The facade of amateur athletes ends with this

True. It seems like they made some really poor market assumptions for those [mostly] college towns.
Yep. Apparently ratings for sporting events across the board have been dropping. ESPN is gonna be pretty deep in the red.

So the next round of TV contracts is gonna have to be more television network friendly, I wonder how that’s gonna affect the conferences, and then the teams. It might be good for Miami if the tv money comes back down to earth.
This wouid change the face of CFB forever. It would kill the game as we know it.
what would be next ? corporate logos on helmets and jerseys during games like NASCAR ?
Need to see the bill to see how its structured. What is the scope of meaning of "making money on your likeness?" Can a kid get a product endorsement contract while still in college? Can the field goal kicker get paid to do a TV commercial for a local RV dealer the week after hitting the game winner in a rivalry game?

The obvious guess is that this will become the bag game (as others have already mentioned).
I think this creates more problems for the kids than just taking bags.
Yea they will get income from the merchandise but in doing so they might become/called self employed entities liable for payroll,taxes,Fica,etc. along with the federal taxes that come with their income from the merchandise sales.

The money from the bags will be there irregardless ,it will just be come from a different direction but with many more responsibilities for the athlete.

As was pointed out a booster will still be able to get the “ bag “ money to the kids by buying multiple T’s,Jerseys,etc. but the US Gov’t is gonna want their share something they’re not getting now.

Not sure how this helps Miami because the schools dropping the larger bags will still have more money to spend and will still be dropping larger money by buying larger qty’s Of merchandise so that doesn’t change so hows it benefit The smaller schools other than you will know whose spending more money which might then raise the red flags to the NCAA.

I mean if a kid sells 10,000 jerseys the first month I’d have to think a red flag might be raised unless it’s an $EC school and then it will just be considered business as usual.

I just see the large state schools with big fanbases and booster clubs being able to buy their recruits. Which is done now, to a degree, but if it were out in the open, I don’t see UM having the resources.
The game still remains the same
The huge alumni base schools that dominate now will continue to do so
It will always be the haves v the have nots to a degree
At least this way we can say, why go to Penn State (or wherever) and pay a state income tax on your merchandise royalties. Come to UM where there is no state tax.
Good thing Florida voters voted for the republican governor Ron DeSantis huh? Otherwise that advantage would be looonnggg gone😊
Just imagine when a coach can tell Johnny 5 Star he promises 250,000 t-shirts with his name on it will be sold the day after he signs.

No more bags, just completely legal merchandising guarantees.

Forget “Respect my decision”, the new catch phrase will be “Promoting my brand.”.

The NCAA & universities will never allow that. Can't see it period. Not even for like a penny a piece
The NCAA & universities will never allow that. Can't see it period. Not even for like a penny a piece

How are they going to defy a law?

They can’t stop it. It’s coming sooner or later. The only question is to what extent.

If they were smart they’d have gotten ahead of this years ago. Instead they just greedily ate up billions until they burst like pigs at a trough, while ******** over kids in the process.

Now it’s going to be decided for them.
How are they going to defy a law?

They can’t stop it. It’s coming sooner or later. The only question is to what extent.

If they were smart they’d have gotten ahead of this years ago. Instead they just greedily ate up billions until they burst like pigs at a trough, while ******** over kids in the process.

Now it’s going to be decided for them.
It's not a law because a bill is introduced. Now if it passes on all levels and is after appeals that's different. How would you propose they write this up? Because you realize ALL STUDENTS regardless of any circumstances would need the same exact stipulations. Not only that but then how do you handle the royalties on throwbacks? I'd love to see that. Cause the second it passes I'm suing for back pay on my royalties. I still see mine all over the place. You cant structure it based on sales. Cause then a few kids get everything and the vast majority of others get nothing. It opens an even bigger can of worms into women's sports. Once they see this it's gonna be a **** show. Cause women's sports get little support in comparison. It'll lead to issues eith the school in itself for how programs are being marketed. The intramural bowling squad will wan
Can someone explain to me how this does NOT benefit Miami?

I still see schools with massive alumni bases and boosters benefiting the most. They can guarantee these kids jersey sells. Boosters will buy thousands upon signing. We still don’t have boosters to compete with that. Now it’s just legal.
If a player is legally getting paid, he will want to live in a fun place to spend his money. These are teenagers we're talking about. What the f#ck are you going to do in Tuscaloosa with a million dollars? Kids will want to be in big cities like Miami so they can go to clubs and be seen. I see schools in major metropolitan areas like Miami and USC benefitting a lot from this (and other schools like G Tech in Atlanta and UW in Seattle).
Isn’t this the basis of Ed Obanon’s lawsuit? Anyone think this is down low play by the ncaa to end the litigation without taking an L?

a Congressman is supposedly introducing it. Its way too premature and has a long way to go to even be passed, plus probably a long legal fight. The NCAA will fight this, jsut like the o'bannon case.
If a player is legally getting paid, he will want to live in a fun place to spend his money. These are teenagers we're talking about. What the f#ck are you going to do in Tuscaloosa with a million dollars? Kids will want to be in big cities like Miami so they can go to clubs and be seen. I see schools in major metropolitan areas like Miami and USC benefitting a lot from this (and other schools like G Tech in Atlanta and UW in Seattle).

So a law will make them more interested in the used washer and dryer in Miami over the million dollars in Alabama? Good to know.
If a player is legally getting paid, he will want to live in a fun place to spend his money. These are teenagers we're talking about. What the f#ck are you going to do in Tuscaloosa with a million dollars? Kids will want to be in big cities like Miami so they can go to clubs and be seen. I see schools in major metropolitan areas like Miami and USC benefitting a lot from this (and other schools like G Tech in Atlanta and UW in Seattle).
Miami doesn’t have the booster or fanbase infrastructure to compete w the large state schools.

The way it looks to me it’ll be those boosters who will be the difference between what player can make at Miami vs OSU.
Miami doesn’t have the booster or fanbase infrastructure to compete w the large state schools.

The way it looks to me it’ll be those boosters who will be the difference between what player can make at Miami vs OSU.

Maybe. On the other hand, Miami has a way bigger local media market so there are TV commercials and other media appearances (can more than make up for tshirt sales). In any case, it's the right thing to do.
My concern isn’t that the game we know dies, it’s that the new game allows Bama, osu and the rest of the larger programs to spend us into oblivion.
THAT is exactly what i think
The more money out there the more the big schools continue to distance themselves imho