or richer in the bigger local market. BangBus appearances (Miami Beach) alone would be worth tens of thousands. There is a reason why Lebron James wanted to play in NY, LA, or Miami when he'd get the exact same salary in Cleveland or Utah. He wants access to the larger local media market.
The difference is that today whatever a booster hands out has to be hidden. If this law goes thru, all those boosters will be able to legally give these kids fortunes.

A kid at UM isn’t going to get that kind of treatment from boosters here. It’s not inconceivable that kids in Bama can make millions by boosters paying em for buii**** appearances or whatever. Kids here will make nowhere near that kinda scratch thru local businesses and appearances etc.

Also... these are not professional athletes. There will be nowhere near the interest for these kids that you’re assuming. Lebron James is an international superstar. Shaquille Quarterman is not. The money a college kid can make thru legit deals is nowhere near what a pro will make, let alone a superstar.

There are a couple kids in cfb each year that might make significant coin selling their likeness. There will be a ton of kids making significant coin selling their likeness to boosters. I doubt any of them will be at UM.
The difference is that today whatever a booster hands out has to be hidden. If this law goes thru, all those boosters will be able to legally give these kids fortunes.

A kid at UM isn’t going to get that kind of treatment from boosters here. It’s not inconceivable that kids in Bama can make millions by boosters paying em for buii**** appearances or whatever. Kids here will make nowhere near that kinda scratch thru local businesses and appearances etc.

Also... these are not professional athletes. There will be nowhere near the interest for these kids that you’re assuming. Lebron James is an international superstar. Shaquille Quarterman is not. The money a college kid can make thru legit deals is nowhere near what a pro will make, let alone a superstar.

There are a couple kids in cfb each year that might make significant coin selling their likeness. There will be a ton of kids making significant coin selling their likeness to boosters. I doubt any of them will be at UM.

So instead of Alabama, UGA, Ohio State, and Oklahoma in the playoffs every year it will be UGA, Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama. The boosters already give the kids fortunes. I don't see much changing. In any case, I think it's inevitable.
Can someone explain to me how this does NOT benefit Miami?

5 star QB choosing between Miami and Texas. Texas tells him their boosters will buy 500,000 jerseys week 1. basically a giant bag and then the booster can donate the jerseys to charity or whatever.

This is legal, UNLIMITED bags and miami can't pay that.
5 star QB choosing between Miami and Texas. Texas tells him their boosters will be 500,000 jerseys week 1. basically a giant bag and then the booster can donate the jerseys to charity or whatever.

This is legal, UNLIMITED bags and miami can't pay that.
We've already been through this above. Too many assumptions on what limitations would and would not be without consideration for market size, tv, instagram, etc.
We have like a 10% chance to compete with bags now with said recruit, so this leaves us at 0% chance to land said recruit. Means we wont win now and we wont win when the rule passes, the sooner fans realize we are a shell of our former selves and possibly never coming back the sooner we will go less crazy about said product on the field not looking like a real UM team.
We have like a 10% chance to compete with bags now with said recruit, so this leaves us at 0% chance to land said recruit. Means we wont win now and we wont win when the rule passes, the sooner fans realize we are a shell of our former selves and possibly never coming back the sooner we will go less crazy about said product on the field not looking like a real UM team.

This isnt going to pass
We have like a 10% chance to compete with bags now with said recruit, so this leaves us at 0% chance to land said recruit. Means we wont win now and we wont win when the rule passes, the sooner fans realize we are a shell of our former selves and possibly never coming back the sooner we will go less crazy about said product on the field not looking like a real UM team.
Give the talent we do get some actual coaching, combined w being in the coastal, and there’s no reason for Miami to not be in the conversation every year.

Anything can happen from there.
Get it out in the open, I'm good with it. For goodness sake, they're selling the kid's name. Put it in a truck if you have to.
They didn't think "free agency" in Florida high school football would either

Who is they?

And it isnt free agency in FL HS FB, it's free agency for ANY student. That always had a lot of support because parents want their kids to go to the best school possible
Can someone explain to me how this does NOT benefit Miami?

It will help but not eliminate the bags. The Alabama "fans" (read "Bag Men") will buy 100x times the number of T shirts that the Miami fan base will buy and indirectly put more money in the recruits pockets.
In a system like this, If I'm a stud WR and you already have Jerry Jeudy and Smith on the team both selling tons of jerseys, maybe I want to go somewhere else where there's less competition for consumer dollars. If I'm a stud QB with only 4 years to maximize my revenue generation, I'm not going anywhere that I might have to sit for more than a year. This might just incentivize talent spreading out a bit. It'll be hard to sell merch if I'm on the bench.
Free agency has and always will benefit the major markets. Lebron didn't go to LA to miss the playoffs. He went bc of the LA lifestyle and the opportunity outside of basketball LA provides.
Lmao at the people on here thinking that a players likeness can only be used for jersey sales. Bigger markets win in every major sport. Especially the bigger markets that happen to have nice weather and a beach.
Lmao at the people on here thinking that a players likeness can only be used for jersey sales. Bigger markets win in every major sport. Especially the bigger markets that happen to have nice weather and a beach.
Do you think Miami has more opportunities than Bama for those marketing dollars. We have exponentially more people here, but fewer fans who will buy because of a college player’s endorsement.

Also... the boosters in those sec cities will be able to legally funnel fortunes to their players in that scenario. Miami won’t be able to compete with that.

Any school with a significant bag game will be able to take that game to the next level. This rest of us won’t be able to compete.
Do you think Miami has more opportunities than Bama for those marketing dollars. We have exponentially more people here, but fewer fans who will buy because of a college player’s endorsement.

Also... the boosters in those sec cities will be able to legally funnel fortunes to their players in that scenario. Miami won’t be able to compete with that.

Any school with a significant bag game will be able to take that game to the next level. This rest of us won’t be able to compete.

The market in Miami is significantly bigger than Tuscaloosa or Clemson. Players will be able to use their likeness to do things like endorse products among other things. There is a big difference in being a star athlete in Miami or LA and being a star athlete in a small college town. There are a lot more opportunities to make money and set up future businesses. Like I said before, bigger markets dominate free agency in sports where players can make money. Look at the LA Rams. They were trash in St Louis and it's not a coincidence they quickly built their team up to win now through free agency. People thinking that ending amateurism in CFB would impact The U negatively are simply wrong.